Chapter 185 ( Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu - I )

". . ." -Rintarō was surprised when he saw that they had tied with Cloud's team.

"I think we're in trouble…" Chiyoko muttered as she watched as Kyōka smiled wildly.

"What do you mean?" - Rintarō asked seriously.

"Just wait for it..." - answered the blonde girl.

"To everyone's surprise a tie has occurred!" Okina exclaimed as she ignored the judges arguing, "That leaves us with only one way to solve this situation! Team fight!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" exclaimed the spectators with excitement.

". . ." - Rintarō for his part, only paled.

" we have to face those two monsters..." Chiyoko murmured as she began to sweat.

"Oh... it hurts me that you call me a monster, Chiyoko"-Kyoka said as she let out a wild laugh.

"I guess I'll finally have that fight I asked you before, Rintarō-san..." Cloud said as he looked at the black haired boy.

"Hey! I wanted to fight him!" The blue-haired girl exclaimed.

"Oh, come on!" - snorted the blonde - "I've been asking him to fight for weeks"

"No, I will fight him" - Kyōka said.

"Are we really going to do this?" Cloud asked as his aura began to grow.

"Of course!" The blue-haired girl exclaimed as her Ki exploded fiercely.

"Hmm... I think we have a chance" Chiyoko muttered as her partner shook her head.

"Let's see who will be the one to fight!" Kyōka exclaimed as she lunged at her partner.

"Kyoka!" -exclaimed her mother as she looked at her daughter-"Remember that you are in the middle of an important competition..."

". . ." Kyōka frowned but slowly calmed down, although she was still looking at the blond with annoyance.

"I'm sorry to tell you that I want to fight too…" answered blond as he shrugged.

"Ugh...fine...but you'll have to give me a good fight later"-Kyoka said as he frowned.

"Kya~! How bold is my daughter~!" Ryōko exclaimed as she watched as Kyōka blushed seeing that his words could be taken in another sense.

"Ahem! Since you've already decided, it's time to start the match!" Okinah exclaimed.

"If I'm honest, I'd rather fight Kyōka than fight Cloud"-Chiyoko said as she watched as her leader backed away and left them with the blonde haired beast.

Rintarō watched as the blond approached with a wild smile on his face. He could feel how the aura around his opponent was increasing with each second.

* * * * *

"Ho~?" -the red-haired man as he watched as the blonde boy's aura was starting to materialize- "So that's the dragon you told us about... his aura is much worse than your daughter's..."

"That boy... is dangerous..." the woman muttered as she trembled slightly. She could feel the boy's aura growing wilder and darker.

"They don't call him Kokuryū for nothing" - Ryōko said with a small smile - "And you don't have to worry, he's under control"

"Are you saying that for your daughter?" asked the black-haired man.

"No, he's literally in control," the blonde headmistress replied, "His emotions are in perfect harmony when he's not in battle."

"And when he is about to fight?" The woman asked as she saw how the boy's aura increased again.

"Hehehe~" - Ryōko didn't answer this question, she just looked towards the arena.

"Destruction!" Gorozaemon exclaimed.

* * * * *

"I guess I have no other choice..." Rintarō muttered as he started to walk towards the blond.

"Need help?" Chiyoko asked as a small amount of sweat trickled down her face.

" least not until you see an opportunity to attack"-the black haired boy replied as he continued walking towards the blonde.

"That scene seems familiar to me..." Cloud thought as he stopped his steps and began to remember- "Oh... I see where..."

Cloud's eyes gleamed slightly as a small smile appeared on his face, "Are you coming closer? Instead of running away, you come closer to me?"

"It's the only way I can hit you"-Rintarō said as his aura began to release.

"Fine... Then come as close as you want!" Cloud exclaimed as he released all the Mana from him. "Let's see how much fun you can have!"

"It's time for me to show you the true power of my Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu" - said the black-haired boy as he concentrated his Ki in his arms - "Kogaku no Gyō (Way of the Tiger's Jaw)... Gōhō Hagan (Roar Rock-Splitting Destructive)!"

Rintarō quickly hit the ground and created dozens of rock walls around the arena.

