Chapter 202 ( Suspect )

". . ." - the girls frowned when they heard this because it sounded suspicious.

"Hmm... now that I think about it, he sounds like the guy I saw when I went to talk to you guys for the plan" - Chifuyu said as she narrowed her eyes.

"Did you detect anything strange about him?" - Kyōka asked curiously.

"Hmm... no..." - replied the young woman from [Infinite Stratos] - "Though I also found that there was something about that boy that made him.... Interesting?"

"Interesting?" - Shizuka asked with confusion.

"Not interesting as of a girl finds a boy interesting, but interesting in the aspect that there is a hidden power in him" - Chifuyu said seriously.

". . ." - those present narrowed their eyes for a few seconds as they looked at each other.

"Boy, first year, acting weird around girls..." - Cloud muttered as he squinted like the others - "We may have found a suspected culprit."

"Did we keep an eye on him?" asked Asuna as she looked at her leader.

"No... one, because it would be alerting the others and possibly isolating him from the others" - replied the blond boy - "If we do that and he's not the culprit, then we would only be harming him"

"What about the other reason?" - Kyōka asked as she looked at the boy she liked.

"That it's possible that we won't get anything out of watching him because if what we think is true and he has that strange disease, then he'll do everything he can to not activate it" - answered Cloud calmly - "If so, we'll just be wasting our time"

"Makes sense" - nodded Kako - "Not to mention that it would be boring to keep an eye on him."

"So are we going to leave him alone?" - Keiko asked as she frowned.

"No... we'll ask our 'spy' about his opinion on the boy" - replied Cloud as he shook his head - "It's possible that he'll tell us a bit more about the target to check our assumptions, if so, then we'll face him for an answer, though we'll do it discreetly."

"I understand" - nodded Kyōka - "If he is the culprit, we won't have to give explanations since no one will know it was him, if he is innocent, his reputation won't be harmed"

"We'd better leave the conversation for later, now let's eat before it's time to go back to class" - said the blond boy while the other girls nodded.

* * * * *

"That bastard..." - Tamao muttered jealously as he watched Cloud being surrounded by sexy girls - "Him eating with the most popular girls in Nangokuren and us surrounded by sausages."

"What's worse is that we lost half of our lunch hour surrounded by used tampons.... Brr~" - Kousuke could only shudder in horror at the memory of such a scene.

"Why the fuck did you have to remind me of that!" - Tamao exclaimed in disgust as he threw his sandwich on the terrace floor - "Shit, now the image can't leave my mind! Thanks a lot, asshole!"

"Fuck you, fat ass!" - exclaimed the blond boy angrily - "If it wasn't for the fact that you masturbate every night in the bathroom and end up exhausted, we wouldn't be in this trouble!"

"You didn't have to say it out loud!" - Tamao shouted with embarrassment.

"Bullshit!" - exclaimed the fat boy's roommate - "If you want to fuck so badly, go find a prostitute!"

"You think I wouldn't do it if I had the money to do it!" - Tamao exclaimed.

". . ." - Marokichi just sighed regretfully as he thought that maybe eating lunch alone wasn't so bad, though he wasn't alone in this thought because Rintarō had a similar line of thoughts.

"You have it hard, Tachibana-san" - Marokichi said as he shook his head.

"You can call me Rintarō, Marokichi-kun" - replied the black-haired boy from class 1-A - "And yes... you don't know about all the problems I've had to solve because of those two..."

"Somehow I can understand that..." - replied the messy-haired boy - "Those two look like nice people but..."

"They think too much with their lower head" - replied Rintarō while shaking his head - "That's exactly why they get into so much trouble."

"We'd better continue eating before lunch time is over" - said Marokichi while shaking his head.

"You're right" - nodded Rintarō as the two boys ignored their two friends' discussion.

* * * * *

Classes had ended and the girls were heading to their respective clubs.

Asuna had decided to disband the Disciplinary Council because she felt there was no longer a need to maintain it and with time to spare now that she didn't have to control so many people, she took Chifuyu's advice to take advantage of her talents as an Idol, and join Nangokuren's Song and Dance club, after all, she had seen that dance steps could be used in combat by watching a Sparring between Cloud and Kyōka.

