Chapter 183 ( Dancing )

"Let's kick off the last event, target shooting!" Okina exclaimed as all the girls were looking at the whites with a sparkle in their eyes.

"How come things ended like this?" Tamao asked, who was tied to a trunk.

"I think we went too far..." - Kousuke muttered - "Maybe we should have listened to Rintarō..."

"Ugh... don't remind me of that traitor..." Tamao said jealously but quickly sighed regretfully - "But I understand what you're trying to say..."

"It's time to start!" Okina exclaimed as she shook her head at the sight of her students tied up. She had given them a warning, more than once but these guys never thought about the consequences of bullying all these girls - "Fire!"

"This is a bit much…" Shizuka said as she looked at them compassionately.

"I am sorry!" -Misa exclaimed as she pointed her bow- "But I need those points!"

"Wait wait!" - The two boys exclaimed as they began to scream when they felt the impact of the arrows, although obviously these were non-lethal.

* * * * *

Time continued to tick and it was time for the main event.

"It's time for us to kick off the main event, the Bakugyaku Festival!" - Okina exclaimed as the girls were gathered in the central stadium - "Everyone say hello to our judges!"

"Nice to meet you" - smiled Ryōko, the director of Nangokuren.

"Boo!" Gorozaemon exclaimed as he looked at the stage.

"It's a pleasure to have been invited" - said a woman.

"I would have liked to see a good fight, but seeing all these young girls dance, it's not so bad" - said a middle-aged man with red hair.

"That didn't sound very good, my friend" - said another middle-aged man with black hair - "You should choose your words better"

Those present laughed at the comical scene of the two men talking.

"Set the stage!" - exclaimed the sexy teacher while the girls watched with emotion as in the middle of the stadium a stage that rose over 10 meters next to a ladder began to emerge - "Let the Bakugyaku Festival begin! Let's welcome our first couple 1st year Makoto with 3rd year Kako!"

"Remember the plan"-Kako said as he looked at his partner.

"You don't have to say it" Makoto replied as she frowned.

The two girls were wearing their white and red Kendo uniforms and were accompanied by their weapons. They slowly walked towards the stage and put their guard up.

"What kind of dance will they do?" - Asked one of the middle-aged men as they looked curiously at the two girls.

"From what I see it will be a 'Sword Dance'..." - said the second middle-aged man - "Hmm... it's an interesting decision"

"Or they just don't know how to dance and they went to the safe" -said the woman while she shook her head when she saw how the girls began their 'dance', only to see how they began to fight without caring about anything.

"Damn!" Kako exclaimed furiously as she slashed horizontally.

"You will!" Makoto roared fiercely as she parried the attack and countered.

"You're going to pay to cut my cheek, you little slut!" - Kako roared as the sound of metal colliding with metal became more and more present.

"You were the one who started this, bitch!" Makoto exclaimed seeing how her clothes had been cut.

"grr!" - The girls only roared as they continued fighting.

"Enough!" Okina exclaimed as she stepped between the two of them. "This is a dance competition!"

"I have no problem with them continuing to fight" - said the middle-aged man with red hair.

"I'm sorry but they are disqualified"-Okina said as he frowned.

"See what you did!" Makoto exclaimed as she glared at her teammate.

"What I did?! Look what you did!" Kako roared as the two girls started fighting again.

"I swear this would be more fun if they fought in mud or something like that"-said the red-haired man as his friend rolled his eyes at him-"Really?"

"What can I say? I like girl fights in mud"-replied the red-haired man as he shrugged.

"Let's better graze the second couple"-Okina said as she held the bridge of her nose-"First year Ayane with Third year Erin!"

"Are you sure about this?" - asked Ayane, who was wearing a masculine gala suit.

(Trust me, this is in the bag) - whispered the white-haired girl, who honestly was wearing the same clothes as always.

"I think someone is finally taking this seriously," said the woman on the jury as she shook her head.

"Ugh..." - both Kako and Makoto felt like an arrow penetrated their chests when they heard those words.

