Chapter 143 vs [ Silver Gospel ] - III

"Their presence doesn't change anything" - Autumn snorted as she watched the enemy IS gather - "They just made my job easier"

"You're going to pay for attacking my boyfriend"-Charlotte said as she narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, how cute" - said the Phantom Task pilot - "I guess I'll kill them together so they don't go to the afterlife alone"

" you think my [Unique Ability] will work for you?" Houki asked as she looked at her exhausted boyfriend.

"No... but don't worry about me, I just need a few seconds to catch my breath"- answered the blonde as he looked at the girl from the red IS.

"I don't think you have that time"-Ichika said as he pointed towards [Silver Gospel] that was coming towards them along with the other black IS.

"Natasha! It's me, Tina!" -exclaimed the girl from the United States, only to see how her 'Older Sister' ignored her-"..."

"I'll take care of [Silver Gospel]"-Cloud said as he let out a sigh-"It's possible that Raiden can infiltrate the IS operating system to stop it"

"Please…save Big Sis" Tina said as she looked at the boy.

"That's what I plan"-nodded the blonde as he took a breath and launched himself against the silver IS.

"I guess it's time to work"-Laura said as a wild smile appeared on her face-"This will be fun"

"Laura is acting like when we met" - Cecilia murmured while the others nodded.

"I think we should be helping Cloud, not talking to each other" - Rin added and in the process, making everyone react.

* * * * *

Cloud quickly dodged the energy attacks from the silver IS as he inched closer and closer to his target, though to his annoyance, none of that mattered because when he was at a safe distance, [Silver Gospel] backed up almost immediately. .

[Sir... I need to be within a range of at least 10 meters in order to start the infiltration process]

"Ok" –the blonde agreed as he lunged at the silver IS again-"Can you at least tell me his Shield consumption? I'm sure he must be consuming an impressive amount of energy with those continuous attacks"

[I'd say it's shield is around 75%, although it's increased thanks to it's consuming solar energy. The good side is that the sun is about to hide]

Cloud quickly moved in a zigzag to be able to dodge more easily while he frowned as he noticed how a group of Auto-IS began to chase him-"Ok, this is starting to get annoying"

With a quick move, Cloud stopped his advance and started attacking the black IS around him because it was obvious that as long as those things were close, he couldn't approach [Silver Gospel] calmly.


"I know…" Cloud said as he began to sweat. The command to fly, passively consumed Mana from him, so he was slowly starting to get more and more tired.

* * * * *

"Hmm... I see that Cloud Strife is on the last of it" Autumn said as she looked carefully at the blond boy because he was the most dangerous of the group, but her expression changed when she noticed that a sword was in front of her. to his face-"!"

"First rule...never underestimate your opponent"-Ichika said as he looked at the woman, who was silent. She had managed to block the boy's attack with one of her legs, only to notice that it was completely destroyed.

"I guess [Byakushiki] is much stronger than we thought…" Autumn said as she coldly looked at the boy, "It's good to see you once again, Ichika Orimura."

"?" -Ichika couldn't hide his confusion when he heard this, which made the woman amuse-"What are you laughing at?"

"It seems that you blocked those memories... nothing strange seeing that it was the most stressful moment of your life" - Autumn said with amusement - "I'm going to make you remember... dark cellar, second Mondo Grosso"

"!" -Ichika shivered when he heard this as he widened his eyes-"Y-You!"

"That's right" - agreed the Phantom Task pilot - "You have grown up, Ichika Orimura... although you were prettier as a child... I still remember how you cried when I kidnapped you... a pity that I had to leave that place and leave you alone~"

". . ." Ichika's fury exploded when he heard the woman's words. In front of him was the one responsible for her sister not being able to participate as planned, because of her, he had to live alone because Chifuyu had to pay the favor to Germany for finding her location.

"Do I feel angry?" Autumn asked as she burst out laughing. "That's right! Hate me, Ichika Orimura!"

Ichika didn't say anything else. He had let his fury cloud her judgment.

"Ichika!" Rin exclaimed with surprise and fear upon noticing the way her boyfriend acted.

* * * * *

". . ." Cloud was breathing raggedly as the sweat on his forehead began to accumulate. He could feel how his energy was at critical levels but he couldn't stop, not when he had so many enemies around him- "H-How many...remain..."

[Around us, 15, sir. Fighting against the others, there are 40 left]

". . ." Cloud fell silent as he looked around him.

Houki had managed to destroy at least 25 of those Auto-IS with his AoE attacks, while the others weren't sitting still, although they couldn't come close to the number of kills from the brown-haired girl because she had the advantage in armament.

