Chapter 177 ( The Strongest Team )

"I like your style" - Kyōka said as she walked to where Cloud and Asuna were - "Not to mention that your change is something well received... I hope you give me a good fight one day"

"I promise to do it, Kyōka-san"-Asuna said as she nodded seriously.

"Kakaka~! I'll be waiting for him" - the third year dragon smiled, then looked at the blond - "It's a pity that we can't fight..."

Cloud just shrugged when he heard the girl's words, although he had to admit that facing Kyōka was somewhat entertaining because it made his [Hand to Hand Combat] constantly grow. He even felt that if he kept fighting with the girl, that skill would naturally break the level 10 barrier.

"But that's not why I came, but to talk to you" - Kyōka said seriously.

"Ho~?" - Cloud gave the girl a curious look because Kyōka had never come to talk to him before - "Do you need my help with anything other than training?"

Asuna frowned but didn't say anything to interrupt the dragon because one, she had no right to, and two, she knew he didn't have the strength to stand in Kyōka's way.

"It's actually for the Bakugyaku Festival" - Kyōka said calmly - "After all, we will be the target of all the other participants"

"Are you my partner?" Cloud asked in surprise.

"Surprised well you're smart?" - Kyōka asked sarcastically because it wasn't the first time something like that had happened. Everyone thought that she was an idiot because she liked to solve everything with her fists instead of reasoning, although everything was far from reality since she was not only a prodigy of Martial Arts, but also on the martial side. Academic.

"I'm not going to lie, yes I am" -nodded the blonde as he looked at the girl-"I don't see you as someone who learns with books, but with experience"

"Let's better leave that for another time, it's time for us to talk mate"-Kyoka smiled while she decided to ignore everything she had said before-"We have to make some strategies for the possible events"

Saying that, Kyōka grabbed the blonde's hand and ran off at full speed.

"Ok, that was strange, even for Kyōka-sama…" Kako said with a frown.

"Am I the only one afraid of that combination?" Misa asked with terror.

"No, I'm scared too" Chiyoko replied as she shook her head.

"Hahaha! It's good not to be in the Ranking!" Honori exclaimed as she let out a laugh.

"You only say that because you're an idiot" - Kako snorted with disdain.

"Hey! Don't be so rude!" Honori exclaimed furiously as she bumped her breasts against her friend's.

"I think we came at a bad time…" Rintarō muttered as he calmed his mind and heart even though it was no longer necessary.

"Hmm~? Where's Cloud-chan?" Shizuka asked as she looked around.

"He was dragged by Kyōka-san for a meeting," Asuna replied as she looked at the newcomers, "he said something about them being partners, so I guess Cloud-sama is first in the Exam Rankings." First year"

"I guess we're in trouble," Makoto said as she shook her head, "If Cloud-san and Kyōka-san are teams..."

"Then we will possibly face the strongest team in the history of Nangokuren…" Keiko said as she let out a laugh, "Oh god…this seems so unfair"

Ayane didn't say anything, she just kept quiet as she clenched her fist firmly. This was a test that she had to pass even if it was the last thing she did, after all, her opponents were the two strongest people in Nangokuren.

* * * * *

"Seriously?" - Cloud said as he looked at an obese girl with red hair who was on the ground - "Attack us both like that when you know we're stronger than you?"

"I agree, I don't know whether to praise your bravery or curse your stupidity"-added Kyōka as she shook her head at the sight of her former classmate and rival.

"D-Damn!" -exclaimed the obsessed girl as she glared at Kyōka-"I should be in your place, not you, a useless bookworm who was just lucky enough to have better potential!"

"?" - Cloud watched curiously as everything unfolded as Kyōka approached the girl on the ground.

