Chapter 221 ( Anomaly )

"T-Terminate?" - Cloud asked as he swallowed saliva.

[Exactly, finish....]

". . ." - Cloud didn't know what to say when he heard that because he honestly didn't have words that could express how he felt.

"Cloud?" - Okina asked as she looked at the boy.

"Oh, sorry, Okina-san" - Cloud said with a forced smile as he continued to follow the black-haired teacher.

"Strange..." - Okina muttered as she continued walking towards the lake.

"Go on" - Cloud said in his thoughts.

[Ok... as I was saying, the multiverse will proceed to terminate the existence of the mother and the offspring... but that has a high probability of causing what we call, Anomaly]

"Anomaly?" - Cloud asked as he felt that word resonate in his mind.

[Anomaly, is the term we give to characters that are not only out of control of the multiverse, but also���n acquired the ability to block the Users' Systems]

"Huh?" - Cloud couldn't hide his surprise when he heard this because to him, the System was something that was omnipotent. The System had everything he could ask for and even imagine, that's why hearing that there were entities that could counter it, was something impossible to think about.

[I know it sounds unbelievable, but it's true....]

". . ." - Cloud was silent when he heard this because he still couldn't believe what he had heard.

[I'd better continue... we still don't know the reason why this happens, but after one centuries we came to the conclusion that this is due to Karma...]

"Karma?" - Cloud reacted when he heard this.

[Exactly... everything the Users did, comes back to the same Users...]

Cloud was silent when he heard this new hypothesis because it made sense. The Users not only take their recruits from the different worlds of the multiverse, but also expose them to unimaginable dangers, so it's obvious that, one way or another, the Recruits have the ability to return the favor, it's even possible that those [Anomalies] are nothing more than Karma multiplied by an unknown number.

[That's an interesting hypothesis... but we'd better get back to the main topic. As I said, the "Anomalies" have the ability to counteract everything related to the System, be it the Skills, the Inventory and even the Calling of other Recruits... Innate Skill of the Bloodline. Stats are not affected, as these are part of the User himself...]

"I see..." - Cloud muttered as he narrowed his eyes - "Makes sense... it would be too unfair to a User if these were separated from all of their powers."

"Cloud!" - Okina exclaimed with a frown. She wasn't liking how the blond was ignoring her.

"I'm sorry, Okina-san" - Cloud said as he shook his head - "I was just thinking about some things."

"Like what?" - Okina asked as she crossed her arms and in the process, accentuating her huge breasts even more, after all, she was still naked.

"Hmm... What would our children be called?" asked Cloud with a forced smile.

"Oh... it's good that you're taking it seriously" - nodded Okina as she continued walking towards the lake.

"Safe... "- muttered Cloud as he shook his head and gave a glance at the tired Kyōka who was asleep - "Continue."

[Ok... there's no more information left about the "Anomalies", at least not for now, as you're not yet level enough to receive the rest of the information]

Cloud frowned when he heard this, but said nothing to deny it, after all, one, he didn't know how strong an [Anomaly] was, and two, he didn't have the time to worry about them right now.

[Now, answering your second question, yes you are going to be able to have offspring, although this will only be possible when your "Home World (Earth)," reaches a good level and transforms into a "Personal World."]

"Personal World?" - Cloud asked with interest.

[Sorry, that information is only accessible to users Level 100 and above.]

". . ." - Cloud again was shocked because the more answers he got, the more questions he had rattling around in his head.

[Anyway, that would be all for now... if you want more information, you'll have to one, level up to a suitable level, or two, find hints of that information on other worlds, although the likelihood of that happening is quite low]

"Information..." - Cloud muttered as he squinted his eyes.

"What are you doing now?" - Okina asked with annoyance. It was quite obvious that she had noticed that the blond wasn't doing what he said.

". . ." - Cloud gave the woman a chagrined smile before apologizing.

* * * * *

"Uh... how long does it take to well... that?" - Meru asked awkwardly because she honestly wasn't enjoying the situation.

"Hmm... usually an hour or two" - Shizuka replied while tilting her head - "At least that's normal for Cloud-chan."

". . ." - the girls were silent because they never thought it would be that long.

"I think we better change the subject" - Chifuyu muttered.

