Chapter 285 ( Acceptance )

"Impressive..." - Ren said as she began to analyze the pros and cons of such advanced technology - "Though I still think it's better to use our own power..."

"Hmm... I wouldn't mind using those energy weapons" - said Kyōka as she tilted her head - "Don't you find that interesting?"

". . ." - Ayane pondered and had to admit that she found the idea of using weapons that advanced appealing.

"Ok, let's save that for another time because we have company" - Cloud replied as the girls watched Makoto walk in their direction.

"Makoto?" - Ayane asked in surprise.

"I see you already made your decision, Ayane" - said Makoto as she nodded.

"So you're Cloud Strife..." - said the man while looking a few seconds at the boy - "It's a pleasure, my name... it's not important, you just need to know that I'm Makoto's father."

". . ." - Cloud gave the man a look, then the girl, not knowing what was going on.

"I needed to talk some things over with my father, that's why he came to Nangokuren..." - Makoto replied calmly while shaking her head.

"Kagamiin Kyōka... it's been a while" - said the man as he looked at the blue haired girl - "How's your mother?"

"Fine... although she was a bit busy with personal matters lately" - Kyōka answered calmly.

"I see..." - nodded the man as he shook his head. He, like many of the men who were now clan leaders, had been suitors of the now headmistress of Nangokuren.

Makoto gave his father a glance before shaking his head - "We'd better get straight to the point."

"First of all, I want to know a few things, Cloud-san" - the man said as he looked at the blond boy - "Can we talk just the two of us?"

"Sure" - Cloud replied as the two men walked away.

"What does your father want to talk about?" - Okina asked as she watched the two males withdraw.

"I don't think it's necessary to tell you, Ayane" - said Makoto as she shook her head - "Anyway, it's time we set the record straight, and to come to a conclusion, I need to talk to him."

"If that's how you think, then you'd better not join us" - said Kyōka while shaking her head - "Plain and simple, you either accept or not."

". . ." - Makoto remained silent while noticing the difference between her and the others - "I guess they're right..."

"Meh, we can continue talking later, they're coming back" - Kyōka said as she watched the two men walk back.

"That was fast" - Ema said with surprise. She was actually expecting them to take much longer, maybe even half an hour to an hour, not just five minutes.

"Let's just say we are men of few words" - replied Makoto's father as he looked at the girls, then looked at the boy - "I have nothing more to tell you, it's all up to you two now."

"I know, what happens from now on, will be our problem" - Cloud answered while nodding.

"Ok, at least you are someone honest and straightforward" - nodded the man before walking to his daughter. He looked her straight in the eyes for a few seconds before nodding - "I will accept whatever it is you wish to do"

"Ok" - nodded Makoto, who honestly didn't know how to react right now because she didn't expect things to 'work out' so quickly.

"Well, I'll take my leave... I have a lot of things to do and two daughters to punish..." - The man said before retreating.

"Are your sisters a problem?" - Ema asked as she looked at Makoto.

"When father came, they hadn't done anything, but I'm sure that changed in the time he was here" - Makoto answered seriously. She understood very well how annoying her two younger sisters were - "At least they are not in Nangokuren or things would be twice as troublesome."

". . ." - those present were silent when they heard her words before shaking their heads because they didn't want to know more.

"Ok, I guess it's time for us to talk now" - Cloud said as he looked at Makoto - "I'm all ears."

Makoto gave a glance to the others, who only nodded before retreating.

"First of all, what did you talk to my father about?" - Makoto asked curiously.

"Man stuff" - Cloud answered as he rolled his eyes at her - "Ok, that's not to the point, so let's talk, we have the time so we can take things calmly, but I think it's better if we clarify some things first"

"Ok, I want to know more about the other worlds and the fate of this one" - Makoto said seriously. While, she didn't have much connection with her clan, her father and sisters were a separate topic.

"Let's see, what do you want to know?" - Cloud asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"First, I want to know if it's possible to return to this world, or will we just be gone forever?" replied Makoto earnestly.

"We can go back, just not for the moment because we need to pass a certain number of worlds to be able to return to the worlds we already passed, for example, we need one more world to be able to return to Shizuka-chan's world" - Cloud answered truthfully. He didn't need to lie to the girl, so he spoke without hiding anything.

"How dangerous are the worlds we'll go to in the future?" - Makoto asked again.

"Let's see, it depends on the world, but in general, they will be lethal" - Cloud answered seriously - "For now, all the worlds will have a level similar to this world, but in the future we will be able to face against entities that could destroy this planet if they wanted to."

". . ." - Makoto was silent when she heard this because she was honestly terrified at the thought of facing such a monster.

"Relax, it's impossible for something like that to happen anytime soon" - Cloud replied as he tried to calm the girl down - "At most, we'll be facing something or someone that can destroy a city if they set their mind to it."

"That doesn't relax me in the slightest..." - Makoto muttered as she snorted in disdain - "Anyway, I'm a little more aware of my situation now..."

"Anything else to know?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"In the least, I already understand everything I had to understand" - replied Makoto as she looked at the boy - "Thank you for being honest with me."

"It's the least I can do" - replied Cloud as he shrugged his shoulders - "Ok, it's time for us to move on."

"I accept" - said Makoto seriously.

[Character Makoto, you've been successfully recruited...].

"Ok, that's a surprise" - said Cloud while shaking his head - "I was expecting a little more conversation."

"I just had a few small doubts" - replied Makoto while shrugging her shoulders - "Well, now it's time to join with my new teammates.

". . ." - Cloud just watched this silently as he shook his head.

* * * * *

"That boy..." - Makoto's father muttered as he shook his head as he remembered the short conversation he had had with the boy.

"I see you're in good shape, Kyo" - said a female voice.

"Ryōko-san" - said Makoto's father in surprise upon hearing the voice. He slowly turned around and looked at the woman, only to be frozen for a few seconds - "You're still as beautiful as you were years ago..."

"Thanks, I guess..." - Ryōko said neutrally while ignoring the praise.

"Oh, same reaction... things don't change as the years go by" - said Makoto's father as he let out a faint smile - "Anyway, I won't steal any more of your time, see you Ryōko-san."

"See you, Kyo" - replied Ryōko as she watched the man's retreating back.

"Strange... he usually tries to talk to me for longer... I guess he really has to be busy..." - Ryōko said as she shrugged her shoulders - "Now.... Where's Cloud-kun?"

"Ryōko-sama?" - Isami said in surprise upon seeing the woman - "What are you doing around here?"

"Isami-san! Perfect!" - Ryōko exclaimed with a smile - "Tell me where your leader is!"

"Cloud-sama?" - Isami asked as she cocked her head to the side - "I guess he has to be in the courtyard, at least that's where he was the last time we were together."

"You sound kind of strange" - said Ryōko while looking carefully at the girl - "Did something happen?"

"Not in the slightest" - replied Isami - "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find Rena before she starts wreaking havoc."

"Ok, I won't take any more of your time, thanks for telling me where Cloud-kun is" - said Ryōko with a smile as she walked in the indicated direction.

"And here I thought Kyōka-san was joking when she said that her mother might also be involved in all this..." - Isami muttered while shaking her head - "Anyway, that's not our problem anymore..."


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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