Chapter 239 ( Bad Decision - I )

"If what they told us was correct, then this must be the place..." - Chifuyu said as she squinted her eyes as they came to what appeared to be a private building on a cliff - "Now the question is.... Why would he come to this place?"

"Hmm... Maybe the owner of this place invited him?" - Shizuka asked as she tilted her head in confusion.

"I don't know, but it could be..." - replied Chifuyu while shaking her head - "In any case, we better keep our guard up because we never know if this might be a trap."

"Ok... if you say so..." - Shizuka said as she nodded with a nonchalant expression, though inside she had already adjusted her Skill to increase her speed to the maximum.

For her part, Ren nodded as she noticed the slight changes in the two women as she followed them - "It's a good thing they didn't take those two women's words as true..."

She still felt there was something strange about that green-haired woman and the other silver-haired one, especially their excuses.

"I'd better go along with her example..." - Ren muttered as she entered the building quietly, not noticing that three pairs of eyes were watching them.

"Are you sure about this, Saizō-sama?" - Isami said seriously as she saw that they had led the women to the real place where Cloud Strife was.

"I don't think it was a good idea for us to have brought them to this place when we could have ambushed them in a much better positioned place" - Rena replied as she narrowed her eyes.

"No... we'll do it here because I want to see that bastard's expression while torturing those bitches" - Saizō said coldly while the two women ducked their gaze neutrally because it was obvious that this plan would blow up in their faces, but it seemed that their leader didn't want to listen to reason - "Let's go."

"As you command, Saizō-sama" - said the two girls as the three of them disappeared from the place.

* * * * *

"You can start whenever you want" - said Cloud as he watched the girl change her clothes at high speed, being now left with a Judo uniform - "Ok, that how interesting".

"Well, it's time to start with our fight" - Ema said as her look changed and she launched herself against the other blond.

Cloud stood still for a few seconds as he felt the girl grab him by the sleeve of his clothes and try to throw him to the ground, only to grab the girl by the wrist and hold her in place.

"Huh?" - Ema was surprised by how firm the boy's grip was, as well as how heavy it felt by how he didn't move even though he was using all his strength.

"The reason is simple, it just changed my gravity point and thus keeping me on the surface" - Cloud answered as he threw the girl forward - "Although I have to admit that your strength is admirable... as would be expected from the US champion."

Ema was silent when she heard all this because she still couldn't digest what had happened. She had never failed in her attack so this feeling she currently had was something new to her, especially noticing the normalcy in her opponent's voice.

"Is something wrong?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow in surprise noticing how the girl was frowning.

"I'm asking you to take this fight seriously... I want you to show me everything you've got" - Ema said as she looked annoyed at the blond boy.

"Ema-sama... maybe you should use that" - said Kirihiko as he looked at his Ojou-sama.

"It's not necessary yet... first I want to measure the level of power Cloud Strife has before I use that" - Ema replied with annoyance.

"I'm sorry for speaking out of turn, Ema-sama" - Kirihiko replied as he stepped back.

". . ." - Kurama sensed something different about the boy as he stepped back, an aura that felt familiar.

"It's time for Round 2, Cloud Strife" - Ema said as she disappeared and reappeared underneath the blond, only to grab him by the belt and put him over her shoulder.

Cloud was surprised to feel it being lifted, or rather thrown as he watched as the girl's muscles seemed to have grown a little.

"Take that!" - Ema roared as she threw her opponent towards the ground with all her might, only to watch as he extended one of his hands to use it as a spring to land on his feet after doing a small half-twist

"Ok, that was good..." - Cloud said with a smile as the irritation grew for the blonde girl - "Did I say something wrong?"

"Take this battle seriously!" - Ema roared as she leapt at the boy, only to shift her center of gravity slightly so she could grab the collar of the shirt she was wearing as she did a 180° turn.

Cloud frowned as he again felt how the girl managed to move him, only to concentrate some mana in his arms and grab the girl by the waist - "Huh?"

