Chapter 206 ( Advance )

"Ok, I think that was enough" - Chifuyu said coolly. She wouldn't let things get out of hand, let alone a girl being defiled when she could do something to stop it.

"Relax, you don't have to do anything" - Cloud said calmly.

"How can you say that!" - Chifuyu exclaimed angrily.

"Can you calm down for a moment and observe what's going on?" - asked the blond while frowning - "Rintarō-san is already taking care of everything, look!"

Chifuyu turned to see what was going on, only to see how Rintarō had made Marokichi let go of the girl before flying away.

"You see?" - Cloud said as he looked at the girl seriously - "Now what I want to ask you is.... did you really think I would let a girl be raped in front of me?"

". . ." - Chifuyu looked away because she had really thought that he would just let it��a pass.

". . ." - Cloud gave the woman a look and narrowed his eyes because he had truly been annoyed that Chifuyu thought so badly of him.

"Cloud-sama... look" - Asuna said as she pointed towards the direction Marokichi had flown, only to watch as the boy stood up like it was nothing.

"Okay, this is a bit more interesting... though it's a pity he's only strength and speed" - said the blond while shaking his head - "If Kyōka had those abilities, our battles would be much more exciting."

". . ." - Chifuyu was silent as she shook her head, though she was still slightly embarrassed by her thoughts.

* * * * *

"Marokichi-kun..." - Rintarō muttered as he watched the boy stand up, only to open his eyes and fly away when he saw a fist inches away from his face.

"Rintarō-san!" - Megu exclaimed in surprise as she saw how the boy who had helped her was now heading at high speed against one of the walls of the hallway.

"Tickle..." - Marokichi muttered as he concentrated his gaze on the orange-haired girl again - ". . ."

"!" - Megu quickly recoiled in terror, only to be surprised to see Rintarō appear from the floor - "Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu - Jakotsu no Gyō - Sōkyoku Wanshō! (Double Penetrating Point Technique)!"

"ARGH!" - Marokichi went flying towards the ceiling as he felt Rintarō's fist on his chin.

"Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu - Jakuyoku no Gyō - Byakkon Seikai (Platinum World)!" - exclaimed the boy as his eyes glittered slightly - "Ora Ora Ora Ora!"

Rintarō punched at high speed at the boy who was still in the air while concentrating all his Ki in his hands to cause even more damage. He had come to the conclusion that the only way for Marokichi to return to normal was to defeat him.

"Ora ora ora ora!" - Rintarō exclaimed as he continued to attack mercilessly.

"Ack!" - Marokichi could only scream as he felt how his opponent's fists seemed to be tearing his body apart with his attacks - "NO!"

Marokichi quickly grabbed Rintarō's head fiercely as he resisted the pain of his opponent's blows - "ROAR!"

With a swift movement, Marokichi whipped Rintarō's head against the ground with all his might, in the process creating a huge crack in the ground - "ENOUGH!"

Marokichi quickly whipped the boy's head against the ground again as he continued to roar fiercely.

"Rintarō-san!" - Megu exclaimed in terror as she watched the blood begin to spurt - "You bastard!"

Megu quickly leapt at the messy-haired boy as he concentrated all his energies, only to be sent flying by a slap that came from nowhere - "Ack!"

"Rubbish..." - Marokichi muttered as he completely ignored the orange-haired girl's attack. He was completely focused on Rintarō - "Weak..."

* * * * *

". . ." - Asuna could only tremble in terror at the fierceness Marokichi was showing, plus the brutality of his actions - "C-Cloud-sama..."

". . ." - Cloud kept silent as he stood up because it was obvious that things hadn't gone as he thought. He was sure that Rintarō would manage to stop Marokichi but such seemed that it wouldn't be so - "I think it's time for me to enter the fight before our friend suffers permanent damage... after all, I don't want Keiko or the twins to claim me because I didn't save their boyfriend..."

"I guess that won't be necessary" - said Chifuyu calmly - "From the looks of it, Rintarō-san used the technique that blocked your damage."

"Hmm... right..." - Cloud said while squinting his eyes - "I guess I underestimated him for a few seconds..."

