Chapter 336 [Ashborn] (2)

"That sounds like a good deal for us..." - Lindow muttered as he earned a glare from everyone, especially Sophia who felt that their leader was treating the lives of others as if they were a bargaining chip, a very cheap bargaining chip - "Don't look at me that way, I'm looking at it from an objective point of view..."

20 human lives didn't compare to the annihilation of 14 [Aragami] of rank A or higher, after all, it was a view that any of [Fenrir's] top brass would support.

Sophia was not comfortable with the idea, but even she knew that Lindow's words were not wrong.

The leader of the [First Unit] looked at the former blonde for a few seconds before asking him if it influenced his 'evolution' whether or not he ate humans first. It was a crude question, but it was something they all wanted to know.

"Not in the slightest" - Cloud replied as he frowned.

"I guess we'll leave them till the end then" - nodded Lindow as he turned away so no one could see his expression. He too was struggling with the idea of sacrificing human lives, but for the greater good there had to be sacrifices.

The only thing that calmed his mind, was that this was not the first time [Fenrir] had sacrificed a group of his subordinates for a victory, though this was just an excuse he gave himself so he could maintain his leadership countenance.

"Ok, first we will investigate the location of the 9 A-ranked [Aragami]" - said Lindow seriously as he looked at the huge silver dragon - "The [Ashborn] are close, but their danger level is too much for us for now, not to mention that we have no way to resist the effects of [Ashland]..."

Those present nodded as they were grateful for how quickly Lindow had been able to change the subject, though they knew it would only be a matter of time before things got complicated again for the group because they were only postponing the inevitable.

Cloud closed his eyes for a few seconds as he made the decision to give up his humanity. If his friends were fighting this little war with their subconscious, he couldn't be left behind.

[Option accepted...]

"Call my communicator when you find the [Aragami]..." - Cloud said as he looked at those present, especially Houki and Tatenashi - "For now, it'll be a see you soon because I don't think it's a good idea for you'll to be seen with me."

"Ok..." - Lindow nodded as the others looked at each other.

Cloud was about to say something else, but his expression changed to a serious one when he felt something approaching.

"A group of humans is approaching, though that's not our biggest problem" - Shio said as she frowned, only to look in [Ashland's] direction - "We have an unexpected visitor..."

"You'd better get out of this place... I promise I won't attack any humans unless they attack me first, I also promise I won't devour anyone except those I deem deserving" - Cloud said as he watched a small battalion approach their location.

"Ok, just don't do anything stupid..." - Lindow said as he gave the dragon a blank stare.

"Like what? - Cloud asked as he rolled his eyes at him - "Turn me into a dangerous beast with a desire to devour the world?"

"Ok, not my best words, but seriously, don't do anything stupid because the last thing we want is for the main base to consider you a rank A threat and we have no choice but to come hunt you down" - said Lindow as he retreated.

"I don't think you have what it takes to hunt me down" - Cloud replied with a huge toothy grin - "Now get going before they realise that there are people on my side".

"Good luck, Cloud..." - Sakuya said as she retreated, but not before looking at the boy transformed into a beast.

"I know you'll be fine, but don't do anything weird, OK?" - Tsubaki said as she retreated - "And remember, you still owe me a date..."

". . ." - Cloud found the situation amusing and strange, after all, he had expected everyone with the exception of Tatenashi and Houki to ditch him, but now he saw that he was overthinking it.

"Remember... you're human... never forget that..." - Sophia muttered as she looked at the dragon before retreating.

"I guess I wasn't the only stranger in our team," said Soma as he looked at the little girl on top of his friend's head, "When you recover let's talk again."

Cloud nodded at his words, only to frown when he noticed how fast the squad was approaching - "You better go... and I want you to promise me something..."

"If I can do it, then I'll promise" - Soma said earnestly.

"If by any chance I lose control, do your best to kill me because I'm sure I will show no mercy" - Cloud said as he turned around and walked to where he felt the most powerful aura in the place.

Soma was silent for a few seconds before nodding firmly.

When he saw that he was alone again, he watched with slight amusement as a group of [Fenrir] soldiers approached with their [God Arc] activated.

"Aim!" - exclaimed what appeared to be the squad leader as he noticed how their target had detected them - "Unknown target sighted, beginning analysis!"

"ROAR!" - Cloud roared fiercely as he noted with boredom as the group fell on their asses. This would be the first and last warning he would give them, and he would not speak a single word to them because he knew that if he tried to communicate, [Fenrir] would send a whole army after their scaly asses to try to kill him or capture him alive so he could experiment on him to find their secret.

"The difference is huge, Onii-san," Shio said boredly. She didn't enjoy massacres thanks to her human emotions, though that didn't mean she wouldn't defend herself if she was attacked - "It's like a bunch of ants trying to take down an elephant."

"That's a good analogy" - Cloud replied as the two communicated as the [Aragami] did and thus prevent some trouble - "But let's leave the conversation for another time, now we have troublesome company..."

"Gyoooooo!" - the thunderous roar of a new beast echoed through the place as the earth around [Ashland] began to tremble, as if the apocalypse was bequeathing to the world.

* * * * *

"S-Sir!" - [Fenrir]'s soldier exclaimed in terror as he felt the surroundings tremble. They had come to investigate the appearance of a new [Aragami] in the vicinity of [Ashland] and test its level of danger, but now the young [God Eater] was beginning to feel that this had not been the best of ideas.

The beast, a huge and imposing silver dragon, was extremely dangerous. They could feel the beast's power from a distance.

"D-Don't be afraid! That thing can't hurt us from this distance!" - exclaimed the leader as he looked at his subordinates - "Let's go!"

"That's a bad idea, sir" - said another soldier of the squad - "The level of that thing is something we can't compare..."

"I-I don't care!" - exclaimed the leader - "Your orders are absolute!"

The soldiers clicked their tongues at how false their leader was. They all knew he was only doing it for the merits and glory of facing a new [Aragami].

It wasn't the first time a new species had appeared, and if they could defeat it and bring it back to base to be dissected and studied, then they would be showered with glory, but that didn't apply right now because that silver monster was out of their league. All of [Fenrir's] soldiers knew that they were at the mercy of the red-eyed silver dragon.

Years of experience had given them a sixth sense for danger, and it was screaming for them to get out of the place as quickly as possible, though it seemed that their foolish leader did not have this instinct, or was simply ignoring it for the sake of his desire for glory.

"Now come on, whoever does not follow me will be treated as a traitor!" - The leader of the group exclaimed, only to shudder when he heard the roar of another beast.


Again the earth began to tremble as the sun darkened slightly.

The group of soldiers were terrified just hearing the strange roar that seemed to not have come from an animal, only to notice how their bodies were bathed in sweat.

"This is bad..." - Said one soldier as he jerked his head in the direction of the roar, only to fall to his knees at the sight before him.

A huge beast was surveying the site from on high with 3 miniature suns, two floating on its outstretched hands and one it was using as if it were a throne. A bird's head accompanied by a humanoid body showed that the huge beast was not only dangerous, but also lethal, even more so knowing where it had appeared from.

"This is worse than I thought..." - Said the soldier as a faint smile appeared on his face.

The other members of the squad, only fell to their knees as they felt their fate had been sealed. In front of them stood a beast that caused terror at the mere mention of its name.

None of the squad could know how that beast had come to this place, but none of that mattered because they were already dead.

"[Ashborn]..." - said the squad leader with a pale face - "[Ra]..."


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