Chapter 363 ( Escape )

Johannes was currently sitting in his office while receiving all the reports.

"Now it is time to use plan B," said Johannes with a smile on his face. The reason why he had let Tsubaki escape, was because from now on his presence would not be needed. He had decided to use his plan to fake his death after checking how the experiment he had commissioned from Daigo had been successfully completed.

He had been a little reluctant to the idea before, but after seeing the results of the experiment, all his worries disappeared.

First, he would move the sleeping larva to another location along with his most loyal staff, kill the loose ends and finally blow up his lab, pretending that the experiment he was on went wrong, even leaving false information on the computers in case any of them survived and leaving the illusion that he died there.

"I'd better finish with the final preparations" - muttered Johannes as he squinted his eyes.

* * * * *

Tsubaki frowned when she noticed how everything seemed to be normal, which should not be possible when she had killed one of the most important scientists for Johannes.

"Strange" - muttered Tsubaki as she continued to move through the corridors of the facility.

She quickly reached one of the central rooms, only to notice how the security was finally a little tighter.

Tsubaki slowly poked her head out as she looked around, only to notice how above her was a ventilation duct, but quickly dismissed the idea of using it. She was sure that the safety of the ventilation ducts was far greater than that of the corridors.

The Amamiya woman frowned, only to widen her eyes in surprise when she heard footsteps behind her.

"What do I do?" Tsubaki asked herself as she frowned.

The room she had arrived in was the dining room, in other words, there weren't many places for her to hide.

Tsubaki was trapped again, but her expression changed for the worse when she heard the alarm go off.

[Warning! Warning! Prisoner: Amamiya Tsubaki,have escaped! Warning! Warning! Warning!]

A cold expression appeared on Tsubaki's face as she bit her lip, it was slow, but they had finally discovered that Daigo had been killed.

"All or nothing" - Tsubaki quickly hopped on the wall and reached the ventilation duct, only to frown when she noticed how it wouldn't budge. She was hanging from the ceiling with a serious expression on her face, only to grit her teeth and hit the ground again.

It was obvious that she couldn't take the easy way out through the vent, so she was left with the option of cautiously making her way through the dining room while praying that no one would discover her.

"At times like this, I hate the fact that I stopped working as a [God Eater]" - Tsubaki muttered as she bit her lip, only to carefully enter the dining hall.

* * * * *

"Sir, Amamiya Tsubaki has arrived at zone 5-B."

"Oh? That was quicker than I thought" - Johannes nodded calmly as he narrowed his eyes - "Tell me, have you sent in her direction some guards to pretend we are looking for her?"

"Affirmative, the guards have passed near her at least 5 times".

"Have they made contact?" - Johannes asked seriously.

"Affirmative, our guards have fought off Amamiya Tsubaki, though after a few seconds they let her escape with some injuries."

"Ok, good job, remember to move all important information and replace it with false information" - ordered Johannes while squinting his eyes - "As for our little new born friend, remember to follow ALL my instructions because I don't want any complications, is that clear?"

"Yes sir!"

Johannes quickly cut the call and shook his head, now all that was left was to finish with the preparations for the [Red Rain] problem so he could start with the plan to fake his death.

The leader of [Fenrir: Far East] was about to continue his work when an urgent call appeared on his monitor.

Johannes only frowned as he answered the call, only for a huge smile to appear on his face because the person who had called him, was none other than the man he had assigned to guard [Yan Zhi].


"I hope you called me with good news" - Johannes said earnestly.

"Affirmative, sir."

"Ok, carry on" - Johannes said calmly.

"The target arrived at an abandoned village and remained in place for 30 minutes before randomly returning to an unknown destination."

"That's it?" - Johannes asked with a frown as he looked coolly at the man who had called him.

"No, sir. We sent a reconnaissance and collection squad to that location and when they arrived they saw how a huge number of low ranking [Aragami] were arriving at the location."

Johannes' look changed when he heard this as he started to think about the situation.

"I want our soldiers to go immediately, I feel we will find the missing piece there" - Johannes said seriously as he tried to contain the growing euphoria he felt.

"As you command, sir."

Johannes quickly cut the call as a growing laughter echoed through the office.

"There are times when being human is a sin" - Johannes muttered as his eyes glittered slightly. If what he thought, was true, then he was about to hit the jackpot - "Cloud Strife, I hope I'm not wrong, and if I am, then I have you to thank for giving me the last missing piece to complete my plan."

Johannes' laughter was getting louder and louder as he felt all his problems begin to be solved, and what was better, was that he hadn't done anything.

* * * * *

Tsubaki let out a small moan of pain as she felt her arms begin to grow heavy. She had been running for over an hour and her body was covered in cuts and bullet wounds.

Blood was spreading on the ground as she continued to run, though her expression was a little strange.

"Why do they always stop when they are about to capture me?" - Tsubaki wondered as she continued to run away. She had counted the times her pursuers could have captured her with utmost ease, only to retreat and leave her with fresh wounds - "Are they enjoying the hunt?"

Tsubaki did not understand why, but this was a good situation for her, because at least this way her chances of escape were greater.

The woman quickly shook her head as she scanned her surroundings again.

The soldiers were becoming more frequent, but at the same time the security was still manageable.

Tsubaki slowly walked into the room, only to notice a conveniently open window.

"This is clearly a trap" - Tsubaki muttered with a frown as she slowly approached the window and looked out, only to notice how everything was clear - "Clearly a trap."

It was impossible for it all to be so convenient, especially when the guards and soldiers know she is in the area.

"But at the same time, this is my best chance to escape" - Tsubaki muttered as she narrowed her eyes. She was sure that if she managed to get out of the facility and reach the urban area, she could find a way to contact her team and escape from this damned place.

"What are you, a moron?!" - exclaimed a man in the distance - "How dare you leave your window open when a prisoner has escaped!"

"I'm apologising, OK!" - replied another man and from his voice you could tell he was angry - "I needed a smoke!"

Tsubaki looked out again, only to jump out of the window without a second thought. The distance to the ground was manageable for the sturdy body of a [God Eater].

The woman landed with a small somersault and stood up quickly because she was sure she would be attacked at any moment, but to her surprise, nothing had happened.

"Strange" - muttered Tsubaki while frowning - "Was it all really a coincidence?"

Tsubaki quickly shook her head and looked around the surroundings, only to continue her escape, not noticing that a camera had recorded everything.

* * * * *

"Are you sure about this?" - Asked a logistics member as he looked at their leader - "This doesn't make any sense at all."

"I know, but we just have to follow orders" - replied the leader of the place while looking at his subordinates - "I can more or less understand what Johannes-sama is trying to do with Amamiya Tsubaki's escape."

"¿?" - those present were confused because they did not understand what was going through their leader's mind.

"It's simple, if Amamiya Tsubaki escapes, then both the [First Unit], and Cloud Strife will have no reason to come after us" - replied the logistics team leader - "That gives us a little more room to move after Johannes-sama blows this place up."

All the members of the logistics team knew about their leader's plan, after all, they were the most useful and loyal subordinates of the leader of [Fenrir: Far East].


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