* * * * *

"Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu - Gyūku no Gyō - Sumibi Gyūkaku..." - Rintarō muttered as he concentrated his Ki throughout his body wearily as he looked at his new friend. He slowly raised his weak arms and placed them on the boy's chest - "Marokichi...kun.... I'm...sorry..."

". . ." - Marokichi gave him a condescending look but his expression changed when he felt the strength coming from his opponent's palms.

"Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu - Kogaku no Gyō - Gōhō Gadan.... ROAR!" - the roar of a tiger echoed in place as Rintarō concentrated all the Ki he had left in his body to hit a firm and lethal attack - "HAAAAAA!"

"ARGH!" - Marokichi roared in pain as he felt his bones being shattered by a stampede of Tigers as he went flying at high speed into one of the walls.

"Ugh..." - Rintarō slowly fell to the ground weakly as he vomited a large amount of blood. He had not only taken much of the damage caused when he used his Sumibi Gyūkaku, but he had also broken the limit of what his body could withstand with that last attack.

"Shit... my arms... I can't feel my arms..." - muttered the boy as he fell to his knees and observed his arms, only to see that they seemed to be bathed in blood - "This will hurt like hell... at least it's over now..."

* * * * *

"Oh... he said so..." - denied the blond as he looked sympathetically at the black-haired boy who was completely exhausted.

"Yeah, he said so..." - sighed Asuna as she shook her head - "I think I'd better go help him before things get out of hand."

"I'm sure you two are being superstitious" - snorted Chifuyu. She really didn't believe in those things you call 'Flags', but before she could say anything else, she heard how Marokichi again was roaring with fury - "Ok, I admit it's a great coincidence but it doesn't change the fact that it's too forced."

* * * * *

". . ." - Rintarō was silent as he felt like he would have cursed himself.

"Rintarō-san..." - Megu said as a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Relax, I'm sure someone will help us" - smiled the boy as the girl nodded weakly.

"Rintarō!" - Marokichi roared as he glared furiously at his opponent.

"I'm going to try to buy a little more time" - said Rintarō seriously as he tried to gather some of his Ki, only to feel how his body seemed to break in the process - ". . ."

"I-I think I can try to buy some time..." - Megu said earnestly as she stepped in front of the boy.

"That won't be necessary, Rinko already told me everything what was going on" - Rino said as she looked towards the messy black haired boy with a neutral look - "Although now that I saw the results, I understand why Cloud Strife told me that I would regret my rash actions later..."

"Rino-sama!" - Megu exclaimed excitedly, not noticing that she was hugging Rintarō.

". . ." - Rino looked at her faithful subordinate, only to be surprised at her actions - "I see you're bonding well with Tachibana Rintarō-san."

"Huh?" - Megu immediately understood what she was referring to as she felt her face turn red - "Kya!"

"Ugh..." - Rintarō only groaned in pain as he felt himself hit the ground because of how drastically the girl was pushing.

"I'm sorry, Rintarō-san!" - Megu exclaimed as she saw what she had done.

"D-Don't worry..." - muttered the boy as he weakly stood up - "I know it wasn't intentional!

". . ." - Megu was silent as she watched the boy silently with her face.

"You can continue with your act of seduction another time, now I have to concentrate on our friend here" - Rino said seriously as she took her twin swords - "This is the only way I can at least remedy my stupid actions a little"

"Rino-sama..." - Iyo muttered in pain.

"I'm sorry, Iyo... I guess you learn from mistakes" - sighed the blonde dragoness as she sighed with regret as she realized that her actions had caused the near destruction of her forces that she had built up over two years - "I'm sorry I made you do something so stupid, more so when I knew almost nothing about the target except small assumptions that I didn't even inform them... I let my pride blind me and that caused half of my forces to leave me when they returned to the base..."

"Rino-sama, we will always be by your side..." - Iyo said weakly.

"What Iyo says is true" - nodded Megu seriously - "You were the one who helped us when we needed it the most, and I'm sure Shū and Ryōko think the same."

". . ." - Rino gave them a small smile but her expression changed when she noticed how the messy-haired boy, was looking at her coldly - "I guess we'll talk later..."


read 12 chapters ahead of marvel x dc and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 37k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 chapters ahead ( 20 )

i hope you guys join me on this platform