Chapter 405 ( Duel to the death with Fangs )

Sofia was silent as she hugged Lindow with all her strength.

"It's time" - Lindow said as he broke away from his girlfriend, only to look at her seriously - "Now go away."

"NO!" - Sophia exclaimed with tears in her eyes, only to feel a sharp pain appear in her stomach - "L-Lindow!"

". . ." - Lindow looked regretfully at his girlfriend as he retracted No Hope.

"We're ready!" - Mirio and Jeff exclaimed with serious expressions on their faces, after all, they understood about the seriousness of the situation.

"Good luck, guys" - said Maria as she bit her lip and grabbed the unconscious Sofia. She was prepared to be able to escape through the back exit while Lindow and the others made as much 'noise' as possible to try to gain the attention of all the [Aragami] present.

"Ok, I think it's time" - Lindow said as he gripped his [God Arc] firmly. He could feel how his heart was pounding, how his hands were sweating from the enormous pressure he felt.

"For our lives!" - Jeff and Mirio exclaimed as they took firm steps towards the entrance of the building.

Maria looked around as she hid herself and thus prevent the [Aragami] from detecting her, though at the same time she had to admit that she was scared, very scared. The courage she had gathered earlier was disappearing with every step she took away from her lover.

"It will be okay" - Maria murmured while biting her lip - "Everything will be okay, they will survive and we will all be together celebrating this small victory."

That was the mantra Mary repeated to gain courage, a thought that gave life to her hope that mingled with her deepest desire - "It will be all right."


"!" - Maria gave a little jump from the fright produced by the loud sound of the front door bursting open, but quickly calmed down - "It started."

Maria took one last look in the direction where the men were, only to give a glance at Sophia who was still unconscious - "I hope this is for the best for us and them, sister!"

The [God Eater] let out a heavy sigh before looking around silently and noticing how all the [Aragami] were running towards where Lindow and the others were.

"We'd better keep going, after all, it's possible that we'll reach the base of operations and manage to call for help to save our men" - said Maria as she found the necessary motivation to be able to start their escape - "Please hold out until reinforcements arrive."

Maria looked towards the opposite direction where she was escaping with a firm expression on her face, only to start running at full speed.

* * * * *

"Let's hope this works" - Lindow said as he snapped an [Aragami] in half, only to click his tongue when he saw two more leap in his direction - "Tch"

"At least the situation isn't as bad as we thought it would be" - Jeff said as he used his [God Arc] type Axe to start wreaking havoc - "Come and get me, creatures of the underworld! Come and get a piece of Lord Jeff!"

"I think someone is taking this too lightly" - said Mirio as she gave ranged support with her [God Eater] type rifle - "Well, you might as well have fun during your last minutes of life!"

". . ." - Lindow didn't respond to his subordinate's words, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't have the time to - "These things seem to be endless! Or rather, why are they attacking me so much!"

"Maybe they find you attractive, leader Lindow" - Jeff replied as he cut [Aragami] in half and prepared to kill another one - "Congratulations, you'll outlive us, and possibly that's not good!"

". . ." - Mirio frowned because his friend's words not only sounded stupid, but also weird even for him - "I think the terror of dying fused his brain."

Lindow gave his two subordinates a quick glance before gritting his teeth because a new wave of monsters was coming against him - "Now I'm thankful that Maria took Sophia with her."

"To our girls!" - Jeff roared as he launched himself against a group of [Aragami] without thinking of the consequences.

"You heard him" - growled Lindow as he ran against his own enemies, though his attention was on the leader of the [Aragami] army, the [Dyaus Pita] variant.

"We'll all die" - muttered Mirio as he ran with his weapon in hand. He was ready to be able to give support to his two companions, after all, their lives were on the table.

[Strange, those humans are fighting with too much desperation] - muttered the [Dyaus Pita] while squinting his eyes - [Not to mention that the females are nowhere to be seen].

[Dyaus Pita] was beginning to sense that something strange was going on, but decided to ignore it knowing that his main prey was still in the area - [Never mind, with this my work will be done].

The beast watched with amusement, as the humans were doing their best to survive while ignoring the absence of the women, but at the same time the voice telling him to attack the humans, was getting more and more annoying.

[OK, ok, I'll get this over with quickly] - growled [Dyaus Pita] as he growled in irritation, after all, no one would like to listen to a voice in their head that is constantly ordering you around.

[Dyaus Pita] stood up and jumped towards the battlefield with a wild expression on his face.

"I guess it's time for things to get serious" - said Lindow as he wiped his sweat as he watched the [Dyaus Pita] appear imposingly in front of the group - "Hello, horrible."

[It's annoying to follow the instructions of this annoying voice in my head] - said [Dyaus Pita] while squinting his eyes - [So the best plan of action, is to end your poor existence and thus make it disappear once and for all].

"I don't know what you said, but I can deduce that you said something like 'I'm ugly, extremely ugly'" - said Jeff with disdain, only to feel the earth start to shake - "Oh? Did I touch a sensitive spot?"

[ . . . ] - [Dyaus Pita] was silent as he tried to resist the urge to tear this insolent worm apart - [Ok, I wanted to finish off my main prey first, but I've changed my mind].

"I think you made him angry" - said Mirio was getting on his guard.

Dyaus Pita's] minions slowly backed away as they began to roar fiercely.

"It hurts to death with fangs" - said Jeff as his axe grew considerably. His weapon had been created based on a common [Dyaus Pita], and he had used as a base, the fangs of the beast.

"Well, my [God Arc] isn't high-performance because it's made from the parts of a B-rank [Aragami]" - said Mirio as his [God Arc] changed shape to a much more elongated one - "But after so many modifications, I feel I can damage that thing."

Lindow nodded firmly as the lock on his sword began to spin at full speed while growing slightly - "If we're going to fight to the death, I guess I'm going to have to use all my power!"

"Come on, our battle will be legendary!" - Jeff roared as his muscles grew thanks to the influence of his [God Arc] - "ROAR!"

"If this will be my last battle, then I'm going to let the core of my [God Arc] run at full power!" - Mirio roared as he felt his inner energy begin to go berserk, an effect that showed that before long he would enter a state of [Aragamification].

"ROAR!" - Lindow roared fiercely as he felt his eyes change slightly, taking on a yellowish coloration with slitted pupils - "Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!"

[ . . . ] - [Dyaus Pita] fell silent as he felt the danger level increase considerably - [Ok, this is interesting, dangerous, but interesting].

"Come, beast!" - Lindow roared as he leapt at his prey with a crazed look on his face.

The [Oracle Cells] within the trio were becoming more and more active, which meant that the process of [Aragamification] was getting faster and faster.

"ROAR!" - the three [God Eater] roared as they began their attack while [Dyaus Pita] grinned fiercely and roared back at them.

Beams of light began to surround the beast's body as its [Oracle Cells] began to vibrate at full power.

[Let's enjoy this hunt!] - roared the [Dyaus Pita] as it blocked the attacks of its prey with its light beams, only to frown as it felt a slight sting where the [God Arc] had attacked - [Ok, this hurts a bit].

"And this is about to get worse!" - Lindow roared as the three [God Eater] put more power into their attacks.


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