Chapter 181 ( Nihon Buyou )

"Good morning everyone! It's time for us to see who will be the participants of the Bakugyaku Festival!" - Okina exclaimed as the girls shouted with excitement - "Article 13 of the Nangokuren Regulations! Nangokuren encourages everyone to try to surpass their superiors! That's why we welcome those who others will have to surpass! Cloud First-year Strife and Third-year Kagamiin Kyōka!"

"Hmm... I see that this event is more popular than he thought"-Cloud said as he listened as the girls who were in the stands shout their names.

"It's an event that happens once a year... that already makes it popular" - answered Kyōka while greeting the public.

"Now let the students who came in second place pass!" - Okina exclaimed as a new couple walked towards the Arena - "First years, Tachibana Rintarō and third years, Chiyoko!"

"Hmm~? Aren't you the guy who caught Meru's interest?" Chiyoko asked as she looked at Rintarō with interest "This is quite a surprise..."

"It's a pleasure fighting by your side" - Rintarō said calmly as Chiyoko nodded.

"Goodbye Third Place! Orimura Chifuyu and Misa!" - Okina exclaimed as the two girls walked.

"N-Nice to meet you!" Misa exclaimed as she bit her tongue, "Aw...sorry..."

"Calm down, you don't have to be so nervous..."-Chifuyu said with discomfort because she didn't know how to react to this girl who seemed to be as shy as a little rabbit.

"O-Okay!" Misa exclaimed as tears began to accumulate in her eyes.

"This will be a bit tricky…" the black-haired woman muttered.

"Now, let's welcome the Fourth Place!" - said the teacher as the next couple entered - "Senseiryū Ayane and the silent but lethal Kokua Erin!"

"It's my pleasure" - Ayane said as Erin nodded silently.

"Fifth Place, First Year Makoto and Third Year Kako!" Okina exclaimed as the two girls entered.

"I can't believe she dropped down the Ranking so much because she didn't study because she was worried about Kyōka-sama's attitude!" - exclaimed Kako with terror - "Ugh..."

". . ." -Makoto for her part, just kept silent while she saw how her teammate seemed to be shouting her injustices.

"And finally Sixth Place!" - exclaimed the sexy teacher, only to see how one of her colleagues approached the podium - "Huh? What's going on? Naomi is in such bad shape that she won't be able to participate in the event? Oh... I guess that sixth place is disqualified..."

"That was a bit anticlimactic"-Cloud said as he looked at his teammate.

"In our defense, it was that idiot who attacked us without considering the consequences"-answered Kyōka as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Right…" the blonde agreed as he looked around, "Although so many familiar faces…"

"I know" - Kyōka smiled - "It's a good opportunity to see how they have improved... don't you think so?"

"Right, right..." - Cloud smiled as the two began to laugh out loud.

" I the only one who gets a bad feeling hearing those laughs?" - Misa said with terror.

"No…you're not the only one…" Ayane replied as she felt a shiver run down her spine.

"Very good! It's time we welcome one of our directors, Gorozaemon Jinbeenosuke Yonemitsu!" Okina exclaimed as an old man so malnourished and apparently weak that it seemed that he would fly away with just a small breeze.

"Is that one of the directors?" Cloud asked as he looked at his teammate.

"In fact, although I recommend that you don't look down on him because of his appearance because he is much stronger than he appears"-answered Kyōka.

"I know"-Cloud replied seriously as he watched as the man was walking 'with difficulty' with a huge dice-"I can feel the aura he is hiding"

"Roll and Roll without stopping, no one knows what it will be!" Gorozaemon exclaimed as he threw the dice, only for the first years to be surprised to see how the dice seemed to be creating small tremors with each bounce it gave.

"Spin spin!" - The girls exclaimed with emotion as they watched the die stop.

"Bo...Boo..." - Gorozaemon muttered when he saw what face he had stopped at - "Boo!"

"Boo!" - exclaimed the girls.

"It's already decided, this year's event will be 'Boogie', in other words a Dance!" Okina exclaimed as the girls breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good thing it's not a fight..." Misa muttered while the others nodded.