"What are you girls talking about?" - Ryōko asked as she entered the infirmary - "Hmm.... Isn't my daughter with you?"

"Ryōko-sama!" - The girls exclaimed in surprise as they began to sweat at the headmistress' presence.

"Is something wrong?" - Ryōko asked as she noticed the students' expression.

"I-it's nothing, Ryōko-sama!" - Kako exclaimed.

Ryōko narrowed her eyes because it was quite obvious that the girls were hiding something from her - "Anyway.... can someone tell me where my daughter is? There's something important I need to talk to her about, by the way could you guys tell me if you've seen Okina?"

"We haven't seen Okina sensei, and Kyōka-san..." - Ayane said more and more slowly.

". . ." - Ryōko narrowed her eyes because it was obvious that whatever the girls were hiding had to do with her daughter - "Ok, I think that's enough of games, tell at once what's going on."

The girls looked at each other as if they were talking with their eyes, only to let out a massive sigh after seeing that there was no way they could hide this information from the beautiful headmistress now that she was attentive to their expressions.

"Well?" - Ryōko asked as she folded her arms and narrowed her eyes.

"T-The truth is..." - Kako muttered with a red face - "Kyōka-sama.... well... I'm sorry, I can't say it..."

"The thing is..." - Meru continued with an awkward smile - "Ok, this is difficult."

"Anything to add, Ren?" - Ryōko asked as she looked at the dragon who had graduated from her High School.

"Nothing" - replied Ren with a slight blush adorning her cheeks.

"Hmm... Ok, this is getting weirder and weirder..." - Ryōko muttered as she looked at the others. Honori and Chiyoko, couldn't speak because they were still unconscious, Kako made it clear that she couldn't say, Misa was so clothed that she looked like she would faint at any moment, Ren seemed to be struggling to speak, that only left the first year girls, and Asuna - "Anything I need to know?"

"Uh... I don't think it's a good idea for me to say" - Keiko replied as she hid behind Rintarō, who shook her head because she didn't want to get in trouble.

"I'm sorry, but I can't talk" - replied Ayane as Makoto kept silent.

"I'm not a gossip" - Chifuyu replied normally - "Though I'm sure you'll know the truth before long."

"Hmm..." - Ryōko frowned because it was the first time in her tenure as principal that her students didn't want to talk. She slowly looked at the two remaining girls, Shizuka and Asuna.

"Hmm... Shall I say it or not say it?" - Shizuka asked as she tilted her head in confusion - "No.... Cloud-chan will be upset if I talk..."

"Clever little bitch..." - The girls thought as they narrowed their eyes. They knew that Shizuka was acting right now so she could get out of the awkward situation easily.

"Well, Asuna?" - Ryōko asked as she looked at the last remaining girl to speak.

"Hehehe~" - Asuna could only give her a forced smile as she saw all the girls avert their gazes - "Traitors!"

"Ok, let's do this" - Ryōko said as she shook her head. She was now curious to know what had happened, so she decided to use the carrot and stick tactic - "If you tell me the truth I'll let you be Cloud Strife's roommate!"

"Kyōka-san and Cloud-sama are having sex right now!" - Asuna replied almost immediately as she told her everything that had happened.

"Ok... this wasn't what I expected..." - Ryōko said as she shook her head.

"Aren't you upset that Kyōka-sama is having intimate relations with Cloud Strife, Ryōko-sama?" - Kako asked as she looked at her leader's mother.

"No" - denied Ryōko as she shook her head again - "I did something similar when I was in my student years at Nangokuren.... in fact, that�� was how I met Kyōka's father."

"Uh..." - the girls just kept silent when they heard this.

"I know, a bit strange but it's the truth" - Ryōko replied while shrugging her shoulders - "It's a tradition of the Kagamiin clan, we can only have offspring with the one who submits to us"

"Somehow I can understand that..." - Makoto said as the other girls nodded, of course, with the exception of Shizuka, Chifuyu and Asuna.

"Does that mean I can change rooms now?" - Asuna asked expectantly.

"A deal, it's a deal" - nodded Ryōko as she shrugged - "Now if you need me, I have to go see my new son-in-law."


Read 14 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 40k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform