Chapter 365 ( Reunion )

"Ugh" - Tsubaki slowly opened her eyes as she felt like her whole body was screaming from the pain.

"Good to see you woke up, miss" - said a slightly older voice.

Tsubaki slowly looked at the source of the voice, only to notice how a woman in her 60's was watching her with concern. She tried to get up, only to feel her whole body ache.

"I recommend you not to make any movements, your body is not in very good condition" - said the woman while looking at the retreating [God Eater] - "Although it is a relief that your life is not in danger and it is only small burns and bruises from the blast wave".

Tsubaki quickly remembered what had happened and the reason for her condition. She was running away when she heard the sound of an explosion right from where she had left, after that, all she managed to feel was a deep burning in her body, especially her back, before she flew away and lost consciousness.

"What happened?" - Tsubaki muttered in pain as she could feel her lungs burning a little, though it was manageable.

"There was an explosion at a clandestine facility outside [Fenrir: Far East], the reason is still unknown, but many think it was the product of an experiment gone wrong" - answered the woman with concern - "Many houses outside the base, were destroyed by the shockwave and many people have been hospitalized because of the severity of their injuries".

Tsubaki did not know what to think when she heard this as she thought about the possible reason for the explosion, after all, she had been in that place for a few days.

"Anyway, you were lucky, miss" - said the woman while looking at Tsubaki - "Your body didn't receive so much damage because you were at a safe distance, although that doesn't mean you didn't suffer considerable damage"

"I know, I can feel a sharp pain in my legs and arms" - replied Tsubaki while sighing regretfully.

"The explosion must've sent you flying when you lost consciousness, you ended up having a bad fall" - replied the woman with a sad smile - "The impact caused you to fracture your legs and arms, although the doctor said that it will take at least a month to recover".

"Thank you for the help, I promise I will pay you when I recover" - replied Tsubaki while sighing regretfully - "By the way, do you by any chance have a communicator?"

"Yes we do, but it's an old model" - replied the woman with embarrassment.

"Never mind, I would like you to contact the following number" - said Tsubaki while indicating which number to dial.

"Ok, give me a moment to go get the communicator" - nodded the woman calmly. She was not worried that something would happen to them, because she could feel that the woman who was resting in her house, was not a bad person.

* * * * *

The [First Unit] Helicopter quickly arrived at [Fenrir: Far East], only to see the huge crater that was now outside the base.

Lindow had an almost unreadable expression as everyone noticed the worry in his eyes.

"Relax, she's safe" - said Sofia as she tried to calm her leader and romantic interest.

"She's right" - nodded Tatenashi as she looked at Lindow - "Remember, if you don't have news, it's good news."

"That's a bit far-fetched, but it makes some sense" - nodded Houki as she looked for a place to land - "As long as you don't get the bad news, there's still hope."

Lindow was silent for a few seconds before nodding - "Thanks."

Sakuya smiled as she saw how her leader was back to normal, while Soma was frowning because the situation in [Fenrir: Far East], seemed too forced.

"Lindow, your communicator," Houki said as she pointed in the direction where the leader of the [First Unit], had left his communicator.

Lindow quickly picked it up, only to frown when he noticed how it was an unfamiliar number.

"What is it, Leader?" - Tatenashi asked as he noticed the change in the black-haired man's expression.

"Unknown number" - replied Lindow earnestly as he chose to answer the call - "Hello."


"Tsubaki?!" - Lindow exclaimed in surprise as he felt a weight drop from his shoulders.

"!" - those present looked at their leader in surprise as a small smile appeared on their lips, at least from everyone but Soma who was still with his neutral expression.

"Where are you?" - asked Lindow with concern - "Are you alright?"

"I had a little mishap, but I'm fine."

"What happened?" - Lindow asked with a frown as she heard her older sister's weak voice.

"Let's just say I got hurt because of the explosion, though my life is out of danger."

Lindow fell silent before sighing - "Ok, I understand, tell me where you are so I can come find you."

"Where am I?"

"You're in the urban area E-7, near the market, miss."

"Thanks, well, you heard where I am."

Lindow quickly told Houki to go as close to the location as possible while she ordered Sakuya to prepare all available medical supplies.

The two women nodded at their leader's orders as the others looked at each other not knowing what to do.

* * * * *

"Thank you," Tsubaki muttered as she slowly closed her eyes. Now that she had been able to contact her younger brother, she was a little more relaxed.

"Was that man her boyfriend?" - The woman asked curiously.

"No, he was my younger brother" - replied Tsubaki as she slightly widened her eyes - "He is the leader of the [First Unit]."

"Really?!" - exclaimed the woman in surprise because she never thought that she had saved a V.I.P.

"I gain nothing by lying to the person who saved me" - replied Tsubaki with a smile, only to groan in pain as she felt her body start to ache.

"I'm sorry I don't have anything to be able to ease your pain, miss" - said the woman pitifully as she watched the black-haired woman start to writhe in pain.

"D-Don't worry, I can withstand this pain" - said Tsubaki as she gritted her teeth - "I am a retired [God Eater]."

"I see" - nodded the woman as she ran out of the room and came back with some medicine - "It may not be much, but this is likely to ease your pain."

Tsubaki saw the medicine and nodded weakly, after all, this was better than nothing.

"How long do you think it will take for your brother to come and get it?" - The woman asked curiously.

"I would say a few minutes" - answered Tsubaki while swallowing the medicine thanks to the woman's help - "He told me that they were not that far from this place".

The woman nodded and left the room to prepare some things for the welcome of the [First Unit].

Tsubaki again closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep, only to feel her body being taken gently.

"Ugh" - Tsubaki opened her eyes and noticed how Sakuya was looking at her with concern - "How long did I sleep?"

"According to your savior, about 15 minutes" - Sakuya replied as she sighed with regret at the sight of the woman's current state. The shiny black hair, now had many burnt locks, her skin was slightly red, not to mention her back had a few burn marks.

"How bad is my current state?" - Tsubaki asked as she made an effort not to close her eyes.

"Bad, but you're in no danger" - replied Sakuya with a frown - "Broken arms and legs, as well as some ribs, second degree burns on the back and neck area. You're lucky you were running in the opposite direction, otherwise your face would have been disfigured and possibly lost your eyesight."

". . ." - Tsubaki didn't know how to react to the woman's words, so she just let out a sigh - "How long do I need to get back to normal?"

"I'd say a month" - Sakuya replied as she narrowed her eyes - "Maybe even less thanks to your enhanced regeneration from being a [God Eater]"

Tsubaki nodded when she heard this.

"You could recover immediately if you consumed Cloud's medicine" - Sakuya added, only to notice how the black-haired woman's eyes widened in shock.

"What happened to the mission?" - Tsubaki asked wearily thanks to the sedative Sakuya had used on her that was starting to take effect.

"I'll tell you when we get back to base," said Sakuya as she tried to calm her friend and rival, "For now rest."

Tsubaki nodded weakly before closing her eyes, but not before hearing her friend's sigh.

Sakuya shook her head as she remembered what had happened on the mission, only to wonder where her beloved was and what she was doing.

"Maybe Houki and Tatenashi know where he is" - Sakuya muttered as she watched her friend now sleeping - "After all, they have a strange connection with Cloud."

Sakuya quickly called her companions to move Tsubaki into the helicopter so they could return to their home base.


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