Chapter 424 ( Returned )

Cloud sighed after reading the additional information and seeing Tsubaki nowhere to be seen, though he quickly shook his head to put these thoughts out of his mind because there was honestly nothing he could do.

"What's wrong, Cloud?" - Sakuya asked as she noticed the change in the blond.

"No, it's nothing," Cloud replied, only to smile as he watched a group of women approach his location.

"See, I told you they were back," Tabane snorted, only to be surprised at her younger sister's new appearance, "Oh, this I didn't expect."

The other women were surprised as they surrounded Tatenashi and Houki with curiosity because they never thought they would have such a drastic change.

"You have to tell us what happened, Houki-san" - Cecilia said curiously as she looked at the beautiful dark brown haired girl with jealousy, after all, she was now much sexier than before thanks to her already developed feminine charm.

"I'm curious too" - nodded Charlotte as she looked with a gentle smile at her friend - "But that will be later."

"Seeing her development, it's been at least 6 years" - said Tabane as she appeared behind Houki and grabbed her big breasts - "Hmm, they're at least 5 centimetres bigger than mine"

"Stop acting like an idiot!" - Houki exclaimed as she smacked her older sister upside the head, though they honestly looked like twin sisters now.

"Ugh, there are times when love hurts" - Tabane muttered as she fell to the ground thanks to the force of Houki's blow - "You've become strong, Houki-chan."

"Hmph" - Houki snorted disdainfully, though she had a happy smile on her face.

Sakuya felt a little out of place with so many beautiful women, but was relieved when she saw a group of adult women approach her to get to know her better.

"I see you're a warrior" - Saeko said as she looked curiously at Alisa - "What kind of Weapons do you use?"

"Mandoble Sword" - Alisa answered curiously because she could feel how the girl in front of her was strong, not at the level of her physique, but of her techniques.

"Oh? Interesting" - replied Saeko as she licked her lips - "That brings back memories to when Cloud was in our world."

"I'd like to know more about it" - Alisa said as she looked at the beautiful purple-haired girl.

"We can talk about it over some tea" - replied Saeko with a smile - "While we're at it, tell us a bit about your experiences in that strange world full of terrifying creatures".

"I have no problem" - nodded Alisa as she watched the youngest group of Cloud's recruits approaching to talk to her.

Cloud shook his head when he saw this, but was surprised when he felt delicate arms wrap around his back along with the fantastic feeling of a pair of huge, soft mounds impacting on his back.

"You've evolved," said a sultry voice that the blond immediately recognised, "You're making it hard to resist, Cloud."

Cloud slowly shifted his gaze and saw the beautiful Dark Elf looking at him passionately. He could feel the lust in Olga's gaze as she continued to press her body against his.

"Olga, I ask you kindly to control yourself," said Celestine as she gave a blank stare to her dimensional companion.

Olga gave Celestine a bored look before rolling her eyes at him. Now that she had decided to take the first step, and that the blond wasn't a human that she so despised, it was difficult to control her reproductive instincts, especially when Cloud's DNA was so powerful.

The beautiful Queen of the Night knew it was only a matter of time before Cloud became as strong or much stronger than her, so it was best to 'tame' him now while she could.

Celestine understood what was going through her 'counterpart's' mind, something that made her blush at the enormous 'imagination' she never thought she would have.

"I guess we'll save that for later because I'm sure we have something to talk about," Olga said as she pulled away from the blond and gave him a flirtatious smile.

Cloud nodded calmly as he gave a few claps to gain the attention of everyone present.

"Ok, I know you're excited about our return, but there are some important things to talk about," Cloud said as he informed the girls about the possibility of returning to their home worlds.

Rei and the others, smiled happily when they heard this because they sincerely missed Takashi and the others they left behind, even though it was only a few days for them.

Cecilia, and the other women in the [Infinite Stratos] group, were in a similar situation, especially Chifuyu who missed her younger brother.

The only group that was as if nothing had happened were the recruits [Dragons Rioting], although this was because they had only left their home world a few days ago.

"By the way, a year there will be a day in this dimension, so you can use this time to relax or to train, but keep in mind that only those who are from that world will be able to enter" - Cloud answered seriously.

"That's interesting news" - Saeko murmured as her eyes glittered slightly - "I guess this is because we have to balance our levels."

"I was thinking the same thing" - replied Cloud as he nodded - "Oh, I forgot, you can only enter your worlds once every 2 worlds completed, and when you do, you won't be able to use any of the [System] functions."

"Pure and simple training" - nodded Kyōka as she let out a laugh - "Anything else we need to know?"

"Let's see, be careful what you say to people on your homeworlds, and don't do anything stupid because the [System] will be watching you" - Cloud replied seriously.

"I was expecting some more possessive words" - muttered Kyōka as she shook her head.

"I trust each of you enough to know that you won't betray me" - Cloud replied as he looked at his recruits - "So there's no need to say something like 'don't even think about hanging out with other guys' because it would just be showing how possessive and distrustful I am of you."

"Meh, we're strong enough to smash any idiot who tries anything against us" - Okina said as she nodded firmly - "Though it feels good to hear you say how much you trust us."

"What about us?" - Celestine asked as her eyes twinkled slightly.

"Sorry, your worlds are a higher level" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "That makes this option not applicable to you."

"I knew you would say something along those lines, but I still had my hopes up" - sighed Celestine as she shook her head - "Thank you for your honesty."

"Well, at least we can continue to explore our abilities and so attack with everything we have when we return" - replied Olga coldly as she remembered her dark fate - "Only this time, things won't go as our stupid world wishes"

"You're right" - nodded Celestine as she began to think about how to take the next step as her counterpart was doing.

"Alright, I think that would be all for now" - said Cloud as he looked at his recruits - "Now if you need me, I want to take a little break because honestly I'm psychologically exhausted."

"Wait, you still won't tell us how to get back to our original worlds" - said Chifuyu as she looked at the blond calmly.

"I thought the [System] had informed them" - Cloud replied as he looked back - "Anyway, you just have to think that you wish to return and the portal will open in front of you, oh right, I was forgetting that in order to return, all the inhabitants of that dimension have to wish it, otherwise the portal won't open"

"You should have said it before" - said Chifuyu while rolling her eyes at him - "Do you want to go back?"

"I'd like to go back, so I could collect some supplies" - Tabane said as her fake rabbit ears perked up with excitement - "What do you say, Houki-chan?"

"Hmm, there's also some materials I've been wanting to collect for a project of mine" - Houki replied unconsciously as she started to think.

"Huh? Project?" - Tabane asked in surprise.

"I forgot, Houki-chan studied mechanics during our stay in the [God Eater] world." - Tatenashi replied as Tabane began to get excited.

"Good, now we can work side by side!" - Tabane exclaimed as she hugged her younger sister - "I knew you'd want to spend more time with your Onee-chan ~!"

"Stop acting like an idiot!" - Houki roared as she smacked her older sister's head, once again - "God knows I missed you for these 6 years, but you're more annoying than I remembered!"

Houki's cold words, caused enormous damage to Tabane's heart, as if a high-calibre gun had fired into her face at close range.

"God that damage was critical," said Charlotte as she watched the life seem to disappear from the genius inventor's gaze.


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