"You know Naomi? I always thought you were an asshole despite your grades and ability" - Kyōka sneered - "But now I feel like your level of stupidity far exceeds my initial estimate"

"Instead of training to become stronger and face me fairly, you decided to use dirty tactics to try to defeat me" - said the third year dragon as she grabbed Naomi by the hair and raised her head - "You trusted that you would always be the strongest." strongest of our year, at least the strongest after Meru, and that was the reason why I defeated you so easily"

"You don't deserve to be called Dragon! You were never a Warrior like me!" Naomi roared as she tried to spit at him, only to scream in pain as she felt the concrete hit her face.

"I may not have trained in the traditional way of a martial artist, but I never stopped my training" - Kyōka said coldly - "Since I was young I have trained my body for a different reason and that is no less a credit to you or the others. the rest..."

". . ." Naomi didn't answer anymore, not because she was speechless, but because she had lost consciousness.

"Tch, what a horrible situation"-Kyoka muttered as she clicked her tongue and threw Naomi as if she were garbage, to then look at the blonde-"I'm sorry you saw and heard all that"

"Don't worry... although I feel like I've heard a lot of interesting things" - Cloud said as he looked at his now teammate - "Although I don't expect you to tell me, after all, we all have secrets"

"No... if we're going to be partners, I guess we have to have a minimum of trust between us"- replied the blue-haired girl while shaking her head - "Although we'll do that later, now we have to continue on our way "

"You still don't tell me where we're going"-Cloud said as he looked at Kyōka's quick and precise movements as he walked while he felt there was something strange about them.

"Something happens?" Kyōka asked curiously as she felt Cloud's gaze, not at her butt or figure like she was used to when she went out into the City, but at her feet.

"Traditional dance?" Cloud asked in surprise.

Kyōka gave her a small toothy grin when she heard her words- "'s a tradition that has lived in my family for generations."

"I see..." - nodded the blonde as he watched Kyōka's steps more closely. These were not only rhythmic, but they were also difficult to read because despite following a pattern, they had infinite variables - "You use your dance steps together with your enormous strength... an interesting combination of hardness and flexibility"

"Thanks for the compliment" - replied Kyōka while shrugging her shoulders - "Although they don't compare to yours... and don't try to deny it, I can see a great dance experience in your movements because you do it unconsciously, as if it was impregnated in your memory, that's why I evolve so fast when we fight, because we both use the same combat method"

". . ." -Cloud didn't respond to this because he had just realized this detail now that Kyōka had highlighted it.

"I guess the Skills are much deeper than I thought…" the blonde thought as he narrowed his eyes, "That means that the Skill [Cooking], also has other hidden secrets that don't appear in the Skill"

"Something happens?" Kyōka asked as he looked at the blonde.

"No... it's just that I'm surprised to just notice the detail in your movements, especially when we've already fought twice before"-Cloud said as he shook his head.

"Believe me, I only found out a few days ago, after analyzing our fights well" - replied Kyōka while giving him a look. Two pairs of slanted pupils met but quickly parted - "I guess it has to do with us being so excited in the heat of combat that those little details were completely ignored."

"It makes sense" - Cloud nodded as the two continued walking towards a place unknown to the blonde - "Although you still haven't told me where we're going"

"Don't worry, it won't be long"- the girl with blue hair answered while she ignored the blonde's question.

* * * * *

After a few minutes of walking, the duo reached a hidden area in the outskirts of Nangokuren as Cloud looked around curiously.

"An interesting natural variety..." - Cloud said as he saw how in the surroundings there seemed to be a great variety not only of flora, but also of fauna, the most unique case being a small group of Panda Bears that were devouring bamboo with taste - "Aren't those in a possible danger of extinction?"

"That's why these little ones are in this place" - replied Kyōka as she approached the pandas and caressed them lovingly - "This place is not only near Nangokuren, a place that is protected by hundreds of the best Martial Artists in the World , but it is also the home of the ancient Kagamiin clan"

"Kagamin?" - Cloud asked with surprise, only to remember a small detail - "So you?"

"Welcome to my home, the Residence of the Kagamiin Clan" - Kyōka said while giving the blond a huge smile - "I hope your stay is good"


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

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