Chapter 349 [Calamity] (1)

[Gyo!] - [Yan Zhi] said nothing more. She quickly used [Summon] and [Killing Stone] to summon her personal squad of [Chi-You] along with 5 stones.

[!] - [Vajra] could feel the vitality in his body reduce considerably, only to roar fiercely as he watched the entity in front of him - [Annoying bird!]

[Feel the power my lord has bestowed upon me!] - exclaimed [Yan Zhi] as a strange mark appeared on [Vajra's] back, only for the illusory [Chi-You] to launch itself at its prey.

[ROAR!] - [Vajra]'s roar echoed in place as his lightning bolts slammed into each of his opponent's [slaves], only to see the near-fatal wounds regenerate at great speed - [What the fuck is going on!]

It was the first time [Vajra] had seen such an uneven opponent, to the point where he thought [Yan Zhi] was a new species of [Aragami (S-Rank)].

[Terrified?] - [Yan Zhi] asked as her body glowed bright blue - [This is the power my lord has bestowed upon me! Gyo ~!]

[Vajra] released a sea of lightning as the sky began to turn black.

When an [Aragami] gained enough power, they could cause changes in the weather with their abilities, and now [Yan Zhi] was witnessing this ability.

[Be my lord's food!] - [Yan Zhi] exclaimed as she threw herself into a dive with her body covered by an icy aura. She was ignoring all the lightning that was falling from the sky as she continued to head towards her target.

Her wings shone with greater intensity as they seemed to solidify - [Sapphire Strike!]

[Yan Zhi's] body was surrounded by a thin solid layer as she continued to descend at full speed.

[Vajra] continued to focus his lightning on [Yan Zhi], but as the seconds passed he noticed a small detail - [Why are my lightning bolts being reflected!]

[Be silent and be my lord's dinner!] - roared [Yan Zhi] as he disappeared from location and reappeared just a few meters away from his prey.

With a swift movement, [Yan Zhi] glided at full speed as his sapphire feathers slashed at his victim's body.

"[Yan Zhi] forgot to lunge and learned Daring Bird" - Cloud muttered as he shook his head at the sight of his subordinate's technique, though he had to admit it was a good application - "Too bad the technique is only seen and the damage is almost minimal."

[You little bitch!] - [Vajra] roared in fury, only to feel his body freeze - [Huh?]

[Did you really think my technique would only cause you minor damage?] - asked [Yan Zhi] as she turned around.

Cloud's eyes widened in surprise as he saw [Vajra]'s body begin to be trapped by some sort of dark blue crystal similar to the cloak surrounding [Yan Zhi]'s body - "I see, that technique is much more interesting than I thought."

The silver dragon would not lie, [Yan Zhi]'s technique was much better than he had imagined. [Yan Zhi] had found a way to be able to inject his [Cryo] energy into his victims so that he could enjoy his prey more easily.

[Vajra] tried to use his lightning to try to escape, but to his terror, he noticed how not only his body was frozen, but also his [Core] - [Impossible] - [Impossible] - [Impossible].

[That word does not exist in my lord's vocabulary, so as his faithful follower, I must follow in his footsteps] - [Yan Zhi] said as ehe spread her wings proudly - [Now rejoice, soon you will be part of a superior being!]

". . ." - Cloud didn't know what to say at [Yan Zhi's] words because they seemed to have been taken out of some kind of strange religious sect - [Yan Zhi].

[My lord!] - [Yan Zhi] exclaimed when she heard how her leader was calling out to her. She quickly moved the huge [Aragami (Rank A)] with its sapphire wings in the direction of her master - [I made it, my lord!]

[I can see it] - Cloud nodded as he gave a glance to the [Vajra] that seemed to have accepted its fate, after all, the strong devour the weak.

[Please consume the flesh of this classless beast!] - exclaimed [Yan Zhi] as she bowed slightly. She was excited at the fact that she had finally delivered her first offering to her lord.

[No need]," Cloud replied as he shook his head. Something told him that if this continued, [Yan Zhi] would make him some sort of god before the other beasts.

