Chapter 152 ( I invoke you )




It had been 5 days since Cloud had returned from the world of [Infinite Stratos] and the girls had already started to get used to their new life.

Tabane had been impressed with her new lab as it was slightly superior to the one in her world, and thanks to the 'information' gained from the [Gundam] series Anime, she had managed to get the inspiration she needed.

All the girls were aware of their Skills, so they had divided into groups to be able to improve their different skills, Chifuyu being in charge of training the vast majority, although honestly it didn't bother her in the least because she was used to it.

Houki easily became friends with Saeko, after all, the two of them had a lot in common, not to mention that having a similar style, the two of them had become great rivals who fought every time they had the opportunity.

Saya had decided to join Tabane as a researcher, since according to the inventor, it would be a waste to have that level of learning and intellect and waste it. Thanks to Tabane's tutelage, Saya began to become more and more intelligent and this was proven thanks to her consistent increase in INT.

Rei became Chifuyu's main student, after all, the black-haired woman was an expert in handling Spears and now that Tabane was working, the girls' weapons could only get better.

Rika and Maya took Cecilia and Charlotte under their wings, although after noticing that they were stuck, they decided to try to change their combat style, starting bow and arrow training. It was more primitive but it was better than being in one place without being able to advance, not to mention that not all worlds had a high level of technology.

Shizuka supported herself by studying medicine and in her spare time she went to Tabane for help with her studies. Although the inventor was not a doctor, her knowledge of human biology was not scarce, not for nothing had she been responsible for ensuring Cloud's stability when he was unconscious.

Miku decided to ask Yuriko for help, after all, if there was anyone who knew how to use her feminine qualities to her full potential, it was none other than the older Takagi.

Kyoko for her part didn't really know what to do in her spare time, so after talking it over with Cloud, she decided to start her training as a [Summoner].

"Are you sure about this?" Cloud asked seriously.

"Yes" - agreed the brown-haired woman.

"Ok" - Cloud didn't say anything else. If this was what she really wanted, then he wouldn't deny her request.

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[Call (R)]

Summon Dark Magician in Attack Mode... End my turn

Effect 1: Summon a low-ranking Familiar. The type of familiar depends on the User and this varies depending on the personality and soul of the User.

Effect 2 (Union): Familiar Will consume 1/4 of the User Experience to grow but as payment, the user will get skills from the Familiar.

Effect 3 (Progression): +1 to a Stats when leveling up (The Stats depend on what type of familiar the User has)

Data: Introductory Skill, required for [Calling (SR)]

Fact 2: Familiar needs to have gone through two [Limit Breaker] processes and be at its maximum level in order to acquire [Calling (SR)]

Price: 500,000 SP

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Pikachu I choose You!

Effect 1: You can control X number of beings (X = User Level/5 (1 being the minimum number)(Relatives do not enter this number)

Effect 2: +100 Affinity with tamable Creatures (Pokémon, Digimon, Familiars, among others).

Effect 3: +25% EXP gained by Familiars.

Price: 500,000 SP

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Race: Pokemon (Starly)

Sex: Female

Types: Normal/Flying

Lvl: 1/10 (First Limit)

[STR: 8][DEX: 6][INT: 5][VIT: 5][LUK: 5]

Skill: [Peck] [Fly] [Lynx Sight]

Important Data: When a Tamed creature reaches the level limit, it will have to fight against an entity strong enough to break that limit. When he does, his Stats will grow and the level will go back to 1 (No Stat Reduction), when that happens the level cap will increase and the process will repeat.

Price: 100,000 SP

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"Star?" - the little bird Pokémon looked around in confusion.

"You are so cute!" - Kyoko exclaimed when she saw the little bird.

"Star!" -Starly quickly tried to get out of the woman's grip, but after a few seconds she calmed down when she felt the resonance she had with her- "Star?"

"I guess that would be all" - the blonde smiled seeing how happy Kyoko was now.

"Thank you! I promise now I won't stop until I'm as strong as the others!" Kyoko exclaimed excitedly as she remembered that she hadn't summoned her Familiar yet- "Right... I forgot..."

The woman quickly began to recite an incantation as a yellow circle appeared in front of her.

