Chapter 172 ( Dragon Vs Tiger )

A new day had arrived and classes were over, but none of that mattered because it seemed that something important was about to happen.

The girls from each year were heading towards the courtyard with excitement because right now something was about to happen that would be remembered for a long time.

"Sensei…" Ayane muttered as she watched as countless girls began to gather.

"But it's not Senseiryū! Hahaha!" - Kyōka exclaimed upon seeing Ayane - "I see you've trained..."

"Kōgōryū..." - Ayane said with a frown - "I see you recovered"

"Hehehe, don't even think that I'll stay in bed when I can see a battle like this" - snorted the third year dragon with disdain - "By the way, you should trust the blonde more"

"?" -Ayane could only give Kyōka a surprised look when she heard her words.

"What? He defeated me, ok?" -Kyoka said seriously- "It would be a real disgrace to me if the person who defeated me, is defeated before he could strike back"

"I understand what you're trying to say"-said Keiko as she nodded-"I don't want anyone to defeat Shizuka until he manages to beat her up"

"Shizuka?" Kyōka asked in confusion.

"The blonde girl who is Cloud's fiancée" Makoto answered "she's not strong but she's fast"

". . ." -Kyōka started to think that maybe she should try defeating Shizuka first but she quickly shook her head because even she knew it was a stupid idea.

"I see I'm the last…" Rino said as she looked at the others. She had come along with her closest subordinates to see the outcome of the battle between Cloud and Meru.

"Hehehe~, the last dragon is here"-Kyoka said as she looked at the newcomer-"I wonder what kind of reaction you will have when the Batsuzangai Ceremony is over"

"The same one I always have" - ​​Rino replied neutrally - "Because Meru is not going to lose"

"That's where you're wrong, Ransuiryū" - replied the third year dragon - "Cloud Strife is much more dangerous than you think and I'm not saying that because he defeated me, but because I didn't see his full strength when we fought..."

". . ." -Rino didn't answer, she knew that Cloud was dangerous but she had in mind that he wouldn't be more destructive than Meru, after all, Hatenko was able to tie with her older sister-"We'll see"

Saying that, she continued to advance as the female students from Nangokuren made their way.

"She's still just as bitter" - Kyōka said bored.

"Kyōka-sama...we better go to our post"-Kako said as she ignored Ayane and the others.

"I think Ransuiryū is not the only one who needs a boyfriend" - Keiko said with disdain.

* * * * *

"According to the information we managed to gather..." - said a hurt Tamao - "All those sexy girls are gathering to witness the battle between Kokuryū and Hatenko, the strongest girl in High School... though I feel like they didn't tell us the complete information because in the middle of all these people, there is an old building..."

"Kōgōryū is not the strongest?" Rintarō asked in surprise. He always thought that Kyōka was the strongest, well, after Cloud.

"No..." -Kousuke denied- "Hatenko is the strongest girl in Nangokuren. She managed to tie with Gentōryū, the Dragon that came closest to Nangokuren's domain, when she was still here"

"How did they find that out?" Rintarō asked curiously.

"We have information about all the girls and Gentōryū is no exception, although we only get almost nothing from her" - answered Tamao while looking in the direction of Rino - "And among that information we got... we discovered that Gentōryū... is the Ransuiryū's older sister, Rino"

". . ." -Rintarō was surprised when he heard this because he never thought that a clan would be lucky enough to produce two Dragons. He had seen the battle between Cloud and Kyōka, as well as sensed the hidden aura of Rino and Ayane, which is why he could say for sure that each of the Nangokuren Dragons was a Martial Arts prodigy that was born one. every 10,000,000 people.

"Here comes Kokuryū!" - a girl exclaimed as everyone looked in the direction where the girls were making their way, showing a handsome boy with blond hair, blue eyes with slanted pupils and a well-trained body that could not be hidden by his uniform - "I guess they are [Metsuryū ]..."

Walking behind Cloud came Asuna, who was surveying the surroundings with an analytical gaze, Rumina and Rurina as her escorts, and finally the two girls who had accompanied Cloud since he entered Nangokuren, Shizuka and Chifuyu.

