Chapter 378 [Arius Nova] (5)

"ROAR!" - a powerful roar echoed through the room as the scientists screamed in terror. They could feel how their bodies were slowly mutating at the massive exposure to the [Oracle Cells] of the green liquid.

Cloud watched this with a frown as he noticed how Johannes was beginning to merge with the artificial [Aragami].

[My lord, we have to get out of here] - [Sapphire] said as she stared in terror at the beast in front of them. Her instincts were screaming to escape, not because of the strength the beast had, but because of the danger its existence meant.

"No, I want to see how this ends" - Cloud replied as he squinted his eyes, but his expression changed slightly when he saw a pop-up screen appear in front of his eyes.

[Important Event has been detected, initiating analysis.]



[Analysis Completed]

[Event: "Appearance of the End" has begun. Entity [Arius Nova] has arrived in the world, initiating last section of the world, setting the stage]]

[User has a level much higher than [Arius Nova (Larva)], initiating protection mode].

"ROAR!" - Johannes' roar was becoming more and more bestial as the [Aragami] mixed with his body. Slowly, he began to grow and expand his body, showing an appearance very similar to that of a [Vajra], only with a humanoid face resembling his human form - "AOW!"

Cloud attempted to initiate an attack against the beast, only to frown when when he noticed how his attack seemed to have been magically deflected by the artificial [Aragami].

[Warning, detecting attack against [Final Boss: Arius Nova (Larva)], initiating protection mode]

[Evasion of [Arius Nova], has increased by 1000%].

[Defenses and Resistances of [Arius Nova], increased by 1000%].

[User has been warned, please desist from initiating attacks against [Final Boss: Arius Nova] or the world will initiate a counterattack].

"!" - Cloud's eyes widened in surprise because this was not expected, though at the same time this answered a doubt he had for a long time.

What would happen if he destroyed one of the villains long before they reached their full power?

That question had puzzled him for quite some time, but unfortunately he had never had the opportunity to experience that situation, at least until now.

In [Highschool of the Dead], there were no villains per se, after all, the threat was zombies. In [IS: Infinite Stratos], the villains were already in full power and he couldn't intervene directly, not when he was a long time without memories and locked up in those government facilities. In [Dragons Rioting], there were also no villains per se, only opponents who were already at their full power.

But this was completely different in [God Eater], here the [Final Boss] was a creature that it seemed, had been created by Johannes during the plot of the story, that meant that he finally had an opponent that wasn't at full power from the beginning and that he could intervene in its development.

"It's impossible to intervene in the villain's development, at least until he is strong enough to be able to defend himself" - Cloud thought seriously because this complicated things - "But now the question is, does this also affect the [protagonist]?"

Cloud now understood that it was not only the [Protagonist] who was using the plot as a shield, but also the [Villain].

"Never mind, this makes the hunt much more interesting" - Cloud thought as a small smile appeared on his face, though he was now curious if in the future he would have to side with 'evil' and hunt down the protagonist, though honestly it wasn't like he cared too much.

"ROAR!" - Johannes, no, [Arius Nova] roared fiercely as he glared hatefully at Cloud, showing that there was still some of his rationality left, though he quickly averted his gaze and focused on the scientists who were screaming in despair.

Cloud watched this in confusion, but quickly understood what he was trying to do and was honestly not surprised.

[Arius Nova] jumped on the scientists and started devouring their heads without remorse, as if this was the most normal thing in the world, and then escaped at full speed.

It was obvious that [Arius Nova]'s instincts had far surpassed Johannes' rational thinking, that meant he understood the level of danger it meant to be in Cloud's presence.

[My lord] - [Sapphire] murmured with concern - [Do you really think it's a good idea to let him escape?]

"I'll be honest with you, I also think it's not the best idea, but there's nothing I can do about it" - Cloud replied with a frown.

After receiving the world's warning, he was completely sure that it wasn't the best idea to attack Johannes, after all, he didn't know what kind of adverse effects he would receive as punishment, not to mention that it was quite likely that [Arius Nova] would manage to escape anyway, making all his efforts in vain.

