Chapter 146 ( wake up )

". . ." Chifuyu was silent as she watched her best friend work without disturbing her because she could see the serious expression on her face.

* * * * *

Minutes passed and Tabane finally stopped as she quietly got up.

"How is he?" Chifuyu asked as she looked at the inventor.

"I can't do more…" Tabane sighed as she shook her head, "My nano machines were consumed by C-chan's blood the moment they entered… it's as if his body rejects everything not be like him..."

"Does that mean we have to wait until he recovers himself?" Chifuyu asked as she widened her eyes in surprise. Right now she wishes she had the potion that Cloud gave her... - "Right, the potion!"

"What are you talking about?" Tabane asked as she frowned.

"Cloud has a potion that considerably increases the regenerative factor, he gave it to me during our first Sparring"-Chifuyu said as she ran towards the blonde's room to see if she could find that concoction.

". . ." - Tabane frowned because it didn't sound very scientific, not even with the improvement in medical technology.

*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

Tabane was shocked to see Cloud's heart monitor beeping constantly as he watched as his heart rate increased with each passing second- "What's going on?!"

Tabane quickly sat down in front of the monitors and began to monitor all of the blond's biosignals, "How could his heart resist so much?!"

She couldn't believe anything she was seeing, it was as if all of Cloud's biological processes had increased by 200%-"This is bad... if this continues, his body probably won't resist! "

"Couldn't find her"-the raven-haired woman sighed as her expression changed upon hearing the constant sound of medical machinery-"Tabane?!"

"I'm working!" -exclaimed the inventor while she continued monitoring the situation- "Remember that I am an expert in technology, not a trained doctor!"

Tabane was working as fast as she could as sweat trickled down her forehead. Not even working with [Akatsubaki] had she tried that hard- "It had better be worth all this effort or I swear I'm going to hit him when he wakes up..."

"Tabane"-Chifuyu said as she walked towards where her friend was-"I need you to give me a report"

"I have two news, one good and one bad" - said Tabane seriously.

"Tell me the bad news first"-Chifuyu sighed as she shook her head.

"The minimum time for C-chan to wake up has increased..." - answered the inventor while looking at the monitor - "My plan worked... the unknown genome in C-chan's blood is waking up... but it seems that his body is not strong enough to withstand all that activity at the cellular level, that is why he is slowly adapting... or at least that is what I think, after all I am not a biologist, my knowledge of human anatomy are enough to be able to work with my toys"

". . ." Chifuyu frowned as she walked over to Cloud's bed and touched her forehead, only to immediately remove her hand because she felt like she was touching a boiling kettle-"What can we do to help you?" ?"

"I'd say give them the necessary nutritional supplements..." -Tabane answered as she saw how the activity of the blonde's cells began to decrease-"From what I see, he will need as much nutrition as possible to speed up the process of adaptation"

"Do you think he can be moved to the Academy?" Chifuyu asked seriously.

"The problems in his internal organs were the first to be solved, that's why there is no problem with the mobilization" -said Tabane seriously- "As for what to do next... we can only hope and pray for that recovers quickly

". . ." - Chifuyu nodded immediately and made some calls. She may not work for the army anymore but she was still the teacher at the Academy and had other contacts-"It's better that I go tell the girls about the situation, at least with that we can calm them down"

"Ok, I'll keep monitoring C-chan's biosignals"- Tabane said seriously as her gaze returned to the monitors- "And I hope you get used to my presence, because I don't plan to leave now that my ally is in such a bad condition. deplorable..."

"Why don't you just say you care?" - Chifuyu asked with a small smile - "It's the first time you show that kind of expression with someone other than Houki"

"We are allies and he still hasn't fulfilled his part"-snorted the inventor while she kept her eyes on the different screens-"And with all the effort I'm making, I'm going to have to ask for a new contract"

Chifuyu didn't say anything, she left the room to go to where the others were so she could explain everything that had happened, they deserved to know.

* * * * *

The days passed and soon two months had passed since the battle on Isla, and unfortunately for the girls, Cloud still hadn't woken up.