"Asuna-sama!" - The two boys shouted when they saw how the black-haired girl was next to the blond boy.

"Hmph!" Asuna looked at them when she heard her name but quickly looked away in disdain when she saw who they were.

* * * * *

"So the Idol got courage..." - Kyōka said with surprise seeing the change in the girl, because now, she was showing a very different aura than the one she had when she worked for Rino - "Interesting... now she It looks like a good snack... Hehehe~"

The other girls accompanying Kyōka were also surprised to see the change in Asuna, after all, they also looked down on her when they saw how she used to be.

"Just a few days and she's changed so much…" Honori muttered in surprise.

Although they weren't the only ones surprised because Rino and his group couldn't believe their eyes either.

"Is this Asuna?" Ryōko asked in surprise.

Shū frowned as she noticed how the girl they had looked down on now seemed to be a true warrior because this was as if they were slapping their group in the face, after all, Asuna was her subordinate for more than a year. year and only changed when he commanded another Dragon.

Rino for her part, she only gave the girl a glance before losing interest, after all, she didn't really care what changes her former subordinate had.

"Here comes Hatenko!" - exclaimed a girl while the others began to make noise and make way.

"Wow~! This is quite a crowd~!" Meru smiled as Erin looked around apathetically.

* * * * *

"She's..." Rintarō muttered as he looked at the supposedly strongest girl in Nangokuren.

"She's not just a girl?!" Tamao and Kousuke exclaimed in surprise.

"Who called me girl?!" Meru exclaimed furiously. If there was one thing that infuriated him, it was being called a girl because despite her appearance, she was 18 years old.

"Hiiiiii!" - The two boys trembled in fear upon seeing the girl's cold gaze.

Rintarō for his part, just shook his head as he carefully observed the girl who had just arrived.

Despite her childish appearance, he could sense an aura that was far superior to Kyōka's—"I guess she well deserved her title as the strongest student in High School."

"Rintarō... are you a lolicon?" Tamao asked.

"Yeah... that's the only way you're concentrating so much on that little girl" - added Kousuke, only to fly away after they said those words.

". . ." -Rintarō for his part, again shook his head when he saw how Meru had reached the side of the 3 boys.

"You should look for better company, boy"-Meru said as she looked at Rintarō with a frown-"I feel a deep aura in you... who are you?"

"I'm just an ordinary boy looking to live his stay in Nangokuren in peace" - Rintarō replied calmly.

"Hmm..."-Meru frowned when she heard this as she quietly watched the boy-"Ok...I'll let it slide this time...but next time we meet, you'll have to fight me, boy ordinary"

"OK" - the black-haired boy agreed as he saw how Meru again walked in the direction of the Cloud to start their battle - "That was close... although I feel that now my life in Nangokuren will be a little more complicated... "

He noticed how all the girls who were next to him were looking at him in surprise upon hearing Meru's words. If what Hatenko said was true, then the 'ordinary' boy, he had the potential to be a fifth dragon.

". . ." Rintarō just sighed regretfully as he walked away. He knew that he wouldn't be able to enjoy the battle in peace now that they were paying attention to him.

* * * * *

"That boy..." - Rino muttered as she watched Rintarō walk away - "I want information about him... if Hatenko was interested in him, it means he's not as useless as I thought"

"Hehehe~! I knew my instincts weren't wrong!" Kyōka exclaimed excitedly as she watched the boy walk away.

Ayane for her part only looked at Rintarō calmly because she already knew that he was strong, after all both Cloud and Chifuyu had made it clear.

"It's about to start!" -Keiko exclaimed with emotion when she saw how Meru was now in front of Cloud-"The one that could be the most exciting of the year! The Batsuzangai Ceremony between Hatenko and Kokuryū"

"I share your opinion" - Makoto nodded as she watched the two combatants - "Hatenko is considered the strongest student in Nangokuren... let's see what kind of strength she will show"

"Sensei will win" - Ayane replied seriously - "There's no doubt about that"

"Exactly... Cloud-sama will win" Asuna replied as she walked towards the [Ryōzenpaku] girls along with the other [Metsuryū] members.

involved in all this.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

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