[I don't understand] - [Sapphire] muttered as she shook her head, though something inside her told her that she had better put it all aside, which was strange because just a moment ago she was telling her leader to end the threat.

Cloud gave his subordinate a glance before looking back in the direction where Johannes had escaped.

"The world is not only protecting Johannes, but also changing the thoughts of its inhabitants so as not to impede his development" - Cloud thought as he frowned - "And if this is true, then the situation is much worse than I thought."

Cloud was aware of what this meant, after all, if he did anything else against Johannes, he would be labeled as an enemy of the world and quite possibly he would have to not only fight against the [Aragami], but also against [Fenrir].

"Let's go," Cloud muttered as he turned around and retreated.

[Sapphire] watched her leader for a few seconds before following him silently. Their mission was over and there was nothing left to do in this place.

The two quickly reached the entrance of the facility and gave them one last look.

Cloud was sure that there were still survivors inside the place, although it was quite likely that they would die in a matter of minutes at the hands of Johannes.

[Where shall we go now, my lord?] - asked [Sapphire] curiously.

"Nowhere" - answered Cloud as he resumed his human form - "They've come to pick us up."

[Sapphire] slowly looked up and noticed how a helicopter was coming in her direction. She quickly went on guard, only to relax when she noticed how her leader was instructing her not to do anything.

* * *

Minutes passed and the helicopter was landing a few meters away from the location of the two monstrous beings. The doors slowly opened, revealing a group of humans that [Sapphire] recognized immediately.

[Them?] - [Sapphire] asked in surprise, only roaring fiercely as a group of females leapt upon their master - [Stay away from my master, lesser beings!]

"Uh, I sense that she's not happy with your display of affection" - said Lindow noticing the loud roar of the [Aragami] who was accompanying Cloud.

"She's overprotective" - replied Cloud calmly as he signaled [Sapphire] to calm down.

[Sapphire] gave the females a glance before calming down, though it was difficult for her because her control of emotions was still not perfect.

"I've never seen such a well-mannered [Aragami]" - Sakuya said with surprise and curiosity, only to feel [Yan Zhi]'s cold gaze on her - "Uh, did I say something wrong?"

"Like I said before, she's overprotective, more so with what happened with Shio" - Cloud replied as he let out a powerful killer instinct, though he quickly calmed down because he noticed how those present had turned pale from the enormous pressure he had radiated - "Sorry, she was like a little sister to me."

"We're sorry for your loss, Cloud-san" - Sofia said as she struggled to put her hand on Cloud's man, though the blond's identity in front of her, made the task difficult.

"Relax, you don't have to comfort me, much less accept me" - Cloud replied calmly. He honestly didn't care about Sofia's reaction, after all, he didn't have a deep connection with her.

"Are you okay?" - Houki asked with concern - "Why do you have your eye closed?"

"I'm in perfect condition" - Cloud answered calmly as he looked at one of his companions - "Although my personality and attitude changed drastically."

"I can see that" - nodded Tatenashi while looking carefully at the boy, or rather, dragon she liked - "Although externally you don't look much different."

Cloud slowly opened his right eye and those present recoiled slightly. The blond now didn't have his two eyes the same because his new right eye was similar to his dragon form, a completely red eye with pupil in the shape of a four-pointed star.

"Somehow I find it sexy" - Tatenashi said as everyone looked at her - "What? I like heterochromatic eyes."

"Are there any more changes to your human body?" - Lindow asked as he looked at his friend.

"Outside of some tattoos that simulate to be scales on my arms" - answered Cloud as he showed the markings to his friends - "Nothing different, in fact, my DNA in this form is human because this is a complete transformation."

"That's interesting" - said Tatenashi as a huge smile appeared on her face.

"Stop thinking weird thoughts, you pervert" - Houki snorted.

"If you call me a pervert, then you thinking the same thing too, Houki-chan ~" - smiled Tatenashi as she winked at her friend.


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