Chapter 244 ( Return )

"Ok, I have to admit that was equal parts comical and sad" - Keiko said as she shook her head - "Question.... How did it all end?"

"The girl in charge of the boys' dormitories heard Asuna-sama's screams as she flew out of the window and ran in the direction where she had been sent to fly" - answered Rumina - "She ended up being put under surveillance for a month..."

"Ok, universe I don't want her to lose her virginity" - Keiko said while shaking her head, though she had to admit it was fun to hear about Asuna's sad misadventures.

* * * * *

"Achu! Ugh... I don't know who's talking about me, but I feel like it's bad stuff" - Asuna said with a frown as she shook her head.

"Break's over, Asuna-san" - said Chifuyu as she looked at her training partner.

"Hai, Chifuyu-san!" - Asuna exclaimed firmly as she stood at attention.

During these weeks, she had been training hard alongside Chifuyu, Ema, Isami, and Rena, the latter being the newest members of Nangokuren High School and at the same time, the latest members of Cloud's group, [Metsuryū].

"Our training with Cloud-sama is much more productive than the training we did during our stay in the Asahinata clan, don't you think so, Isami?" - Rena, who after recovering, had offered her loyalty alongside her teammate, Isami, asked. Although she did this mostly out of fear of the blond who after a few weeks began to slowly disappear

"I concur... though it's much more difficult..." - Isami replied neutrally as she looked down at her hands - "Though I have to admit it feels good to be part of a real team..."

Isami slowly moved her index finger towards a stone, only for everyone to watch as the lilac-haired girl's finger entered the huge stone as easily as a hot knife entering butter - ". . ."

"With those fingers, you don't need a blade to stab someone..." - Rena said as she whistled in approval.

"This is nothing and you know it" - Isami replied neutrally as she squinted her eyes only for the stone to turn into hundreds of pieces after a few seconds - "I have to improve my control..."

"Control... I still think that's not necessary" - Rena replied with annoyance while using her huge hammer in order to destroy a stone - "Tch... the pieces are still too many..."

"That's why you need to improve your control" - replied Isami as a small smile appeared on her face.

"Yeah, keep laughing" - Rena snorted with annoyance - "But Cloud-sama said you had to improve your speed or he'll make you run all over Nangokuren with the x6 gravity seal!"

Isami paled when she heard this because so far she was only getting used to the x4 gravity.

"Looks like those two already got used to Nangokuren" - Asuna said while looking at the two girls.

". . ." - Chifuyu didn't answer, she just looked at them silently.

"By the way... Where is Shizuka-san and Cloud-sama?" - Asuna asked curiously.

"Trying to take the last step, again?" - Chifuyu asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"No... at least not until it's vacation again" - Asuna replied with irritation - "You know very well all the bad things that have happened to me during all the times I wanted to take the last step with Cloud-sama... every time I try, something bad happens to me, it's like the planets aligned to fuck me up."

Chifuyu shook her head when she heard this. She wasn't a superstitious person, but it was too many strange situations for it to just be a coincidence - "Answering your question, Shizuka-san asked for permission to be able to leave Nangokuren and go to the medical school of the university nearby to gather more medical information for the future, as for Cloud, he must be training at the waterfall in the middle of the forest."

"Meditating?" - Isami asked normally.

"What else must he be doing in that place?" - Rena asked as she rolled her eyes at him.

* * * * *

"Oh, god~!" - Kyōka exclaimed as she bit her lip as Cloud penetrated her firmly - "Let's cum together ~!"

Cloud nodded as he released his seed inside the blue-haired girl, who could only let out a sigh of pleasure.

"Ok, I never thought it would be so much fun to have sex under a waterfall" - Kyōka said while letting out a laugh as she felt that far from being tired, she was with much more energy - "I wouldn't mind having a second Round".

"I'm sorry to tell you that I already used a lot of time and I really have to train" - Cloud replied as he rolled his eyes at her - "I feel like I'm about to break a barrier"

"Hmm... sorry for interrupting you then" - Kyōka said while shrugging her shoulders.