After returning to the Academy, all the girls went to the infirmary to accompany the blond, who was sleeping peacefully.

When Tatenashi found out about all this, she couldn't help but run into the room and start crying seeing what had happened. She couldn't deny it anymore, she had fallen in love with the boy after all the crazy situations they went through together.

The news that Cloud Strife was unconscious spread throughout the Academy, so it was obvious that the spies had reported his current state, although to everyone's surprise, Phantom Task did not attack during this time, all thanks to security. of the Facility had increased considerably.

Tabane stayed at the Academy, keeping an eye on Cloud's condition while the girls took turns caring for him, although for moments... personal, they called a nurse to take care of him.

Natasha Fairs decided to come to the Academy as a teacher in order to reduce the guilt she felt, in the process she would help train Tina.

The relationship between Cloud's group had changed a bit.

Ichika, Rin, Laura, and Tina had decided to fully focus on getting better after the events on the Island, especially Ichika, who felt that he was to blame for all the mistakes he had made during the fight. Rin also felt guilty, that's why she had decided to talk to Chifuyu to ask her for a hellish training with her boyfriend. Laura also joined so to speak, since after receiving instructions from her, she would leave so she could train alone.

Normality had returned for the students, although the girls of Class 1-A, things were very different because every day they met with Tina and Rin to go see Cloud while they waited for him to finally wake up.

* * * * *

"There are only a few weeks until the first semester ends…" Houki said as she sighed regretfully.

"Yes…" Charlotte replied as she shook her head.

According to the information given by Chifuyu, the Director of the Academy, she had decided to advance the vacations a few weeks due to the different events that had taken place during the year.

"How much longer do you think it will take him to wake up?" Cecilia asked with concern. Two months had passed and Cloud still hadn't moved a muscle.

"I don't know…" Houki sighed as she sighed again.

"I guess they're going to see Cloud too"-said Tatenashi as she walked from a corner-"Hello"

"Hello, Tatenashi-san" - said the girls. During the 2 months, they had gotten to know the Student Council President better, understanding that she wasn't as annoying as they thought, though it didn't change the fact that she was a prankster by nature.

"It's been a long two months," the blue-haired girl sighed as she shook her head. During this time, she had lost her glow slightly, acting more serious when the situation called for it.

"Yes…" - the girls of Class 1-A sighed as they entered the infirmary, only to see how Tabane was hugging a blond who was now awake - ". . ."

"Houki-chan! Look!" Tabane exclaimed excitedly as she looked at her sister.

"Cloud!" - The girls exclaimed as they jumped on the blond, only to groan in pain when they felt him collide with a steel wall.

"Where am I ?" the disoriented blonde asked as he looked around, "Tabane? Girls?"

"Ugh.." - the girls rubbed their heads as they looked at the boy with tears in their eyes.

"What happened?" Cloud asked as he tried to remember but everything felt blurry.

"Amnesia?" Tabane asked as she frowned "C-chan...what's the last thing you remember?"

"Right! We have to fight [Silver Gospel]!" exclaimed the blonde as he tried to get up, only to fall to the floor with a surprised look, "Why do I feel so heavy?!"

". . ." - The girls fell silent as they looked at Tabane with answers.

"C-chan...that fight is over"-Tabane replied as he looked at the boy-"We won..."

"Hey?" -Cloud couldn't believe what he was hearing but Tabane's serious expression told him that she wasn't lying- "Really?"

"Yes..." - nodded the inventor as she told him what had happened how he had gone out to fight first alone, how Houki and the others came to help him, how he fought against [Silver Gospel] while activating an unknown ability that finished him off leaving him in a deplorable state, as it had been two months since he had fallen unconscious.

". . ." - Cloud could only look towards the window with a blank look - "I see..."

It was over...


well guys Volume 3rd 6 chapters has been updated in pat... so you can read ahead it on pat platform...

Next World : Dragons Rioting


2 girls Who will be joining Cloud are :

1 - Chifuyu.

2 - ???


guys support me on p@treon and read upto 155 chapters of Source and read 18k words ahead of Marvel X DC Fanfic