Rurina and Rumina had gone to their own Club, the Rintarō Fan Club, which surprisingly was quite popular compared to other clubs.

Chifuyu and Shizuka went to continue their training together with Ayane and her subordinates, something that was quite common these days, more so with the red-haired girl's mentality that said that as long as she didn't surpass a certain goal imposed by Chifuyu, she wouldn't be able to learn from Cloud directly. Cloud just shook his head when he heard the latter because the truth was that whatever he could teach Ayane, Chifuyu could do better since she had experience as an instructor, after all, he couldn't teach [Dragon Slayer] magic to Ayane for two reasons, one, he wasn't a full dragon enough to teach her magic, and two, Ayane didn't possess mana in her body.

Shiryū had returned from his training and seeing how fast Ayane and the others were growing in strength, he decided to join their regimen.

That left us with Cloud who was receiving a visit at his central base of operations, a room in the new Cloud building that was built over the building he destroyed during his "confrontation" against Meru.

"It's a surprise that you come to my base, Ransuiryū" - Cloud said while walking towards a small refrigerator that was in the room - "More when I'm alone... though let's leave that for another time... tell me.... do you want something to drink?"

"Iced tea is more than enough" - Rino replied calmly as she narrowed her emerald eyes for a few seconds to identify the power of the boy in front of her, only to find that she couldn't detect any change in his aura.

"Ok, I guess it'll be iced tea" - nodded the boy as he took out two bottles from the fridge and walked back to the table, only to hand a bottle to the girl - "I guess your spies told you something interesting about a suspect that we discussed during lunch time?"

"Right" - nodded Rhino calmly. She knew very well that Shū wouldn't be able to sneak past the sharp senses of the boy in front of her, so she had come with the mindset that he already knew about the reason for her visit.

"She has talent as an information gatherer and spy, though I recommend that for next time at least give her some time to eat something" - sighed the blond boy as he sat down across from the girl.

"I'll take your advice" - felt Rino - "But let's leave that for another time, now I want us to go straight to the point I came for."

"He~? I guess we can do that" - nodded Cloud calmly - "Ok, tell me what do you want to know?"

"Everything" - replied the second year dragon.

"Hmm... now that's a lot of appetite" - said the blond as he let out a laugh and stroked his chin - "Let's see, the target is a boy that I'm not going to reveal the name because we're still not sure if it's him or not"

"That I can find out myself if I have his name" - Rino said with a frown.

"True... but at the same time you would cause his reputation of not being the culprit, and in case he was, then you would be causing a big disaster because according to Shizuka-chan, the culprit had the born power to destroy one of the buildings with his fists" - Cloud replied calmly while looking at the girl - "Should you cause him to go into a state of madness, then you will have a problem that will quite possibly be hard to handle, even for you as a dragon."

"An interesting assumption but I'm sure I can handle anything" - Rhino replied coolly.

"If that's what you want..." - Cloud replied as he took a sip of his tea and shrugged - "Well, I'm going to give you the name because if you're the culprit, I'm going to enjoy seeing how you can't handle all the chaos you'll cause... we may not even have to do anything for leaving you out of the picture during [Dragon Rioting]."

". . ." - Rino didn't respond to the boy's words as she looked at him with disdain.

"Ok. the boy's name is Marokichi from first year" - Cloud replied calmly - "He's a boy with messy black hair, glasses and a bit scrawny body... I think I don't need to say more since with that information you can easily find him."

"Ok, thanks for your cooperation" - replied the blonde girl as she withdrew at the look of Cloud who had a smile on his face as he thought about what could happen in the next few days, after all, the possibility of the boy being the culprit, was quite high.


God Eater, it's going to be the next world.

Regarding Infinite Stratos 2, it's going to be an intermediate world in a very distant future, maybe after about 5 more volumes or something like that, and it will be short, I'd say about 30, 40 chapters at most to give closure, after that only small cameos will be shown (I'm doing this because I understood that continuing in Is would be too boring because of the level difference).

Anyway, that would be all for now.


read 12 chapters ahead of marvel x dc and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 37k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 chapters ahead ( 20 )

i hope you guys join me on this platform