Chapter 241 ( Empty revenge )

"What happened to them!" - Asuna exclaimed as she looked at Shizuka and Chifuyu in such a bad state.

"Relax... it's just external injuries..." - Chifuyu replied as she looked at what would possibly be one of her teammates.

"It still hurts a little..." - Shizuka muttered as Isami averted her gaze.

"I guess something happened while they were going to look for Cloud-sama... anyway, who are they?" - Asuna asked with a frown as she watched as Cloud had returned to the Academy along with two girls, one who seemed to be following the blond as if they were his shadow and others who was so badly injured that she looked like she would die at any moment.

"It's a long story that I'll tell you later" - Cloud answered while looking at Isami, who was ducking her gaze, such it seemed that the image of him destroying Saizō.

"And who is the girl you're very much behind you?" - Asuna asked while raising an eyebrow. She slowly pointed in the direction of Nangokuren's entrance, only for the group to see how Ema was hiding in one of the pillars.

"Oh, This is Ema Brooks, a transfer student coming to Nangokuren" - Cloud replied as he watched the girl hide her head and discreetly look at the group.

"I see..." - Asuna muttered as she narrowed her eyes.

* * * * *

"Who knew that the one who would be the next leader of our clan would end up in this state..." - Kirihiko said as he looked at what was left of the body of their leader, Saizō, who was now with his legs shattered, arms torn off and face completely disfigured - "I guess that happens when you wake up a sleeping dragon..."

Kirihiko couldn't hold back anymore, he quickly let out a laugh as tears ran down his cheeks - "You're finally dead, you ill-born bastard..."

The boy without a second thought started kicking Saizō's lifeless body while letting out a laugh full of madness - "It's a pity that I wasn't the one who killed you... though seeing you torn up like this is a relief for me and my sister..."

Kirihiko looked at the boy for a second or two before raising his leg and stomping on Saizō's head with all his might to the point that he burst his head - "At least I'm going to have the pleasure of smashing your head in for what you did to my older sister..."

"Happy trip to hell, motherfucker" - Kirihiko muttered coldly while kicking what was left of Saizō's body against the window overlooking the cliff - "I hope in that place you can enjoy your new life..."

* * * * *

"I swear to god those girls are a pain in the ass..." - Rintarō said with a frown. He was walking towards his room with all his clothes torn - "They didn't even stop when they found out I didn't have the seal..."

"Welcome, Mr. Popular" - Kousuke replied as he looked at the injured figure of his friend.

"Don't start... I'm fucking annoyed" - said Rintarō with annoyance - "So I hope they don't bother me because I'm exhausted..."

"How does it feel to be chased by all those girls?" - Tamao asked curiously.

"They weren't chasing me like you think" - answered Rintarō with irritation - "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take a shower and lie down for a bit..."

". . ." - Tamao and Kousuke just rolled their eyes at their friend then looked at each other - "Is that camera still working?"

"Indeed, but we haven't found anything interesting" - Tamao answered while shrugging his shoulders - "If I'm honest with you, I was hoping to find a lot more information for our book, but we haven't discovered anything... they haven't even shown their panties which is strange because it always happens when they're fighting..."

"Hmm... I knew we should have put the camera on Cloud Strife" - Kousuke snorted in irritation.

"You mean because of that rumor that he had sex with Kyōka senpai?" - Tamao asked as he tilted his head in confusion.

"It's not rumor, Kyōka herself said it in class when the topic came up in conversation" - replied Kousuke jealously - "It's obvious that those two are hanging out together, and if my perverted senses are accurate, then the odds of Oyakodon are extremely high."

"I think you're talking pure bullshit" - said Tamao while rolling his eyes at his friend - "Anyway, we'd better continue looking for new places to relax because now that there's chaos all over Nangokuren, it's obvious we'll be able to use it to our advantage"

"You mean because of the plan to break into the girls' lockers and steal their underwear?" - Kousuke asked in surprise as a perverted smile appeared on his face.

"I think I heard something interesting..." - Said a female voice that the two boys recognized immediately.

