Chapter 329 vs [Amaterasu] (1)

[Amaterasu] again roared fiercely as he felt his flames seem to lose control, only to stare menacingly at his prey.

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Title: [Chaotic Sun] [Incarnation of Incandescent Destruction] [Goddess of Destruction]

HP: 5,000,000

Attribute: Fire - Sacred

Resistance: -50% General Received by all Elements.

Stats: [STR: 1000][VIT: 1500] [DEX: 200][INT: 500][Energy: 50000] [Stats: [STR: 1000][VIT: 1500] [DEX: 200][INT: 500][Energy: 50000

Skills: [Sun Rage] [Incandescent Flame] [Exterminating Light] [Amaterasu] [Hyper Regeneration] [Boss] [Deusphages] [Sacred Flame] [Judgement] [Judgment

Type: [Boss (-60% damage reduction)] [Fury (+50% Damage)] [Incandescent: +50% Fire Damage] [Sacred Aura: +50% Sacred Damage] [Violent God: +100% Damage Inflicted] [Heavy: Reduces Movement and attack speed, but increases damage by 50%] [Heavy: Reduces Movement and attack speed, but increases damage by 50%] [Heavy: Reduces Movement and attack speed, but increases damage by 50%] [Heavy: Reduces Movement and attack speed, but increases damage by 50%] [Heavy: Reduces Movement and attack speed, but increases damage by 50%]

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"ROAR!" - [Amaterasu]'s roars were getting louder and louder as she glared viciously at the blond and the white-haired girl.

"I guess the peace talks are over," Cloud said as he activated [Incursio], finally showing his strongest form.

[[Incursio] has been activated, corrosion has begun, please use this ability with caution].

"ROAR!" - Cloud roared back as he felt the armor slightly change to a slightly more bestial appearance.

". . ." - [Amaterasu] observed the new appearance of her prey, only to feel a slight familiarity come from it.

"Wow ~!" - Shio also felt that familiarity as she noticed how the blond had changed so drastically in a matter of seconds.

[Aragami] cores have been consumed in large quantities, [Adaptability] has been activated].

[Communication is possible with the entities called [Aragami]...]

Cloud frowned from behind the helmet of his armor, only to notice the slight change in his current monstrous opponent.

[Interesting, you are someone very interesting, brother...] - [Amaterasu] growled as a feral grin appeared on her feminine face.

"I could say the same about you, one can't always find someone who is on the verge of final evolution..." - Cloud replied as he picked up his spear that was surrounded by fire.

[Oh? I thought your evolution had caused you to lose the ability to communicate with us?] - said [Amaterasu] while smiling excitedly - [Well, never mind.... None of this changes the fact that when I devour your cores, I will finally be able to reach my maximum evolution!]

"As if it was that easy" - Cloud said as his helmet changed slightly, now showing a huge toothy grin. He could feel the armour slowly clinging to his body and far from making him uncomfortable, it was starting to feel natural - "Now come, I want to see what kind of fun you will give me.

[. . .] - [Amaterasu] stared at the silver-bodied man for a second, only to burst out laughing loudly - [Ok, let's see how long you can resist before I devour you].

"Maybe things won't turn out the way you want..." - Cloud replied as his body was surrounded in flames - "After all, we don't know who will be the one to end up being devoured..."

The huge beast leapt at Cloud, only to notice how he vanished from the spot without a trace, only to reappear behind it and thrust his fire spear straight into its back - [Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa].

"Your strength and vitality may be far superior to mine..." - Cloud said with a sadistic grin - "But both your skills and your speed are a joke to me..."

[You're gonna pay for that, you little bastard] - roared [Amaterasu] as she used her arms as tentacles in order to attack the silver-armoured blond, only to growl in irritation as she noticed how her attacks were dodged with utmost ease - [Stop moving, you little shit!]

"How about, no" - Cloud replied as he once again pierced the [Aragami's] flesh with his spear - "I'm having fun having such a slow enemy."

[ROAAAAAAAAAR!] - the roar of the beast echoed through the place as a huge firestorm surrounded the battlefield.

"I'd better retreat for now because if I get those flames, I'm going to get hurt..." - Shio muttered as she retreated at great speed, only to notice how Cloud was standing as if nothing.