". . ." -Cloud for his part, just frowned because he didn't find use in his opponent's actions- "Do you really think this will help you?"

"No... this is just a backup plan" - replied the boy while concentrating Ki on his arms and legs - "Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu - Jinen no Gyō (Way of the Swift Ape) - Senkū Chōha (The Feather that Flies by the Heavens)!"

The Ki in Rintarō's legs increased along with his speed as he bounced between the walls he had created.

"I see…" Cloud muttered as he watched as his opponent got closer and closer, "Not a bad plan… but… You need more than that!"

"Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu - Kogaku no Gyō - Gōhō Gadan (Piercing Fang Destructive Roar)!" Rintarō roared as he concentrated all of his Ki into his arms.

"Really? So many possibilities, and you use a suicide technique?" Cloud asked as he frowned. He was sincerely expecting more from this guy - "If so, then I have to say I'm disappointed... I guess there are times when what one hopes for so much isn't that good in the first place..."

Rintarō's expression changed as he felt the temperature rise- "Shit! Change of tactics!"

"Karyū no Yokugeki (Wings of the Fire Dragon)!" Cloud exclaimed as he jumped and created a great flow of fire that increased the temperature of the area. The flames quickly created the illusion of two large wings of fire that Cloud didn't hesitate to fan - "I hope you at least have the ability to dodge this..."

"Shit!" Chiyoko exclaimed as she backed away at high speed because she knew if that attack hit her, it would be Game Over.

"Don't worry... the damage of this technique is reduced... so you don't have to worry about your life..." the blonde murmured although his voice seemed to echo in the surroundings.

The moment he waved his arms, flames spread across the stage at high speed.

"Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu - Jakotsu no Gyō (Serpent's Bone Path) - Jinshō Shippa (Rapid Snaking of the Rising Blade)!" - exclaimed the black-haired boy as he started to slide at high speed - "Shit! The fire is spreading too fast! That leaves me no choice! Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu - Jakotsu no Gyō - Sōkyoku Wanshō (Technique Double Tip Penetrator)"

With a quick movement, Rintarō began to spin at high speed, taking the form of a drill that easily sank into the ground.

* * * * *

"Is that boy insane?!" - exclaimed the wife of the judges with terror. She had never seen such a devastating technique.

"Don't worry... there is no danger in the lives of the students or participants in the fight" - Ryōko said while pointing in her daughter's direction and seeing how she still didn't move - "Those two have been together for a week, so they know each other well enough to trust each other, and if Kyōka is in that distance, it means that Cloud's attack won't extend to critical levels."

"What if that boy's attack exceeded that limit?" the red-haired man asked as he frowned.

"Then his life will no longer be his"-replied the Sexy Director with a voice so cold that it froze the place despite the increase in temperature.

"Don't worry, that boy is still in control"-Gorozaemon said calmly as he adjusted his glasses-"Besides, his attack isn't at full power..."

"Are you sure, Gorozaemon-dono?" asked the black-haired man.

"Of course..." -the director agreed that he seemed to be in such a deplorable state that at any moment he would fall unconscious-"That attack may seem brutal but that Cloud boy is not using all the power of him..."

". . ." - The judges were silent as they watched as the flames continued to expand and were closer to where Kyōka was, only to stop a few meters away from the girl.

"How great is his control?" - asked the woman with terror because if there was something more terrifying than someone with a destructive power, it was someone who had a destructive power and knew how to control it.

"Such power... such control... how come none of us know about it?" the red-haired man asked as he frowned. It was obvious that a boy with such talent and power should be recognized worldwide but the thing was that nobody knew anything about him, there were not even records about his birth or place of origin.

"I'm not sure either..." Ryōko replied as a small smile appeared on her face. She wouldn't lie, a part of her was terrified that Cloud couldn't control himself and hurt his princess but now that she had seen that there was nothing out of place, she was much better - "What I do know is that that boy will do great things in the future"

"With his power, he has the capabilities to try and take control of Nangokuren Hohoho~!" Gorozaemon exclaimed as he saw how everyone was looking at him. It was the first time that the director said so many words together.


read 12 chapters ahead of marvel x dc and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 37k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 chapters ahead ( 20 )

i hope you guys join me on this platform