The girls began to gather upon noticing this mystical scene.

"Interesting...she's performing a summoning ritual"-Mumbled Olga as she calmly watched Kyoko-"It's a very good way to go"

"I wonder what kind of entity he will be summoning...perhaps a reptile?" Celestine asked as she tilted her head. "Maybe another bird like the little one on her shoulder?"

"I don't know but soon we will know" - answered olga - "Look, the ritual is about to end"

"I invoke you!" - Kyoko exclaimed as the magic circle glowed brightly, only for after a few seconds the light disappeared and a small black cat appeared.

"Nya?" - the little cat looked around in confusion.

"A cat?" - Asked Saya with surprise - "Kyoko sensei summoned a cat?"

"According to the information I gathered from the System abilities... [Call] summons an entity that is compatible with the user..." - Tabane added while looking at the small animal - "A black cat... a related entity with bad luck..."

Kyoko fell to her knees when she heard this because she had to admit, she didn't have the best of luck.

"Nya?" -The little black cat approached the woman and licked her hand, as if she was asking if she was okay.

"Yes… I am" Kyoko smiled as she took the little animal.

"Nya~!" -the black cat began to purr when she felt the soft hands of her Master caressing her fur.

"I guess there's a change of plans... Kyoko will be the one to get the skill [Cat Lover]" – cloud said as he looked at the little cat.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Kuroo

Breed: Family (Cat)

Lvl: 1/10

[STR: 10][DEX: 15][INT: 10][VIT: 15][LUK: 1]

Skills: [Bad Luck Aura]


[Bad Luck Aura]

Fuko da...

Effect 1 (Aura): Reduces the user's LUK to 1 but at the same time also does it for all enemies within 100 meters of the user.

Effect 2 (Luck Eater): Permanently consumes all Luck of enemies influenced by [Aura] and permanently increases the User's and their Master's lowest Stat by X points (X = 20% LUK Consumed) (Cooldown : 1 month)


". . ." - Those present remained silent because they understood that the little cat that was in front of them was stronger than it seemed.

"Playing with luck, it's like playing with destiny..." -said Olga as she frowned-"I guess you got an awesome ally"

"Nya!" Kuro nodded proudly.

"Star!" exclaimed the little bird as she flew away excitedly.

"Let's better change the subject" - Cloud said calmly as he transferred the [Cat Lover] skill to Kyoko, only to see how much happier Kuro was by his side - "The System told me that tomorrow would be the day I would start my second trip"

"As soon?!" The girls exclaimed in surprise.

[Sorry to say but that's how it is]

". . ." - Those present fell silent when they heard the system.

[Although this time, he will be able to take two of you]

"!" The girls looked at each other seriously.

"Can you tell me what kind of world I'm going to?" Cloud asked with a frown.

[You will go to a world where Martial Arts Rule]

"I see…" the blonde muttered as most of the girls backed away.

"Meh, I lost interest"-said Tabane as she shrugged-"I don't get anything out of going"

"We will be at a disadvantage in that place, more if we can't use our IS" - Charlotte said as the long-range group nodded.

"I don't think it would be useful in that place…" Saya muttered as she frowned.

"I want to continue sharpening my techniques" - Houki said as Saeko nodded - "Me too... I feel like I'm about to break another barrier.

"I'm not ready yet"-Miku said as she scratched her cheek.

"That leaves three of you"-Cloud said as he looked at the 3 remaining women: Chifuyu, Yuriko and Shizuka-"I guess I know who to pick..."

* * * * * *

A boy with black hair and a well-trained physique, he was moving at high speed through a large group of women.

"No to eroticism... no to bad thoughts..." - the boy thought with a calm look - "Having a clear mind, a silent and serene heart... that is the basis of Ryuuha..."

"Do you know how to get to Nangoku-Ren High School?" asked the male voice that surprised the boy because he hadn't felt his presence.

"Did you say Nangoku-Ren? The high school is on top of that cliff" - the black-haired boy replied normally.

"Thank you" - thanked the stranger.

"What a strange guy..." - Rintaro muttered when he noticed that the stranger had disappeared.

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guys support me on p@treon and read upto 164 chapters of Source and read 18k words ahead of Marvel X DC Fanfic