Chapter 257 ( Dragons Rioting - IV )

The 5 main participants walked towards the center and looked at each other, no, it was better to say that four were looking carefully at the remaining one.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to embarrass myself" - Cloud said as he looked at the other dragons with amusement.

". . ." - Rino was silent as Kyōka's aura increased along with her desire to fight the blond.

"Sensei... I hope you fight with everything you've got this time, or else the fight will be meaningless" - Ayane said seriously.

"Of course I'll fight with everything I have, although that will be when you manage to defeat my subordinates" - Cloud answered calmly as he walked towards the chair that was in one of the corners, something that confused the crowd, although they understood when they saw the blond sitting on the chair.

"I'm sure many of you have to be confused about the situation, so I'm going to enlighten your path a bit" - said Ryōko as she walked next to the blond boy who was sitting and rested her hand on the head of the chair - "You see, a few days before, Cloud Strife's subordinates challenged all the dragons and they accepted, now their leader is going to wait until the battles are over to enter the battlefield."

". . ." - those present were perplexed at these words because they never thought that someone other than a dragon or a tiger would challenge another dragon.

"Shizuka..." - Cloud said as he watched the sexy blonde nurse walk in his direction - "I want you to fight with everything you've got."

"Uh... Ok" - nodded Shizuka as she shook her head - "If that's what you want, then I'm going to fight with everything I've got"

"?" - Ryōko tilted her head in confusion because she hadn't received information that Shizuka would fight - "Anyway, let's start the first match! Ayane vs Asuna!"

"Huh? I'm the first?" - Ayane asked in surprise because she honestly thought it would be Kyōka.

"Finally..." - Asuna said as she walked towards the center.

* * * * *

"Strange... it's the first time in a long time that there's a one vs one combat event" - said one of the martial artists.

"At least now we'll be able to get a closer look at his skills, although it feels a bit strange that the guy is watching everything from a privileged position" - replied his partner while frowning.

"None of that matters right now, the cards are laid on the table" - said the woman in the group while squinting her eyes - "Let's see how it all plays out, you never know, we might get some valuable information out of all of this"

"Right... you have a point" - nodded one of the men as he watched the two pretty girls enter the battlefield.

* * * * *

"You don't know how much I want this" - said Asuna as she looked at Ayane as a smile appeared on her face.

"I think the same thing" - Ayane said as she smiled back - "Although it's for different reasons."

"Oh, believe me when I say it's for the same reasons" - Asuna replied as she took a few steps back.

The two girls positioned themselves in front of each other with 5 meters distance so that they would have the same advantage.

"Contestants, second year Asuna and first year Ayane!" - Ryōko exclaimed as she looked at the two girls - "You may begin!"

The two girls didn't make each other wait.

The moment Ryōko gave the start signal, the two girls were already fighting with everything they had.

Ayane quickly threw a punch straight at the sophomore girl's face, only to be stopped by Asuna's firm grip - "!"

"Surprised?" - Asuna asked as a huge white tiger materialized behind her - "Well, you shouldn't be! It's time for me to show you my desire to be by her side! Byakko no Ken (White Tiger Fist)!"

"!" - Ayane's pupils contracted as she gritted her teeth and concentrated her Ki into her fists - "Senseiryū no Tekken!"

The clash of attack echoed in place, causing the two girls to back up a few inches, only to launch themselves at each other again.

Ayane was amazed at the toughness and lethality Asuna was demonstrating. She was acting like a tiger that was coming down a mountain - "I guess I can't be left behind... after all, I am a dragon."

Ayane's aura again changed, taking on a much more wild and domineering form.

Asuna immediately understood that the battle was about to become much more complicated, but far from scaring her, it excited her, something she never thought she would feel.

* * * * *

"I think you're very comfortable, Cloud Strife" - said Ryōko, Rino's subordinate when she noticed how the blond was watching her subordinate's battle with the first year dragon.

"It's because I can do it" - Cloud answered without even looking at her - "By the way, you should focus on your opponent."

