Chapter 357 [Calamity] (9)

[Die!] - roared [Dyaus Pita(Heavenly Father)] as his eyes glowed with malice and a massive amount of electricity surrounded his body.

Cloud took the attack full on as he felt his skin slightly charred, only to snort in disdain as the damage was far less than he expected - [That's it?]

[ROAR!] - [Heavenly Father] roared in response as he felt a growing terror inside him. He never thought his attack would be so ineffective.

[That's it?!] - Cloud didn't hesitate any longer. He quickly descended with Count [Heavenly Father] and pressed him to the ground - [So much fanfare for this shit!]

[ROAR!] - [Heavenly Father] roared in terror as he felt his instincts screaming for him to escape. The beast quickly unleashed all the electricity it could control - [Impossible] - [Impossible!

Only to notice how all its efforts seemed to be ineffective.

[The delicious taste of your desperation] - said Cloud as a huge smile appeared on his lips - [I wonder if it will be as delicious as the taste of your flesh].

[Heavenly Father] didn't answer, he just looked at the dragon with an attitude that showed he had given up.

[Nothing to say?] - asked Cloud as he glared at his prey.

The strong devour the weak, that has always been the law that governs us] - answered [Heavenly Father] as he looked at [Calamity] - [Rejoice, celebrate your victory, after all, you are the strongest] - [The strong devour the weak] - [The strong devour the weak].

[The strong devour the weak] - nodded Cloud as he opened his huge jaw and tore a chunk of flesh from [Heavenly Father].

The huge [Aragami] let out a cry of pain, though it quickly faded as the beast fell limp to the ground.

[Core [Dyaus Pita(Heavenly Father), has been devoured].

[Electro Resistance: +50%]

[All Stats +100]

[Skill [Maelstrom], has been acquired]

". . ." - Cloud was silent as he continued to devour [Dyaus Pita(Heavenly Father)]'s body because this was the best time to continue acquiring Stats Points, but his expression changed as he felt a familiar aura grow fainter and fainter - "!"

* * * * *

"Those two monsters" - muttered a [God Eater] as he watched the two colossal beasts continue to attack each other, only to frown as he noticed a silhouette flying nearby - "I want someone to watch in the direction H-45"

"Hai!" - Other soldier exclaimed as he grabbed his binoculars and peered in the direction indicated.

"Did you manage to see anything?" - [God Eater] asked with a frown.

"It's an [Aragami]!" - exclaimed the soldier in surprise - "If I remember correctly, it's [Yan Zhi], the [Aragami] that accompanied [Calamity]."

"I don't think it's a good idea to leave empty-handed" - said the [God Eater] as a smile appeared on his face. He quickly took his [God Arc (Model: Sniper)] and prepared to aim, only to hear the soldier speak to him.

"Wait! There's someone on the shoulders of that [Aragami]!" - exclaimed the soldier in surprise and terror - "A girl of about 12-13 years old!"

"!" those present were surprised because it was the first time something like this had happened.

"Are you sure he doesn't have her captured?" - [God Eater] asked with a frown because he really wanted to attack [Yan Zhi], after all, she was an [Aragami] who had gone through a mutation. That meant that her value was much higher than that of an S-ranked [Aragami].

"The civilian is resting on the shoulders of the [Aragami] type [Harpy]," - replied the soldier.

The [God Eater] thought for a few seconds before shaking his head and preparing to take aim again.

"Sir!" - [God Eater] exclaimed the soldier in terror.

"One life is price enough to pay if we kill that thing" - the [God Eater] replied heroically, though everyone knew that he was not doing it out of a strong sense of morality, but out of his own greedy desires.

"She's just a child!" - roared the soldier, only for his colleagues to take it because it was obvious that he was about to attack the [God Eater] - "Let go of me! Can't you see that he's about to endanger a child who could be someone's daughter!"

The soldiers and [God Eater] who were in the helicopter lowered their heads.