"From their appearances we can tell that it will be a gala ball!" Okina exclaimed as she watched the two girls reach the upper stage. "Ready?"

"Hai!" Ayane exclaimed as Erin nodded.

"Then let the music begin!" - The teacher exclaimed while the music sounded in the place.

"I'm ready"-Ayane said as she grabbed the girl's waist with one of her arms, but without realizing it she stepped on the white-haired girl's dress-"..."

"Something happens?" the red-haired girl asked in surprise as she once again stepped on Erin's dress.

". . ." -Erin's eyebrow trembled again when she saw this, so she did something that surprised everyone, with a quick movement, she stopped dancing and left the stage.

"Hey?" -that was the only reaction Ayane could give to see how it was all over as she ran after her teammate-"Wait! We're still in the middle of the competition!"

But as much as she tried to talk to the girl, Erin kept ignoring her every word.

". . ." - All the spectators, even the judges were silent without knowing how to react to such an abrupt change in the situation.

". . ." - Okina didn't know how to react either because she felt that everything was on the right track - "Etto... we better make way for the next couple..."

l". . ." -Misa looked around her with embarrassment as she walked in a white tu-tu dress while Chifuyu appeared in black leggings that nicely accentuated her curves

"Ballet?" Okina asked in surprise. She never thought that she would see something so refined in this competition.

". . ." - Misa nodded with a red face as the two walked towards the stage.

"Somehow my heart beats hard when I see Chifuyu-san..."-said a girl as her words began to spread because it seemed that the feeling was shared.

"It's not to disrespect her... but that girl seems to have a kind of masculine aura around her..." - said the red-haired judge as he narrowed his eyes - "She doesn't lose her feminine factor but it seems that she would do a good role as a male lead in a play..."

"I understand what you're trying to say"-said the judges woman as she looked at Chifuyu with mixed emotions. She was happily married but Chifuyu's appearance gave her butterflies in her stomach.

"Demos started the dance!" Okina exclaimed as she shook her head.

"Ready?" Chifuyu asked as she looked at her partner.

"H-Hai!" Misa exclaimed as she squatted down.

Chifuyu quickly grabbed her waist and gently lifted her up as she did a little spin down her axis- "Relax your body a bit and when I throw you up, do a little 360° spin."

"Okay!" The little third year girl exclaimed as she was sent into the skies by Chifuyu, only to do a few quick turns as she took off.

"Wow!" -Exclaimed those present while they saw how Chifuyu caught her partner again and in the process took another turn and carefully lowered her.

"Not bad..." - Kyōka said as she nodded - "Elegance and coordination, and even though Orimura Chifuyu has absolute control of all movements, she's not hogging all the attention, on the contrary she's making Misa- chan can show off a bit of her talents...impressive..."

* * * * *

"Let's fire this couple!" Okina exclaimed as she watched as Chifuyu and Misa walked towards the stairs after having made a small bow in farewell.

"Kya~!" - the girls shouted - "Chifuyu Onee-sama~! Misa-chan~!"

"D-Do you think we won, Chifuyu-san?" - asked the little third year girl.

"We still can't claim victory, Misa-san" - replied the first year girl - "Although so far we are the closest to victory"

"That won't be for long" - said Chiyoko, who came in a rap outfit - "My friend and I will make sure we get past them"

"An interesting choice" - agreed Chifuyu curiously.

"After keeping it with my new friend, we found out it was the best option...after all..." Chiyoko said with a smile as she listened as they were introduced-"Oops...I guess you'll see in a few moments "

"By the way... where is Rintarō-san?" Chifuyu asked as she looked around.

"Hehehe~" -Chiyoko didn't say anything else, she just gave him a wink as she walked towards the stairs and did some small stretches.

"Let's start the fourth couple!" Okina exclaimed as she saw in surprise how there was only one person at the bottom of the stairs.

"Don't worry, you'll soon understand" - Chiyoko said as she backed up a bit and started to climb the stairs doing freestyle pirouettes, but the surprise didn't end there because people noticed how Rintarō was climbing the stage pillars at high speed while doing pirouettes.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

I hope you guys join me on this platform