Chapter 389 ( Resurrection - II )

Alisa saw this without knowing how to react, after all, she never thought to see a scene as surreal as this one

[I know this isn't the best appearance I've shown you, but it's the only one I have right now] - Shio said in a distorted voice that only Cloud and [Sapphire] could understand.

"How did you come back to life?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the little creature with surprise and affection, after all, she was the one responsible for having supported him when he was about to lose his sanity.

[I'm not quite sure, but I think it has to do with Johannes] - Shio answered while frowning - [When my body was moved to the facility, my core central system was still operational, and when that thing devoured my body, a part of my being was isolated to prevent it from being consumed].

Cloud was silent as he nodded at the little creature's words.

[After that, I waited for Johannes to continue evolving and when I noticed that he was discarding the unnecessary parts, I took the opportunity to separate myself from his body] - Shio continued as he explained his situation to them - [But when I did that, my core had been assimilated, so I had to use the scraps in order to recreate a new one, although this made my body weakened and ended up much worse than what you see currently]

"Relax, we just have to have you consume some other entities to get you back to normal" - Cloud said as he let out a sigh of relief - "At least your consciousness is still the same."

[I think the same, and honestly I'm surprised that my personality didn't change by almost nothing] - replied Shio while tilting his little head - [By the way, I think my size will remain stable at this height even after returning to normal because this is integrated in my genetic code, although I can now get a more human form thanks to Johannes' DNA].

"In other words, you will always be this size" - Cloud said while looking carefully at the small creature - "It's a bit hilarious if you think about it carefully."

[No one respects the little ones] - muttered Shio with annoyance as she puffed out her scaly cheeks - [Anyway, I'm happy to be together with you once again]

"Same here"- smiled Cloud as he stroked Shio's head and helped her sit on his shoulder.

[I missed this place and now I'm going to be able to sit on your human shoulder" - smiled Shio excitedly.

"Ok, now that we found out the truth about our little spy, we only have left to try to find Johannes and with Shio's help I don't think it will be that hard" - said Cloud as a gloomy smile appeared on his face.

[I don't think I can help you because Johannes has been constantly changing his location] - replied Shio with regret seeing that he couldn't help the blond - [Not to mention that he's much more discreet now because he's about to enter his last evolution].

"That's a pity" - Cloud sighed as he frowned, only to shoot a glare at Shio - "I guess we can use the time for other things."

"What do you have planned to do?" - Alisa asked as she noticed the blond walking away, making her realize that he was about to transform once again.

"Let's go get some food for Shio" - Cloud replied calmly as [Sapphire] nodded firmly.

"Wouldn't it be a better idea for [Sapphire] to go collect the prey for her to eat?" - Alisa asked as she raised an eyebrow.

[She is right, my lord]," [Sapphire] replied seriously as she listened to the human woman's question.

"She is, but it's not a good idea, not when Johannes can come out at any moment to attack her" - answered Cloud seriously as he listened to the words of his subordinate and his companion.

"Ugh, I forgot that detail" - muttered Alisa as she apologized to [Sapphire].

The [Aragami] for her part, just remained silent as she shook her head in denial as she noticed how she had ignored such a big problem as that. It was obvious that she still had a long way to go before she had a better level of reasoning.

"Ok, let's go" - Cloud said as he spread his wings.

[I missed this] - muttered Shio with a huge, happy smile on her strange face.

* * *

It took 30 minutes for the group to reach a place inhabited by [Aragami] and without a second thought [Sapphire] jumped in so she could hunt for her newly revived big sister's food.

Cloud watched this with a smile, but inside he was still thinking about Johannes, after all, he didn't know if his transformation would take long to complete, nor how much power he would have after finishing it.

[Relax, the increase in power of our species is not as massive as you think] - Shio said noticing his brother's concern - [Our strength may increase considerably, but that doesn't mean we'll reach the sky by taking one step].

"I know, but that doesn't take away the worry I feel" - Cloud answered seriously. He was aware that if he were inside the [God Eater] game, he shouldn't have so many problems, after all, he had killed a good number of [Deusphages] and [Ashborn], which were considered [Super Bosses], and by logical reasoning, they should be harder to kill than the [Final Boss].

"Relax, when we find him it will all be over" - said Alisa with a small smile on her lips.

"But we don't know if for better or for worse" - Cloud answered seriously again while looking at the young girl from Russia - "Remember that we don't know what level of power Johannes will have when he finishes his transformation."

[I said it before, it won't be as massive as your power increase] - Shio said while looking at his older brother.

[You can talk later, now you have to eat] - said [Sapphire] while bringing a B-Rank [Aragami].

[Thank you for the food] - muttered Shio as he started to devour the [Aragami] at high speed.

Alisa was surprised to see such a small creature devour the body of a creature as big as the one [Sapphire] had killed.

[Burp] - the burp of the small creature echoed in the place while Cloud let out a laugh - [Sorry, it's just that I haven't eaten so much since I came back to life].

"How much more time do you need before you can get back to normal?" - Cloud asked as he noticed how Shio's body vibrated slightly.

[I'm not sure] - replied Shio as he shook his head- [I'd say a few hours and about 20 more prey like this.]

"I guess it's time to get to work" - nodded Cloud as [Sapphire] prepared to capture another prey - "This will take time, but knowing my luck, I'm sure we'll be done by the time Johannes has finished his transformation."

". . ." - Alisa gave him a blank look, but still nodded.

* * * * *

"Sir, we've lost contact with our squadron" - said one of the soldiers from the logistics team - "the probability of death is at least 98%"

The leader of [Fenrir: Central] could only roar in response as he cursed Johannes with all his might.

"What do we do now, sir?" - Asked one of [Fenrir: Central]'s senior commanders.

"We have no choice but to talk to the general and tell him to initiate an operation to hunt Johannes down" - said the leader of [Fenrir] neutrally.

"I don't think that's a good idea, not when the only general under us, died for this mission" - replied the soldier, only to groan in pain as he felt the leader of [Fenrir] shoot him with a cold expression on his face - "Argh!"

"I'm your fucking leader, so I want you to follow my fucking orders!" - Fenrir]'s Leader exclaimed fiercely. He had lost his patience and fury was growing inside him, right now he just wished he could end all this shit so he could go back to the luxurious life he so desired.

Ever since he had taken command of [Fenrir], he had been under constant stress because all of his orders had ended with catastrophic results.

"Any more imbeciles who wish not to follow my orders!" - [Fenrir]'s leader exclaimed as the logistics team members initiated contact with all the generals.

After a few seconds, the top military commanders of the organization had gathered in the office of the leader of [Fenrir]. Each of them had a cold expression on their faces, but the leader of [Fenrir: Central] could notice the disdain in their eyes, something that made his fury grow once again.

"We heard what you want to ask of us, and honestly we are not very encouraged by following your instructions" - said the commanding general of [Fenrir]'s military forces while looking at his 'superior' with disdain - "The amount of human lives that we have lost during your operations, is already approaching 400"

"I don't give a shit!" - roared the leader of [Fenrir] as he glared at the military man - "I only care that you follow my fucking orders!"

The generals looked at each other before looking at the leader of [Fenrir] neutrally. Each and every one of them was starting to lose patience with the man in front of them.


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