"Won't anyone try to stop him! She's just a child!" - roared the soldier, who now felt horrible. If he didn't know about the girl, none of this would have happened, he wouldn't even care about the situation, but now everything was different. He had a daughter that age and he could see the shadow of her in the young white-haired girl.

"Small sacrifices for the greater good" - said the [God Eater] as he fired.

"No!" - exclaimed the soldier in terror because he had a bad feeling.

* * * * *

[Yan Zhi] continued to fly around, only to squeal in happiness when she saw how her master had managed to finish off his prey, but her expression changed when she felt the air pressure change. She quickly made an evasive maneuver, only for a bullet to pass right by the spot where she had been before.

"Escape, [Yan Zhi]!" - Shio exclaimed because she knew things were not good in this situation. Now that the [Dyaus Pita(Heavenly Father)] had fallen, they would be the best target for the [God Eater] - "We have to go to Cloud!"

[Ok!] - exclaimed [Yan Zhi] as she flew at high speed to where her master was. Her survival instincts were telling her to escape as quickly as possible from the place, though she obviously didn't do it in a straight line. She was aware that if she did so, she would only be easy prey, so she moved erratically to prevent anyone from discovering her escape route.

[Yan Zhi] used all her speed in order to escape, not noticing that it was not a single [God Eater] who had her in his sights.

[Gyo!] - [Yan Zhi] paled when she heard the sound of a hail of bullets heading in her direction, so she tried her best to dodge the attacks, but to her bad luck, a few bullets had managed to penetrate her body - [Ah!]

"[Yan Zhi]!" - Shio shouted in terror as she saw how her younger sister was being attacked.

[Damn maggots!] - [Yan Zhi] roared as she glared hatefully at her enemies, only to continue flying with difficulty in the direction of where her leader was.

Shio didn't know what to do. Her current body was so weak that it could be compared to that of a normal human, and that was catastrophic for a situation like this where they were being attacked by a hail of bullets.

"Just a little more!" - [Yan Zhi] exclaimed Shio as she looked around - "Cloud is close!"

[Yan Zhi] flapped her wings as hard as she could to increase her speed as she made the decision to advance straight towards where her master was, after all, she was completely sure that her leader would know how to help her.

* * * * *

"Damn slippery bird" - muttered the [God Eater] with a frown as he saw how despite the fact that he had contacted the other helicopters so that he could end the life of that strange [Aragami], it continued to fly away as if it was nothing.

"We'd better give up" - said one of the [God Eater] who was in the helicopter - "If we keep going, we'll reach the area where [Calamity] is."

"No" - replied the [God Eater] with a sniper - "If we manage to kill, or better still, capture that winged treasure, we'll be millionaires".

Those present could only look at each other as their eyes sparkled with excitement. Their lives were not bad as [God Eater] or as soldiers of [Fenrir], but at the same time they did not have many things. Most of their properties were items that [Fenrir] had 'given' to them and that they would have to 'return' at some point.

"You fools, they'll kill us all!" - exclaimed the soldier in terror for it was obvious that greed was controlling his actions and thoughts.

"Keep quiet!" - exclaimed one of his comrades as he gave him a firm punch in the face.

"Ugh" - the soldier could only groan in pain as blood ran down his nose.

The [God Eater] watched this in silence, only to turn his attention back to [Yan Zhi], only to smile as he saw how his prey seemed to have decided to completely ignore everything else and focus entirely on getting to his target - "This makes the job so much easier!"

The [God Eater] slowly readied himself and fired, only to hear the scream of terror from his prey. He slowly watched through the sights of his weapon, only to turn pale when he noticed what he had done.

The soldier with the binoculars was the same, he could only tremble as he bit his lip at what had happened.

* * * * *

[Sister!] - exclaimed [Yan Zhi] in terror as she saw Shio's body flying away thanks to the shot that had gone through her body - [SISTER!]


NOTE - God Eater volume is about to finish at p@treon...

Next World - Hunter x Hunter


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