"Huh?" - Ryōko opened her eyes in surprise as she felt a blurry figure appear in front of her.

"Sorry!" - Shizuka exclaimed as she lashed out with her knife.

"!" - Ryōko quickly raised her tonfas to block the attack, only to notice how the blonde had disappeared again - "A-A case..."

"Behind you, Ryōko!" - Iyo exclaimed.

"!" - Ryōko quickly moved to the side, but by the time she was finally able to react it was too late.

Shizuka's attack had been quick and accurate, but to the girl's luck, she managed to dodge the attack thanks to the intervention of a person she never thought would help her.

"Kya!" - Ryōko cried out in pain as she grabbed the arm that had been cut by her blonde opponent's knife, only to look in the direction where she had felt she had been pushed.

"Are you okay?" - Marokichi asked as he looked at the girl.

". . ." - Ryōko stared at him for a few seconds before nodding weakly.

"Look, first I want to tell you that I'm sorry... I wasn't in control when I attacked you" - Marokichi said as he gave a small bow in apology, only to be met by silence - "Hello?"

". . ." - Ryōko gave him a confused look, only to react when she heard her friend's voice telling her to move again.

"I'm sorry!" - Shizuka shouted as she continued attacking the pink-haired girl, only to be blocked by the duo Marokichi and Ryōko - "Huh? You guys make a good team!"

"!" - Ryōko blushed when she heard this, but quickly shook her head.

"Ryōko! Are you alright?" - Iyo asked as she checked her friend's condition, only to notice that the wound wasn't as deep as she thought.

"Relax, it's just a scratch..." - Ryōko replied as she gritted her teeth because she never thought that the woman in front of her was so strong. She considered Shizuka more like a pet, but now she understood how wrong she was.

"Impressive, isn't she?" - Cloud asked with a grin as he watched the blonde disappear from her former location and reappear beside him - "Shizuka-chan is much more skilled and lethal than you think, so I recommend you not to underestimate her."

"Hehehe~" - Shizuka blushed at her beloved Cloud's praise as she raised her huge chest in pride.

"I'm sure their leaders informed them of the situation... so I'm going to give them one last recommendation..." - Cloud said as he looked at the sub leaders of all the groups present - "Fight Shizuka with everything you've got or you'll regret it..."

". . ." - Shū narrowed her eyes when she heard this, but did not refute the blond's words. Shizuka had shown speed that was impressive and her damage wasn't that low either - "Makoto-san... I'll take the close range while you use the medium range."

"Sounds good to me" - Makoto nodded calmly as she took her spear firmly. She gave a glance at the blond, then at her ominous spear and finally at her current opponent - "I've long wanted to face you, Shizuka-san."

"Really?" - Shizuka asked in surprise as a happy smile appeared on her face - "If I'm honest with you, I don't want to fight, but all my friends are doing it, so it's obvious that I will too."

"I... will also participate..." - Said a voice that the girls immediately recognized, but at the same time surprised them to the point that they couldn't hide it because it was the voice of a person who didn't speak out loud.

"Shit! It's Kokua!" - Keiko exclaimed as she ran to give support to her friend and former classmate.

"Finally you show up, Erin-chan!" - Shizuka exclaimed with a smile - "And you spoke!"

". . ." - Erin was silent as her cheeks lit up from the embarrassment of having spoken out loud. She was again wearing her gothic dress.

"Are you going to help me?" - Shizuka asked as she ignored the others and focused on her friend, who nodded in response - "Ok, let's do it, Erin-chan!"

"Ok..." - Erin muttered as she looked at the opponents who were growing in number. She watched them closely with her cold eyes as she remembered each of the profiles she had created for them. As an informant, she knew everything from what kind of moves were their favorites to what color underwear they were wearing now.

"We have the Clueless Nurse and Kokua..." - Kako muttered as she narrowed her eyes - "This will be a bit tricky, but it's still manageable."

"By the way... don't forget to deactivate the gravity that's restricting them" - said Cloud as Shizuka's eyes widened - "Right, I forgot!"


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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