Chapter 154 ( Perverted Teacher )

"Who are you and how dare you stop my fun?!" Kyouka roared furiously.

"I'm sorry, she's my fiancée"-Cloud said as he took a firm breath because he felt his blood begin to boil. What he said about his 'sickness' was true, with the rise of his bloodline, his instincts were once again starting to go haywire.

". . ." -Kyouka's expression changed, so she snorted while she looked at her troops-"We're leaving, I've lost my appetite"

"Hai!" - The girls exclaimed as they walked alongside their leader, but not before giving the blonde in front of them a look. He had not only managed to hurt their leader, but had also managed to fight on the same level.

"Are you alright, Cloud-chan?" Shizuka asked with concern noticing the change in her lover's expression.

"S-Shizuka..." Cloud muttered as he breathed raggedly.

"What is happening?" - Ayane asked when she noticed that boy's expression so strong.

"He...he suffers from a somewhat...peculiar illness"-Chifuyu said as she walked along with the other 3 boys.

"He fought like this even when he was sick?!" Ayane exclaimed in surprise. The look she gave the blond boy had turned from admiration to one of fanaticism, "If he fought like this while he was sick...that means he's a lot stronger than I thought!"

"I think we have a little misunderstanding... the disease he has is not one that weakens him" - Shizuka answered while looking at the red-haired girl - "What he does, is that when he is excited, his fighting instinct increases with every second that passes... but..."

"But?" - Asked one of the girls behind Ayane.

"But when the effect wears off…he goes into a state of…" Shizuka murmured as her cheeks flushed red-"W-Well….I can't tell!"

"What my friend means, is that when Cloud 'calms down', the arousal levels he had during the fight increase and he... well... ok, this is a bit awkward" - said Chifuyu, who sincerely I didn't know how to explain something so delicate. Yes, she was an adult, but it was still uncomfortable to talk about these kinds of topics, especially when she was once again experiencing the discomforts of being a teenager.

"What they are trying to say is that Cloud is hot"- Tamao replied as a drop of sweat ran down his head as he noticed the confusion in the girls' eyes- "he wants to have sex"

"Oh..." - the girls blushed when they heard this because they never thought to hear something so embarrassing.

"I-I see...but isn't that a problem?" Ayane asked with concern.

"No... that's what I'm here for" - Shizuka said with a big blush.

"Injustice!" Tamao and Kousuke yelled as they cried tears of blood. It was unfair that only Bishonen got lucky with girls.

The girls blushed even more when they heard the blonde girl's words.

"Etto... can't they only have sex when they're married?" Ayane asked in confusion.

"Is she so innocent?!" - Those present exclaimed among their thoughts.

"Hmm… I think you better take him to the infirmary, Shizuka" – Chifuyu said as she watched Cloud fall to his knees with his ragged breathing.

"Right! Tell the teacher we have a situation!" Shizuka exclaimed as she grabbed Cloud and carried him with ease, one of the small benefits she gained during her constant training.

"Now that I think about it... what class are they in? Third Year?" Ayane asked curiously.

"No... for reasons we can't explain, we haven't been in classes for two years so they enrolled us in first year" - Chifuyu answered with embarrassment.

"I see... that means we'll be classmates!" - Ayane exclaimed excitedly - "Okay, I've made up my mind!"

"What did you decide?" Tamao asked as he looked at Ayane carefully. He had to admit that the girl had a spectacular body, on the same level as Chifuyu's.

"I'll make that boy my teacher!" Ayane exclaimed excitedly.

"Ha?!" -Those present could only look at Ayane as if she was an idiot.

"What? Did I say something strange?" Ayane asked in confusion.

"How did you come to that decision?" Chifuyu asked seriously.

"He's strong, to the point where he can fight Kyouka, the strongest Dragon on the same level"- Ayane said seriously- "If I train under him, then I'll get even stronger!"

"It's childish logic but it makes sense" - agreed Rintarou, who was relaxed when he noticed that all the girls present were in acceptable clothes despite the fact that most of them had huge breasts, although not at the level of Ayane and Chifuyu, much except for Kyouka and Shizuka.

