Chapter 170 ( kokua ) bonus+chapter

"What is that, Cloud-chan?" - Shizuka asked when she saw how a group of crows began to make a kind of ladder in the direction where Meru and the others were.

"I don't know, but I feel like it will be a pain in the ass later" - Cloud sighed as he said to ignore the girl who was jumping over the birds with incredible mastery, although he had to admit that he had to have a great skill to be able to pull off a trick like that.

* * * * *

"Hey?" - Rino's group could only open their eyes in surprise when they saw the strange scene of a girl jumping over some crows.

". . ." -Rino for her part, could only frown because she recognized who it was-"Kokua (Black Crow)..."

The newcomer, she delicately jumped to the ground while looking around with an emotionless gaze. She was as beautiful as a porcelain doll in her black goth outfit coupled with a long slit skirt that showed none of her white thighs. Her soft platinum white hair coupled with her cold and emotionless pale blue eyes, a body not as proportionate as many of the Nangokuren girls but it only made her look more delicate-"..."

"Who are you?" - Asked one of Rino's subordinates, only to see how the newcomer was calling her with her hand - "Huh?"

The platinum white haired girl called her again to come closer as the second year girl walked in her direction- "Okay? Oh...I don't like to talk loudly..."

". . ." -The others just kept silent while the newcomer communicated with her partner.

(Please, move...) - the white-haired girl whispered.

"Huh? Move me?" -asked the girl with surprise while she frowned seeing how the newcomer nodded- "If you want to get through so much, then move through us..."

(I ask you to please move...) - repeated the girl.

"I already told you, if you want to advance, then you have to go through us!" - exclaimed the girl only to receive an 'Ok'.

With a quick and precise movement, the pink-haired girl passed through Rino's subordinates as she left behind afterimages thanks to her sheer speed.

"!" - The second year girls could only see with surprise what had happened while the sweat began to accumulate on their backs. If the girl had wanted to, she could have dealt them a fatal blow with great ease.

"I see you're still fast, Kokua"-Rino said as she looked at the girl in front of her, only to frown when she saw that she was ignoring her-"I'm talking to you"

". . ." - Kokua gave her a look, then focused on Meru.

"It's been a while, Erin!" Meru exclaimed excitedly as she gave the newcomer a smile.

Erin nodded at her words as she leaned closer to whisper-(Same here, Meru-sama)

"Did anything interesting happen while I was missing?" - Asked the girl with light blue hair.

(The appearance of an unknown Dragon that I'm sure you've already met)-replied the white-haired girl-(Her power far exceeds that of Kōgōryū)

"Ho~?" Meru's eyes sharpened when she heard this because she had only heard the rumor that Kyōka had been defeated, not about the difference in abilities.

(Not to mention that he uses a strange technique that transforms his Ki into fire)-Erin continued seriously-(To the point of creating a great destruction... that makes it clear to me that the nickname of him as Kokuryū suits hia as finger ring)

Meru's smile couldn't be bigger when she heard this because an idea appeared in her mind as she remembered how Rino had been pestering her to keep her promise.

(Do you want me to make contact with Kokuryū so you can talk to him?) - Erin asked neutrally.

"Of course"-Meru smiled as her expression turned serious, not because she had found the missing piece to her plan, but because she could finally have that fight she wanted so badly as retirement.

". . ." -Rino for his part, only frowned even more when he noticed Meru's expression.

"Ok, I'm done greeting Erin-chan, we can get back to our business, Rino-chan" - Meru said as she watched her white-haired friend speed away - "First of all, I haven't had any clues about your older sister, Ren...although knowing her, she has to be training on a distant mountain"

". . ." -Rino's expression didn't change when she heard this because she knew her sister wouldn't let herself be discovered so easily.

"As for the [Hagen Agreement], I won't be able to fulfill it until I can see the potential of the last dragon" - Meru replied with an innocent smile - "After all, how can you say that you are at the top of Nangokuren if didn't you defeat all your opponents?"

". . ." - Rino was silent as she analyzed the words of the third year girl - "I see... it makes sense..."

"That's why I'm going to challenge Kokuryū" - continued the light blue haired girl - "If I win him, I'll continue with the agreement because that will show that I'm still the strongest person in Nangokuren, but if I lose..."

"You won't lose..." - Rino said coldly - "Because if you lose... it means that Ren would also lose because the two of them drew in all their fights..."

"Hehehe~ right..." - Meru smiled as she turned around and walked towards High School - "But you have to remember this, Rino-chan... outside of Nangokuren there are a lot of people who are much stronger than you." what you think... after all, there are a wide variety of talents in the world"

". . ." - Rino didn't answer him. She just ordered her subordinates to retreat from her while she waited for Meru to emerge victorious from her fight against Nangokuren's new dragon.

* * * * *

Cloud was walking back to his room after having escorted Shizuka to her room after theiy date. He was calm but his expression changed when he saw a beautiful woman who honestly reminded him a bit of Laura Bodewig- "Who are you?"

". . ." - but the girl only answered with silence.

"You can not speak?" Cloud asked with surprise, and it increased when she saw how the girl was telling her to come closer, which she did because she didn't feel any kind of bad intentions from the girl.

(I'm sorry I can't talk to you normally but I'm not very comfortable with the idea that others hear my voice) - said the girl, although Cloud had to admit that she had a beautiful voice, to the point that he had to shake his head to be able to get it out of his head - (Is something wrong?)

"No... it's nothing" Cloud denied as he looked carefully at the girl. She had beautiful platinum white hair, long as a waterfall that reached her waist, features that could be said to be perfect- "By the way... good choice of clothes... the gothic style suits you well"

(Thank you) - replied the girl neutrally, although this was because she was like that - (My name is Erin but you can call me Kokua and I'm a third year student)

"Kokua...Asuna told me about you..."-Cloud said with interest-"She told me that even though you're not a dragon, you're someone strong, and that your abilities to get information from high-ranking.. ."

(Thank you for the compliment) - replied the girl with a whisper - (But I did not come to introduce myself, but because Hatenko wants to talk to you about something important)

"Hatenko? You mean the girl with light blue hair?" The blond asked in surprise as his expression turned serious. "May I know the reason?"

(I'm sorry... Meru-sama told me that if you wanted to know more, you had to go talk to her) - answered the girl while giving her a look - (I can only tell you that if you go, you will have the fights you are looking for because she is currently the strongest student in Nangokuren)

"I see…" the blonde muttered as he watched as the girl-"Ok… where do I have to go…"

(Follow me please)-replied Erin as she started to walk with Cloud behind her.

* * * * *

"So Meru-chan is back" - Kyōka said as she let out a laugh upon hearing Kako's report - "Things are going to get much more interesting over the next few days with her here"

The third year dragon was still in bed from the pain she felt but now that she knew her friend was back, she felt like the pain from her fight was fading away.

"I wonder if she will fight Cloud Strife"-Mumbled Kyōka as she felt her blood begin to boil. Meru had been one of the people responsible for her turning into a dragon, which is why she held the blue-haired girl in high esteem.

"We also have reports that Kokua made contact with Strife" Chiyoko replied as she shrugged her shoulders "Information fresh out of the oven Hehehe~"

"How did they know so quickly?" Kyōka asked curiously.

"Because they decided to put a few spies near the boys' room to keep an eye on Kokuryū after he defeated you"-answered Honori while the others gave her an annoyed look that she just ignored.

"HAHAHA!" -Kyoka's laugh was immediate as she looked fondly at her subordinates, no, her friends.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

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