"How long do you think she can hold out?" Cloud asked as he looked over to where he [Silver Gospel] was.

[With the current energy consumption, I would say about 5 minutes before she falls unconscious from overexertion]

"I guess it's 5 minutes that I'll make the most of" -the blond muttered as his pupils turned reptilian-"Raiden... activate the [Limit Breaker] command"

[Lord... the consequences...]

"I know... but it's not time to worry about that" - Cloud said seriously - "Just activate it"

[As you order...]

Command [Limit Breaker], as its name says, breaks Cloud's barriers to forcefully increase all parameters. Raiden kept some of the energy Cloud used within himself and stored it for future use, though that command also had a critical side effect, and that was that the energy blast not only damaged the User's body, but also slowly destroyed the user's body. internal circuits of Raiden who was trying to contain the excesses of energy after the release of it, in other words, not only would Cloud end up out of action, but it was possible that Raiden would be permanently unusable.

"I'm sorry, old friend"-Cloud said as he felt how his body began to be flooded by a large amount of energy. Quickly his body was engulfed in white flames like [Amidamaru's].

[It was a pleasure fighting alongside you, sir...]

"Don't say those things... it's possible that we both survive this" - the blond replied calmly as he looked around coldly - "But then we'll talk, now we have to get rid of those things as quickly as possible to cause the least amount of damage." of damage to us"

[Entering critical status... maximum forced activation time... 5 minutes and counting... good luck sir...]

Cloud quickly disappeared from the scene and reappeared in front of the black IS, only to start his attack.

He gritted his teeth as he felt his skin constantly ripping and regenerating, though the pain from his ripping muscles made fighting more and more difficult.

"What's that?!" Houki exclaimed upon noticing the change in her boyfriend.

'Houki-chan...can you hear me?'

"Onee-chan?!" - The girl exclaimed in surprise.

'I'm going to put the games aside and go straight to the point... you have to finish your opponents quickly because C-chan is going into critical condition'

"What do you mean with that?!" - Houki shouted with surprise and concern.

"Because he's starting to consume his life force. From what we can detect from here, Cloud is using a lot of his energy to forcibly break through his limits for a while...but this is damaging." the vital systems of him slowly '

". . ." -Houki widened her eyes in surprise as she watched as her boyfriend fought with everything he had and destroyed the black IS one after another.

'His heart rate is so high that if they keep going up it could cause a sudden heart attack...or bursting of his blood other words...if he keeps fighting like that for too long ...he could die...'

"Girls!" Houki exclaimed as he looked around, "We have to end this, but now!"

"What's going on?" Charlotte asked with concern. She had never seen Houki so upset.

"We have to end these things immediately!" - Houki shouted - "Cloud is in danger!"

"!" - The girls widened their eyes in surprise when they heard this as they watched as the blond boy was destroying the few enemies he had left.

"I don't see that he is in danger"-murmured Laura, but her expression changed when she noticed the detail that Cloud was getting paler with the passing of the seconds, she even saw how he vomited blood from the internal wounds of the-"!"

"That power he's's slowly killing him..." Houki said as the others gritted their teeth in fury.

Rin was the only one who wasn't paying attention because she was focused on Ichika, who was fighting Autumn.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

well as you guys know cloud have a dragon bloodline

so why isn't he stronger or why??

Yes and no. First Yes, Cloud has a more durable body and a regenerative factor superior to a normal person, that makes him much stronger than the others, but no, because I am going to leave some details so that you understand my point of view.

A pure-blooded dragon, he is born a level 100 entity and the benefits of the Bloodline are more apparent the more levels there are. Take Olfa and Celestine for example, they both have full Bloodlines and if you notice, they not only give Skill buffs, but also Stat Point with each level they increase. In other words, let's say that a bloodline permanently gives 5 points of STR per level up, at level 10, it's only 50 points, it sounds like a lot but a normal person can match those stats or reduce the difference number with training, but if it's level 100, then it's 500 stats point, an abysmal advantage against a common person, don't you think?

Second, Cloud is not a dragon, he only has a Draconian Bloodline, in other words, he doesn't have any kind of bonuses yet, outside of increased regeneration and durability.

Third, even though he was a dragon, he would continue to have problems with his enemies with technologically advanced weapons, I'm going to take as an example the novel and anime Gate: JSDF and blah blah blah where a Dragon was annihilated by a fucking missile and despite the hardness of its scales, it still received minimal damage from the soldiers' bullets.


well guys Volume 3rd 1st chapter has been updated in pat... so you can read ahead it on pat platform...

Next World : Dragons Rioting


guys support me on p@treon and read upto 152 chapters of Source and read 18k words ahead of Marvel X DC Fanfic