"As much as I would like to continue this conversation, we better go to our classes or we'll end up in trouble" - Tamao said while Kousuke nodded - "You don't know how dangerous teachers are when they get angry"

"See ya guys!" - exclaimed the blond boy - "By the way, congratulations on entering Nangokuren!"

"Certain!" - Ayane exclaimed as the girls who followed her, ran with her towards the interior of the High School.

"I guess we have to do the same, Rintarou-dono" - Chifuyu said but fell silent when she saw that the boy had disappeared - "It's strange... anyway, I better go to class so I can inform the teacher about the mishap between Cloud and Shizuka-san"

* * * * *

"I was told this would be bad…but I never thought it would be this bad…" Rintarou muttered as he looked around in terror. Girls...girls everywhere he looked.

"Eh?! Aren't you the guy who was with Sensei?!" Ayane exclaimed as she looked at Rintarou.

"He still doesn't agree to be your teacher"- Rintarou replied as he gave her a blank look- "And from what I see, he will be in this class too"

"Right... there are three empty seats" Ayane agreed as she fell silent as the teacher entered.

"Everyone to your places, I have an announcement to give you"-said the teacher as she walked towards her desk. She was beautiful. black hair pulled back into a bun, a body that would give Shizuka's as an adult a run for its money, and that was exposed thanks to her wearing a black mini skirt, a white short-sleeved shirt, and a black vest that she wore. her top three buttons were open, revealing her generous cleavage - "First of all, welcome to a new semester, my name is Okina and I will be the teacher in charge of this course... I hope that the holidays have not been bad for you and you start to slack..."

". . ." - The girls were silent as they nodded.

"Alright, now let's welcome our new students, first Rintarou-kun" - the teacher smiled.

"Nice to meet you" - said the boy while the girls looked at him curiously.

"Now you can come in" - Okina said as Chifuyu entered the room.

"She is beautiful!" - The girls exclaimed with appreciation as they watched the beautiful black-haired girl enter.

"You can introduce yourself"-Okina said as she nodded.

"My name is Orimura Chifuyu..." - Chifuyu said normally - "That's all"

"That is all?" - That was the only thing the girls could think of.

"What a... interesting presentation..." - Okina said as she shook her head - "Well, I also have to announce that there will be two other students, although they are not here because they had a little... accident.. ."

Okina could only blush when she heard about the blonde boy's situation while she bit her lip. As professional as she was, she couldn't deny that she was a pervert, a big pervert.

Ayane blushed too but quickly calmed down.

"Anyway, welcome to this new semester" - smiled Okina - "I hope you keep giving us good surprises, Senseiryuu Ayane... leader of the Ryozenpaku group"

Rintarou gave the girl a confused look because it was obvious that she was important if she had such an ostentatious title.

"Which Flash Star Dragon…huh?" the boy analyzed as he looked at Ayane.

"No one knows what your group is capable of... but if it has remained stable after a semester... that means you have the talent and the potential to fulfill that" - Okina said as she looked the girl in the eye - "But... have you made your decision yet?"

"Yes ma'am!" - the girl exclaimed firmly.

"I see…it's good to hear…I wish you luck on your way to the top" Okina nodded seriously, only to take her breasts and start kneading it. The teacher could feel her body temperature rising as well as her excitement - "But you have to understand that fighting isn't everything~! You also have to live your youth to the best of your ability so look for love~! Ha ~!Ha~!"

". . ." Chifuyu fell silent as a neutral look appeared on her face. She never thought of meeting a teacher like the one in front of her.

"Empty my mind…" Rintarou muttered as he closed her eyes.

". . ." - The girls were equally confused by the sudden change in their teacher so they didn't know how to react.

"Understood?" Okina asked with a serious look.

"H-Hai..." - agreed the girls in the class.

"I have a slight feeling that we will see this woman quite often…" Chifuyu murmured as she shook her head.

*Ding Dong Ding Dong!*

"I guess that would be all for now, you can go" - said the teacher - "Use the rest of this class to get to know your environment better those who are new"

"Thank you" - Chifuyu nodded, only to notice how Rintarou had disappeared again - "Ok, that boy needs to calm down a bit..."


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