"That was it?" - Cloud asked boredly as he opened his mouth, only to devour all the flames [Amaterasu] had released - "Hmm.... not bad..."

Cloud licked his lips after tasting [Amaterasu's] fire, only to frown as he felt a slight discomfort in his stomach - "Ugh..."

[Warning: Consuming Flames infused in other items can be both beneficial and detrimental to the user, please do not consume items of dubious provenance.]

". . ." - Cloud gritted his teeth, only to feel the pain quickly disappear.

[[Adaptability] activated, Sacral Resistance increased by 1%]

[. . .] - [Amaterasu] watched the blond closely, only to feel a much greater connection to the boy after he consumed her flames - [You're a much more dangerous entity than I thought, brother....]

"And you ain't seen nothing..." - Cloud replied with a feral grin as he felt his instincts screaming at him to tear apart the monstrosity in front of him, only to devour every ounce of flesh on his body.

[Hmph! I give you a compliment and your head grows considerably, I don't know if you're egomaniacal or just plain stupid] - said [Amaterasu] as she spread her hands and a powerful golden glow surrounded her body - [It's obvious that fire isn't going to do anything to you, so I guess I'll have to use my other specialty... I hope you don't change your attitude this time...].

Cloud didn't answer him this time, he just glared neutrally at his opponent as he felt his blood start to boil.

* * * * *

"Sir, we found [Tsukuyomi]'s core has begun to react!" - Daigo exclaimed as hundreds of red screens appeared on his monitor.

"Do you know the reason for that?" - Johannes asked with a frown as he never thought he would see this kind of reaction.

"It started when a new signal appeared on our censors" - answered Daigo with absolute seriousness.

Johannes sat at his desk as he began typing at high speed as screen after screen popped up on his monitor, only for what he was looking for to finally appear, a satellite image showing a huge orange beast - "Another [Deusphages]... [Amaterasu]..."

Johannes frowned when he saw this because it wasn't normal for two [Deusphages] to appear in the same area, after all, these beasts were always minding their own business and didn't interact with each other.

"It's probably because of [Tsukuyomi's] fall, sir" - Daigo answered seriously as he looked in the direction where the core was glowing - "If my theory is correct, the [Deusphages] have the ability to communicate with each other, that's why it's possible that [Tsukuyomi's] fall was sensed by the others of his 'species' and feeling curious, they mobilized to where their brother had fallen."

". . ." - Johannes frowned when he heard this because it was giving them all too human qualities to a group of beasts - "It may sound like a joke, but the probability remains..."

Johannes was silently contemplating his subordinate's hypothesis, only to widen his eyes in surprise because this explained a lot, as well as the clear ability to command others [Aragami] by the more evolved exponents of their species.

"Sir, look more carefully..." - Daigo said as he pointed at the image on his monitor - "There is something fighting against [Amaterasu]..."

Johannes averted his gaze to the monitor again, only to widen his eyes in surprise. In front of the huge beast, two small silhouettes were rising, a silver silhouette and a white silhouette - "Focus on the image better, I want you to make it as clear as you can."

"Hai!" - Daigo exclaimed as he used all his skills in order to carry out his orders - "Ready!"

Johannes looked at the now much clearer image, only to widen his eyes like saucers at the sight of the one responsible - "Isn't that the armour Cloud Strife wore?"

"Now that you mention it..." - Daigo said as he began looking through old files, more specifically speaking the footage of the battle between the [First Unit] and the [Vajra]. He looked closely at the blond, only to come to the conclusion that it was true - "At least this explains why he wasn't with his comrades, though I have to admit one thing... the signal it shows is completely different from the previous armour..."

"What do you mean?" - Johannes asked as he looked at his faithful henchman, after all, he was a genius.

"That armour looks like biological..." - Daigo replied seriously as he looked at his leader - "That means two things, one, Cloud went through the [Aragamification] process and that's why he retired from the [First Unit], or two, that armour is a [God Arc] very different from ours."

Johannes fell into a deep silence before speaking seriously - "I don't think it's [Aragamification]... although I don't think it's a [God Arc] either..."


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