"Tch... I expected something more exciting..." - Kyōka muttered - "Not to mention that we have a big advantage in this competition"

"In Chifuyu's defence, she's good at dancing too," Cloud answered as he shrugged, "Anyway... what kind of dance are we going to do?"

"Hmm... to be honest, I'm only comfortable if I dance Nihon Buyou"-Kyoka said as he frowned-"At least I've only practiced that..."

"I've never practiced traditional Japanese dances, so I couldn't tell you how well everything will turn out"-the blonde answered while he shook his head.

"I guess we better discuss it at my house, there won't be anyone who finds out what we're planning" - smiled Kyōka.

"That's right... we don't want anyone else to find out"-Cloud agreed as he looked around and noticed how all the participants were looking at them seriously.

"That would be all for today! I hope you use your time well so we can practice for the main event!" - Okina exclaimed - "The Festival will start in 5 days! Use that time to improve and thus show your full potential!"

"I guess we better retreat"-Kyoka said as he looked at his opponents with a wild look-"I hope they give us a good fight"

"Good luck~" - Cloud smiled as he and Kyōka left the Arena.

"Etto... how good is sensei at dancing?" Ayane asked as she looked at Chifuyu.

"Well...very good..."-Chifuyu said seriously-"In fact, he uses some dance steps during his fights, he does it unconsciously"

"What kind of style is that?" Chiyoko asked as she frowned.

"A style that is quite effective" - ​​Rintarō replied - "Remember that dancing is a type of art that not only makes your movements much more flexible and surprising"

"By the way...Kyoka-san also uses dance moves as a combat method" - Chifuyu said calmly.

"Hey?" - The third-year girls couldn't believe what they had heard.

"Kyōka-sama does it?" Kako asked in surprise.

"If what I have seen is correct, then she is very skilled in the art of traditional Japanese dance" - answered Chifuyu, who had seen this type of dance many times - "That makes them even more dangerous"

"Ugh...and here I thought we'd have a chance..." Chiyoko mumbled as she put her hands behind her head-"Meh, at least we can do something so it won't be so humiliating"

". . ." The others just rolled their eyes.

"Just because they have an advantage, doesn't mean they win" - Chifuyu said calmly - "Come on, Misa-san"

"H-Hai!" The little girl exclaimed as she followed Chifuyu.

"You know how to dance?" Makoto asked as she looked at her partner.

"In the least" - replied Kako - "And from what I see, neither do you"

"Let's just say that if I had time to dance, it was better to use it for training" - Makoto replied normally.

"I understand you... although this makes things much more complicated for us"-muttered the third year girl as she frowned-"We better go, we have a lot to do"

"I agree" Makoto agreed as she followed her partner.

"What are we going to do?" Ayane asked as she looked at the silent Erin who was calling out to her.

(I have no idea)-the white-haired girl whispered as she shook her head-(But I think we can think of something...)

"Right" - Ayane nodded as the two girls left.

* * * * *

"Very well, I think it's time for us to dance"-Cloud said as he looked at his teammate.

The two were back at the girl's house while they had a good cup of tea that she prepared herself.

"I say let's dance Nihon Buyou" - Kyōka said calmly as she walked to a shelf to take out two pairs of fans - "Come, let's start the practice right away, after all, I know you have the basics to learn this dance"

"I was expecting something less...traditional..." Cloud said as she shook her head. He slowly walked to the girl and took the fans - "Anyway... how do we start?"

"First, take the fan like this"-Kyoka said as she positioned herself behind Cloud and took one of her arms, not noticing that her enormous breasts were pressing into the blonde's back-"Is something wrong? "

"No…" the blonde replied as he ignored the soft feel of Kyōka's huge breasts.

"Wow, I didn't know that my daughter was so daring"-Ryoko said as she watched her daughter put so much pressure on her partner.

"Hey?" -Kyōka was surprised when she heard those words, only to blush at the position she was in-"!"

"Ara? I'm sorry I interrupted you~" - the girl's mother said - "Please continue~"

"As if that were possible?!" Kyōka roared as she ran after her mother.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

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