[My lord?!] - exclaimed [Yan Zhi] in terror. She for the first time in her life experienced the feeling called disappointment as she kicked the frozen beast - [Now what do I do with this thing?]

"Eat it?" - Shio asked as she rolled her eyes at her younger sister.

* * * * *

"You did well resisting your killer instinct" - said Houki while looking at Lindow who was watching everything from the plane's window.

"I know, but at the same time I feel bad," Lindow replied as he sighed regretfully. He was really wishing he had a bottle of any kind of alcohol to get rid of all the problems he was having.

Houki was about to say something else, but kept silent when he saw how Sofia was approaching the black-haired man. She quickly decided to make a 'tactical retreat' and see how things developed because she could see how her friend had some interest in the squad leader.

"I thought she had already accepted that she would have to be with someone she didn't love, but from what I see, she has decided to follow her heart" - said Tatenashi, who had set the plane's autopilot so she could take a short break.

"It's better this way" - replied Houki while shaking her head.

"If I didn't know the general context, I'd think you're just saying that because we'll have one less opponent" - muttered Tatenashi while taking out a can of beer from his inventory - "I love this ability, though it's a pity that our inventory isn't as big as Cloud's."

"Five spaces is more than enough" - Houki snorted disdainfully.

"That's because you're boring, Houki" - replied Tatenashi as she drank the contents of her beer in a matter of seconds - "You should relax a little more because we'll never know when our last moment will be."

"I'm sorry, but I don't plan to think so pessimistically" - replied Houki neutrally - "I'm going to keep surviving until I can see the others."

"Now you're talking" - said Tatenashi as she tossed her a can of beer - "Although what I said is true, you need to relax a bit or you'll end up failing at the most important moment."

Houki took a glance at her blue-haired friend and then at the beer can, only to sigh and open it without saying anything else.

"Where did those beers come from!" - Sakuya exclaimed in surprise as she saw how the two women seemed to be enjoying the ride.

"Magic" - replied Tatenashi as she waved her hands and took out a fourth beer ta - "Do you want some?"

"Of course!" - Sakuya exclaimed as she opened the can and drank from the liquid without a second thought - "Delicious, I needed this!"

"We all need one" - replied Tatenashi as he looked down at his can with a frown - "More so with this shitty situation"

Houki was silent when she heard this, though she too was frowning.

"I know" - Sakuya muttered as she sighed regretfully - "Tsubaki."

"She's going to be fine" - replied Houki seriously - "That bastard Johannes needs her in perfect condition unless he wants her head no longer attached to his neck."

"I know, but that doesn't calm me down in the slightest" - Sakuya said as she sighed again - "And to think I'd worry so much about my rival."

"Rival is just a different way to call a good friend" - replied Tatenashi as he looked out the window.

"Friend" - muttered Sakuya as she frowned as she remembered everything that she had been through together with Tsubaki - "I guess you're right"

"Rival" - muttered Houki as she remembered Charlotte and Cecilia, only to shake his head in order to shake away the nostalgia that invaded his insides.

"We'd better leave such depressing topics" - said Tatenashi seriously as she looked at the two women - "We'll soon arrive at [Fenrir: Central]."

"Right, the mission" - muttered Sakuya with a frown as she looked at her wrist - "Do you know anything about it?"

"My father sent me some information" - nodded Tatenashi as a holographic screen appeared in front of the group - "According to his own words, [Fenrir: Central] has called in a good number of Elite Squads in order to attack [End Hill]"

"I feel that things are not as simple as you mention" - Houki said while narrowing her eyes - "Tell the details."

"They will use the appearance of [Calamity] to cause the complete annihilation of all the [Aragami] inhabiting the [Hill of the End]" - replied Tatenashi earnestly - "Our mission is to support and kill as many [Aragami] as possible."

"I see" - muttered Houki with a frown before nodding - "I guess we're between a rock and a hard place."

"I think so too" - said Sakuya as she sighed regretfully. On one side were her [God Eater] companions, and on the other was the man they loved.


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