"Okina sensei-chan!" - exclaimed the two boys in surprise and terror - "What are you doing here!"

"I have something to talk to Cloud Strife about, so I came to see if he was in his room" - Okina replied with a frown on her face as she looked at the two boys. While she was a bit embarrassed to say that, she was hiding it quite well with the feminine rage she felt for her two male students.

"We can explain, Okina sensei-chan!" - Tamao exclaimed as Kousuke nodded - "Right, we were just joking."

"I feel that you guys don't understand something" - said Okina seriously while looking at the two boys - "We, the teachers of Nangokuren, are aware of all your actions, such as for example the attempts to spy on the girls' bathroom together with some of your classmates, as well as the fact that you look for different spots in the High School so you can 'enjoy s youth', and honestly we hadn't done anything because one, you didn't do direct harm to the girls and were always punished by these same girls, and two, because it was in the limit of what was acceptable. .. but lately they seem to be much more daring..."

". . ." - Tamao and Kousuke were silent when they heard this as they felt a bad feeling.

"I'll get straight to the point, this is your only warning, if you keep doing those morally inappropriate things like trying to enter the girls' bathroom, stealing their underwear or harassing them, you will be expelled from Nangokuren and these crimes will be written on your records" - Okina said coldly - "Is that clear?"

"H-Hai!" - exclaimed the two boys in terror because it was the first time they saw Okina with such a serious expression.

"I hope you understand... I wouldn't like to be the one who has to write the report of your expulsion..." - Okina said as she narrowed her eyes before walking in the direction of the blond's room.

". . ." - Tamao and Kousuke could only remain silent as they sighed regretfully.

"I think that's enough... I don't want to have a stain on my record just because I can't control my crotch" - Tamao said as he shook his head.

"I agree... we don't need to do that, I mean, how hard is it to find a girlfriend among thousands of girls?" - Kousuke asked while looking at her friend - "At least one would have to like us..."

"The odds are in our favor, not to mention that in the worst case scenario, we could scrape together some money and go to well... you know where" - replied Tamao while nodding.

"Right... I heard that's a good place to..." - Kousuke muttered as he nodded firmly - "Sounds like a plan we can use... though now I'm curious about something..."

"What?" - Tamao asked in confusion.

"What does Okina sensei-chan need from Cloud Strife?" - Kousuke asked while frowning - "I mean, this is the first time I've heard that a teacher is looking for a student outside of school hours..."

"Actually, I heard that a teacher had gone to a girl's room to tutor her" - replied Tamao while remarking the 'Tutoring' part.

"Are you saying that Okina sensei-chan also has a thing for Cloud Strife?" - Kousuke asked as he felt his jealousy rising, after all, Okina had one of the best pair of boobs in Nangokuren and was the desire of all the boys studying at the High School.

"I'm not so sure and honestly I don't think it's a good idea to get in the middle" - Tamao said while shaking her head - "Remember what happened when we found out that Asuna-sama had decided to become the blond's slave"

"Right... I still have traumas from what happened that time" - replied Kousuke as he felt a shiver run down his back.

". . ." - the two boys were silent for a few seconds until they saw Okina walk past them again.

"Is it over already, Okina sensei-chan?" - Tamao asked as he sighed in relief because it was obvious that with the time that had passed, nothing could have happened between the two of them.

"Actually, he wasn't in the room" - answered Okina while shaking her head - "Anyway, I'd better leave because it might cause a misunderstanding... if you see Cloud Strife, tell him to go to the teacher's room that I need to talk to him about something urgent... tell him that Ryōko-sama needs his help"

"Ok, we'll inform him if we see him" - nodded Kousuke as Tamao gave her a look.

"Thank you very much, and remember what I told you" - Okina said before retreating from the boys' dormitories.

"Now I'm not so sure if there's something between Okina sensei-chan and Cloud Strife..." - Tamao said seriously.

"Me now I'm curious as to what Ryōko-sama needs from Cloud so late..." - Kousuke replied as the two boys frowned.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 22 Chapters ahead

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