"Don't apologize, I was the one who agreed" - Cloud replied calmly - "Anyway, you'd better go to the river bank... I don't think I can concentrate with you next to me... it's too much temptation."

"Wouldn't it be a good training then?" - Kyōka asked with an amused smile on her face.

"You have a point..." - Cloud replied as he closed his eyes and sat in lotus position, only to feel soft, huge breasts press against his back - "Kyōka..."

"I'm just helping you" - smiled Kyōka as she watched the boy tense up.

". . ." - Cloud let out a sigh before focusing again, only to feel how the girl moved her hand across his abs and slowly moved down - "Kyōka... I think that's enough... you better stop doing that or I swear you won't be able to measure the consequences..."

"Oh...did you hear a dare?" - Kyōka asked with a wild grin, only to feel the blond stand up abruptly and press her against the rocks of the wall through which the water was running - ". . ."

Cloud gave a neutral look to the girl, who kept her smile on her beautiful face - "Now what will you do, Cloud Strife?"

"You like to tease me when I train.... Don't you?" - Cloud asked while squinting his eyes - "Is it because we haven't trained together in almost a month?"

"Exactly..." - Kyōka replied firmly. She wasn't one to beat around the bush, her straightforward attitude made it simple to know what she wished for.

". . ." - Cloud looked at her silently for a few seconds before shaking his head - "Ok... you win... I finish this part of my training, and we'll train together again."

"I'll take your word for it" - nodded Kyōka calmly as she gave him a kiss on the cheek before withdrawing but not before seductively wiggling her naked buttocks.

". . ." - Cloud shook his head as he went back to training as he felt he just needed one more push.

"Oh my god!" - exclaimed Ema, who was hiding in the surrounding trees - "They had s-s-s-s-sex!"

The girl from America was so embarrassed that she hadn't noticed how she had gotten back into the bad habit of mixing languages.

"Uh? Ema-san?" - Ayane, who had arrived on the scene, asked - "Have you seen Sensei?"

"Kya!" - Ema gave a little jump when she heard the red-haired girl - "Huh? Oh, h-hello, Aian-san!"

"For the thousandth time, Ema-san... my name is Ayane, not Aian" - Ayane replied as she let out a sigh - "Anyway, have you seen Sensei?"

"Who, Cloud Strife?" - Ema asked with a red face as she remembered what she had seen.

"Yes, him" - nodded Ayane as she looked in confusion at the girl from America - "Why are you red?"

"I-It's nothing!" - Ema exclaimed in embarrassment as she started speaking English for a few seconds before she was able to calm down - "S-Sorry about that... answering your question, Aian-san, Cloud Strife is at that waterfall."

"Oh, thank you very much, Ema-san" - Ayane said before walking in the direction where her sensei was.

"Uh... I guess I should have told her that he's naked..." - Ema muttered with a red face - "No... that would make me look suspicious..."

"Kya!" - Ayane's shout was heard after a few seconds.

"I don't think it's necessary anymore... I'd better leave before things get much stranger" - Ema said to herself as she ran off at full speed.

* * * * *

"It's good to be back..." - muttered a boy who was wearing a blanket that covered much of his features - "I wonder what my..."

"We're finally back!" - exclaimed Rintarō as he ran towards the entrance of Nangokuren - "I wonder what happened during these weeks that we hadn't been?"

"I think just intemperate destruction" - replied Meru as she shook her head - "Don't you think so too, Ren?"

". . ." - Ren just kept silent as she nodded neutrally.

"Hmm... I thought that with all these days, you would have gotten used to Rintarō-kun by now" - Meru said as she tilted her head in confusion.

"A little..." - replied Ren while looking at the black-haired boy - "Just a little..."

"It's a breakthrough" - said Rintarō while shrugging his shoulders - "Anyway, we'd better go inside, I'm sure the others have will be surprised to see us come back."

"You're right, besides, there are many things I want to ask Erin-chan" - nodded Meru who really wanted to talk to her friend about the events that had happened in Nangokuren during her absence.

"That boy..." - muttered the hooded man as he watched Rintarō walk along with her teammates - "It's possible that it's him..."


Read 15 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 22 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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