"Suplex!" - Cloud exclaimed as he arched backwards and slammed the girl to the Ring floor.

"Ack!" - Ema groaned in pain as she felt the heavy blow as she glared in annoyance at her opponent.

"Stop playing with me!" - Ema exclaimed fiercely as she glared at her subordinate - "That's enough, use that!"

"As you command, Ema-sama" - smiled Kirihiko as a dark smile appeared on his face.

"!" - Cloud's eyes widened in surprise as he saw a dark aura surround the boy behind his opponent, only to understand where he had sensed that familiarity - "You are also a member of the Asahinata clan..."

"Indeed..." - Kirihiko replied while starting to press the nerve points on the girl's back - "But let's leave that for later, now I'd like you to continue fighting Ema-sama..."

"!" - Cloud opened his eyes in surprise when he saw how the girl threw a simple right that was easily blocked, only to feel how his hand started to hurt from the impact - "Ok... now you have my full attention..."

"I was waiting for that..." - Ema replied as she continued to throw punches at high speed.

Cloud began to deflect the attacks as he felt his arms become paralyzed by the amount of strength the girl was demonstrating.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"- roared Ema as her arms seemed to distort from the great speed she was demonstrating.

"You want me to fight!!!Fine, I'll fight!" - Cloud exclaimed as he released his Mana and began to counterattack.

Ema gritted her teeth as she felt the boy's punch to her stomach as she ignored the pain and countered with a punch to the face.

Cloud spat out some blood as his eyes started to go wild.

Ema quickly approached the boy as she moved like a snake and grabbed him by the neck, only to watch in surprise as her hands pierced the blond's body.

"Behind you~" - Cloud said as he gave her a firm slap on the back.

"Ack!" - Ema spat out some blood as she gave Cloud a cold stare as she turned around and started punching as fast as a machine gun.

"Faster!" - Cloud exclaimed as he began to listen as a dark voice began to whisper to him to tear the woman in front of him apart - "Quiet!"

"?" - Ema gave the boy a confused look before turning to attack the blond again.

"I recommend you don't attack me when I'm talking to myself..." - Cloud said as he glared at his opponent with his eyes that now had pupils shaped like red four-pointed stars

"!" - Ema stopped when she felt the blond's cold stare.

"What's wrong?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the woman.

"W-what happened to your eyes?" asked Ema in terror.

"?" - Cloud gave her a confused look only to understand how he had slightly lost control - ". . ."

". . ." - Ema was silent as she watched the boy in front of her because she had never felt so afraid of someone, and she had only looked him in the eyes.

"Sorry about that..." - Cloud replied as he tried to calm down only to hear how the dark voice was getting louder and louder - "A-Although.... I recommend that we leave the battle until here..."

". . ." - Ema nodded weakly, but frowned when she felt the presence of a large group.

"Oh... I expected something more from you, Ema Brooks..." - Saizō said as he looked at the blonde girl - "More so when my subordinate had talked so much about you..."

"!" - Ema fell to her knees as she felt her body begin to be pierced by hundreds of needles.

"You should read the fine print when you use medicine" - Saizō said while letting out a laugh - "When you use Body Reinforcement, it ends up with a big charge, after all, Ki overload damages your body if it's not strong enough..."

". . ." - Ema gritted her teeth as she resisted the pain while looking at the black-haired man.

"Saizō..." - Cloud said coldly as he looked at the Asahinata clan boy - "It seems like I wasn't clear enough..."

"No... Cloud Strife... you were clear with what you said..." - Saizō said while resisting the terror he felt from the blond's gaze - "But... this time I have something that gives me an advantage over you.... Bring it on, girls!"

"!" - Cloud's pupils contracted as they saw how Shizuka, Chifuyu and Ren, were completely hurt as they were dragged away by Rena and Isami.

"I guess I have your attention..." - Saizō grinned as he let out a laugh upon seeing the blond's expression.


well guys I'm back on my daily routine ...

Read 14 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 25 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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