Chapter 199 ( Plan - III )

"I see... consider us in" - said Ayane while Makoto and Keiko nodded.

"Sounds like a plan we can use, not to mention it's a good time to try out our swimsuits since the pool is about to be opened for use" - added Keiko - "Now all that's left is to know who the guys will vote for, especially Rintarō and Cloud."

"!" - Ayane opened her eyes in surprise upon hearing this because it was a good opportunity.

"Hmm... I hadn't thought of that..." - Makoto said as she started to think.

"I didn't know you were interested in a boy, Makoto" - said Keiko in surprise.

"More than interest, it's I'm trying to prove it" - replied the black haired girl - "I still have to fulfill the order I was given when I left my clan."

Her friends only shrugged their shoulders because they understood that Makoto wouldn't say anything else.

"Anyway, I'd better leave because I have to go brief Cloud on his answers" - Chifuyu nodded as she said goodbye to the girls and left.

"She needs to learn to relax a bit" - said Keiko as she shook her head.

"Hmm... it's good that she's professional but I agree with you... now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a shower" - said Makoto as she retreated.

"Seriously, she should calm down a bit too" - snorted the blonde girl as she pulled out a Dorayaki from between her breasts and started devouring it - "Do you want some?"

"No thanks" - denied Ayane as she watched Chifuyu withdraw - "Whatever, we'd better get ready."

"Hmm... ok" - nodded the blonde girl as she continued to devour her cupcake.

* * * * *

"I'm back" - said Chifuyu as she entered the room, only to see how besides Cloud, Asuna and Shizuka, Rumina and Rurina were now also there "Did I miss something?"

"No, it's just that the twins are criticizing me because I didn't take them into account for the popularity contest" - Cloud answered while shrugging his shoulders.

"It's because we won't be able to use this opportunity to be able to seduce Rintarō-sama!" - Rurina exclaimed as her sister rolled her eyes at her.

Asuna shook her head when she heard this although she had to admit that she had a similar thought. This was a good opportunity for the boy they liked to see the best of them.

"Cloud-sama... I would like to ask you to let them participate" - Asuna said as she looked at her leader.

"Ok, I have no problem with them joining" - replied the blond. He honestly didn't mind in the slightest, as more girls joining didn't affect the plan.

"Thank you, Cloud-sama, Asuna-sama!" - The twins exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, now that we got that settled.... How about the others, did they accept?" - Cloud asked curiously as he focused his gaze on Chifuyu - "Didn't Rino say anything?"

"The truth is that they all accepted, although as we thought, Rino was the only one who took a while to say yes" - replied the woman from the world of [Infinite Stratos] - "Although after assuring her that the others will also participate in this plan, she accepted..."

"It was planned" - Asuna said calmly - "Rino-san has always been meticulous about destroying her image of absolute nobility."

"I'd call it having a stick up her ass" - Rurina replied as she snorted in annoyance. Now that they weren't under the Second Year Dragon's command, she didn't need to be polite with her comments.

"Not a very polite choice of words but I agree with my sister" - nodded Rumina.

"Anyway, now that we have confirmation, all that's left is to prepare the few remaining details so we can start with the operation" - nodded the blond while looking around - "Remember, finding the culprit of the attack comes first, other targets are secondary... that goes for you, Rumina, Rurina."

"We understand" - nodded the twins.

"Ok, you are dismissed" - nodded Cloud as he looked around and saw how Asuna along with the twins had already withdrawn.

"I'm going to continue training together with Chifuyu-san~" - smiled Shizuka as Chifuyu's expression changed. She didn't want to admit it but she finally understood why Keiko had such a grudge against Shizuka, she was fast and sneaky, making the poor black-haired girl could do nothing but sweat as she tried to catch her.

Chifuyu still couldn't believe how Shizuka was developing her speed to superhuman levels, in fact, there were times where she had to use all her skills in order to catch her.

"Is something wrong?" - Shizuka asked in confusion.

"Cloud... can you see Shizuka-san's current Stats?" - Chifuyu asked as she frowned.

"I guess so" - replied the blond boy as he squinted his eyes and watched his companion closely.

"D-don't look at me like that~" - said Shizuka with embarrassment as she saw her boyfriend's intense gaze.


[Shizuka Marikawa]

[The kind nurse of Highschool of the Dead World and one of the main characters of HotD. A kind and caring woman who is at the same time airheaded and sexy. She's a lot smarter than she looks]

Lvl: 10 (Human)

Stats: [STR: 30][DEX: 99][VIT: 30][INT: 50][LUK: 50] [LUK: 50

Skills: [First Aid Lvl: 10(+1)][Physician][Life/Death][Ignorant]


"!" - Cloud's eyes widened in surprise as he never thought he would see such a drastic change in Shizuka, especially such an inordinate increase in DEX.

"Well?" - Chifuyu asked only to be completely shocked when she heard about the changes in the nurse's Stats - "How is that possible?"

"If I had to say a reason, I guess it's the training" - Cloud said while squinting his eyes again - "Unlike you, Shizuka and the others, they haven't trained as much, neither did they have the methods to strengthen their bodies like in the world of [Infinite Stratos], that's why their Stats are low compared to yours..."

"That means that the [System] made both Shizuka-san and the other girls who accompanied you before have a better result than us in order to make up for the difference in power" - muttered Chifuyu as she started to think - "How about my Stats...have they changed at all?"

"Give me a moment" - replied the blond as he watched the black-haired girl carefully.


Orimura Chifuyu

The Strongest Woman in the World of [Infinite Stratos], cold, firm and analytical, an exemplary soldier.

Lvl: 12 (Human (?))

[STR: 100][DEX: 80][INT: 65][VIT: 100][LUK: 250]

Skills: [Weapons Master] [Brunhilde] [Shirokishi] [Hand to Hand: Lvl 10] [Weapons Mastery: Lvl 10 (+1)] [Nano-Machines]


"Hmm... it's not much but it's an improvement" - nodded Chifuyu as she sighed regretfully.

"At least you've improved" - Cloud replied as he shrugged - "When was the last time you had improved?"

"Right... you're right about that" - nodded the black-haired girl. She had forgotten how long she had been stagnant with her power level, at least now she felt like she was growing albeit at a slow pace.

"Easy, you have to understand that you started much more advanced than the others, after all you were at level 1 with more than one of your Stats over 80" - Cloud said calmly.

"I can't argue against that because it's true" - nodded Chifuyu - "Anyway, I'd better keep training together with Shizuka-san... it's possible that with a good training partner my Stats will go up faster."

Cloud nodded at the girl's words as he watched his two companions leave, only to let out a sigh when he saw that he was alone. He wouldn't lie, he was jealous of the girls' ability to increase their Stats through training while he hadn't seen his Stats go up after all the intensive training he had done. The only improvement he had noticed, was in her body control as well as her regenerative powers.

"Maybe I can find some secret in my Skills..." - The blond muttered as he carefully read his Skills, after all, all of these had some hidden abilities that could come to light when the user understands the core of these.

[Dance Mastery] had already shown his Skill, this one not only made his movements more stylized, but also made it so that when he started using some kind of battle moves, they became harder to read as these were camouflaged by the dance steps.

"Maybe I can start with Skill [Combat Instinct]?" - Cloud muttered as he narrowed his eyes - "Maybe... just maybe, I can increase my perception and take the Skill to the next level.... But how could I do that..."

Cloud was able to think again on how to increase his skills, after all, he couldn't just stand by and do nothing while his progress that gave stalled, as that would only make things more and more difficult.

"I'll have to look into it some more" - Cloud said as he shook his head - "But I have a feeling I'll have to do the same training Ayane is practicing though in higher intensity."

* * * * *

". . ." - Ren again was watching her younger sister, only to be surprised to hear about the plan they were about to make - "Even though I don't want to admit it, it's a good plan to be able to catch the person responsible, more so knowing that it's possible that the culprit is someone with a rare disease... though that doesn't take away from the fact that Rino-chan shouldn't do something like that, after all, she's a lady."

"Good thing I got the information while eavesdropping..." - Ren thought as she shook her head.


read 12 chapters ahead of marvel x dc and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 37k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 chapters ahead ( 20 )

i hope you guys join me on this platform