Chapter 291 ( Blood )

Two days had passed since Cloud had returned to his home world along with the other [Dragons Rioting] girls, and by now they had gotten used to their new life.

Kyōka spent her time training with Saeko, Ren, Ayane and the others, fighting from time to time, but nothing out of the ordinary. Tabane on the other hand, just kept building contraptions, one after another, which wasn't bad because Cloud was currently using one of them.

"Ugh... this is harder than I thought it would be..." - Cloud muttered as he noticed how much heavier his body was - "And it doesn't help that you're using [Gravity] on me, Olga-san..."

"Less crying, more physical training" - replied Olga with disinterest.

Cloud at the moment was not only enduring harsh physical training by a machine that restricted his movements, but also the Dark Elf Queen was using her Gravity spell on him.

"Though you have to admit you're improving fast" - replied Celestine, who was using her healing magic to heal the constant tears the boy had been suffering during these last two days of hell.

Cloud had been practically destroying and rebuilding his body over and over again. HE had lost count of how many times he had been on the verge of collapse, but at the same time he had to admit that the training was paying off, because not only had he gained a few Stats after all that hell, but he also got his regeneration ability increased.

"Your DNA seems to have calmed down a bit during these last few days..." - Celestine said as she knelt down in front of the blond who was breathing heavily on the ground - "Though without dragon meat, things will only get worse."

". . ." - Cloud didn't answer her, he slowly stood up as he felt his bones screaming for help.

"I think you should heal him" - Olga said as she shrugged - "Or do you want me to do it?"

"?" - Celestine gave her companion a confused look, only to widen her eyes in surprise - "You're not thinking what I think you're thinking..."

". . ." - Olga didn't answer her, she just averted her gaze.

"Olga, I don't recommend it, not yet" - Celestine said seriously, though inside she was panicking. She really didn't want things to develop this way, but such it seemed that things weren't going her way.

"He grew up much faster than I thought" - Olga said as she looked at her companion seriously - "If he goes on like this, he won't get over .... no, he's about to outgrow our first seal."

"Wait... Did you actually say first seal?" - Cloud asked as he looked at Queen of the Dark Elves.

"Exactly, first seal" - replied Olga as she raised an eyebrow - "Did you really think that we would be so weak that a person from such a netherworld could overcome us so easily?"

". . ." - Cloud was silent as he too had found this strange, after all, his Stats were almost at the same level as that of the two women with their released seals - "How many seals is it?"

"Hmm... I'd say 3" - Celestine replied as she cocked her head to the side as she felt her body - "I guess one for each world level..."

After analyzing all the factors, Celestine and Olga discovered that their home world was a level 3 world, something that honestly didn't surprise them much, after all, deities existed in their world, although unlike other types of divinities, these were not that strong, a logical thing knowing what type of world it was.

"I understand..." - Cloud nodded while looking at Olga - "That answers a question I had had for months, although now I have a doubt.... What was it you had in mind to do, Olga-san?"

"Deliver this to you" - Olga replied as she pulled a small vial from between her breasts.

"A potion? No, this smell is different... Blood?" - Cloud asked as he gave the woman a look - "Your blood?"

"Exactly" - nodded Olga as she looked at the vial of blood - "You see, as Queen of my Race, I have to maintain my purity until I find a husband."

"I understand that, but that doesn't explain why you want to give me your blood" - Cloud replied as he frowned.

"It's because the first blood given to a man, is a marriage proposal" - Celestine replied as she looked at her companion from a different world - "Not only does Olga's blood have great vitality from being Dark Elf Royalty, but being a virgin, her blood has even more magical properties."

Cloud opened his eyes in surprise when he heard this because he never thought something like that was possible. He slowly looked towards Celestine, only to notice how she was looking in another direction with her face completely red, it was obvious that she had a similar situation.

"Ok, I get what you're trying to say.... But why do you want to give me your blood?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the black haired woman.

"First and foremost, your aura is exciting, my instincts tell me to get close to you" - Olga answered calmly as she squeezed her intimacy because she could feel it starting to throb slightly - "Second, your blood is getting stronger and stronger, and even when it is unstable, it is still much more noble than our blood."

Celestine nodded when she heard this because her companion wasn't lying.

Despite the chaotic aura Cloud was radiating, her blood was noble, to the point that even she who was the reincarnation of a goddess felt that she wasn't observing an inferior being.

"Third, that same chaotic aura that Celestine is so afraid of, I find to be delicious" - smiled Olga as her eyes glowed blood red - "And finally four, I don't want to be weak anymore... those women who just arrived, are much stronger than my current power."

". . ." - Celestine was silent when she heard this because she too had some similar thoughts. She wanted to do the same as her companion, but her instinct as a Light Elf told her not to get so close to the chaotic energy of the young blond.

"I see..." - Cloud replied as he closed his eyes - "Thank you for your honesty."

"I gain nothing by lying to you in this situation" - replied Olga as she snorted with disdain - "If you were like that bastard Vault, you would have already thrown yourself on us seeing that your current power is superior to ours in this deplorable state, those are plus points on my list"

"I understand... Anything I need to know about your blood?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow. He had made the decision to accept the woman's gift.

"How you use it will have different effects" - answered Olga as she started to think - "If you drink my blood, I'm sure it will be the most efficient, although I don't know what kind of effects it will have because it's the first time I do something like this..."

"Ok? Anything else?" - Cloud asked as he took the bottle Olga had handed him.

"Hmm... I'm not ready to take the next step yet because I don't have a very good impression of the breeding act, not after seeing my fate..." - Olga replied while frowning - "You'll have to give me a little more time, and when it's time, I'll inform you myself."

"I understand..." - Cloud replied as he opened the bottle and took the contents in one sip. He didn't think twice about it because he wasn't worried that Olga would try something against him, first, because he could sense when something bad was about to happen thanks to his instincts, second, because he knew that if something happened to her, it would be the end of all his recruits, even that of the two women he had in front of him.

"Tell me... How do you feel?" - Olga asked as she eyed the blond boy curiously.

"Nothing out of the ordinary" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders, only to feel his body start to heat up at high speed - "Ugh..."

"I think the effects are much stronger than we thought... that means that when that happens, things will be much crazier" - said Celestine as she approached where the boy to check his state, only to notice how his body was burning, as if he was a lobster inside a pan - "Do you know how long he'll be in that state?"

"I don't have the slightest idea, but I don't think it's more than an hour" - Olga answered while frowning - "Or at least that's what my mother told me."

"I see... I guess we just have to wait" - replied Celestine as she again placed her hand on his forehead, completely ignoring the heat his body was transmitting. She just narrowed her eyes as she felt all the changes inside the boy, preparing herself in case the creature that was 'corrupting' the boy tried something out of place.


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