Chapter 428 ( Problem )

"What did you use as a medium?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

Celestine blushed when she heard this as her pointed ears began to twitch.

"She used the mixture between her love juices," replied Olga as she folded her arms. Unlike her counterpart, she had no shame in expressing her emotions or words - "Your semen along with her 'love nectar', possesses enough mana to help the seed germinate."

Cloud raised an eyebrow as he waited for further explanation.

"The vitality of your semen, along with my natural energy concentrated in my 'nectar', has the necessary power for the development of this little one" - Celestine replied as she averted her gaze with her cheeks red with embarrassment - "Anyway, we didn't come here to talk about that"

"True" - nodded Olga as she narrowed her eyes and grabbed Cloud's wrist, only for him to wince as the woman used some mana on him - "As we thought, your mana network is atrophied, or rather, it's on the verge of being destroyed."

Celestine looked worriedly at her now partner, only to shake her head - "After we had sex, some of my life energy passed on to you, helping a little with your problem, but that doesn't take away from the fact that you need a good rest in order to recover 100%."

"A year without using mana" - Cloud replied as he nodded calmly.

"No, you need more time" - replied Olga as she frowned - "A year is just for your mana net to stabilise enough for you to use mana, you need at least 5 years for you to get back to your full power"

Celestine nodded when she heard her counterpart's words - "What Olga says is true, your Mana Core Network is so weak and atrophied, it needs that amount of time to fully recover, the problem comes in that your [Mana Core] is constantly growing, more so when you consume a magic [Dragon Slayer]"

Cloud's expression changed when he heard this as he waited for the woman to continue with her words.

"That's why we tell you to be careful," Olga said seriously, "The more mana you possess, the more pressure your atrophied mana network is under, that's why we recommend you take a complete break from all things magic related."

". . ." - Cloud was silent for a few seconds before sighing - "For how long?"

"Three years at least" - Olga replied as she folded her arms - "Five years at the most"

"We also recommend you consume a huge amount of plants or animals with enough vitality to boost your regenerative factor" - Celestine added as she started to think - "The best option would be to consume the fruit of the [World Tree], but that's still a long way off."

"I see" - nodded Cloud as he started to think - "I feel like this is becoming recurring"

"It's something that was bound to happen, after all, your body used to be that of an ordinary human" - replied Olga as she shook her head - "Such a drastic change in your body, makes it much more susceptible to this kind of accident"

"Better listen to what she says, she knows her stuff," replied Celestine as Olga rolled her eyes at her.

It was obvious that she was referring to her experiments on how to transform humans into other races. So far she had managed to modify a group of humans and turn them into orcs. It wasn't much, but it was good progress, though none of that mattered at the moment.

"I understand" - Cloud nodded, after all, he knew how weak his body was unlike a true infant dragon.

"What I'm trying to say, is that you have to compensate a bit for your deficiencies with external supplements," added Olga seriously, "Your body is not yet at the limit of an infant dragon, that's why you have to keep consuming treasures."

"The stronger your body is now, the better results you will have in the future" - nodded Celestine as she started to think.

"How do the dragons of your world strengthen their bodies?" - Cloud asked seriously because he needed some clues.

"Mana" - answered Celestine as Olga grimaced because it was obvious that this information was useless - "During the hatching process, the adult dragon looks for a place with a huge amount of mana so that the egg can absorb it at will."

"That's the huge advantage dragons have over other races, they can absorb mana from the air very easily and without fear of being damaged by magical contamination" - replied Olga while frowning with jealousy - "In your case, you can absorb mana in all its forms."

"This would be good news if only you had had this ability from the beginning," said Celestine ruefully, "If you had been a true dragon, you would possibly have the potential to be the strongest dragon in the omniverse."

"The ability to evolve by consuming other life forms, as well as the ability to strengthen yourself by consuming mana directly from the source of magic" - nodded Olga as her eyes sparkled with fanaticism - "I'm sorry, I got carried away with my fantasies."

". . ." - Cloud was silent again as he started to think of some solution to be able to compensate for his disadvantage because it was obvious that in the future when he faced a real dragon, he would be in grave danger - "Is there any way to solve this?"

Coming to no conclusion after thinking about it for a good while, he had no choice but to ask.

"There is," Olga replied as she looked at the blond, "But at the moment you can't do it."

Cloud raised an eyebrow in surprise because he didn't expect there to be a solution to his problem - "Why?"

"First, we need the [World Tree] to grow enough to create a huge amount of mana" - said Olga seriously - "This is already a problem because we don't know how long it will take"

"She's right" - replied Celestine as she frowned - "At the rate it's developing, I'd say it will take between 1000 to 5000 years to grow to the size needed for our plan to work."

"What if we use treasures full of mana as fertilizer?" - Cloud asked as he frowned.

"If so, then it will take at most a year" - replied Celestine as she nodded - "There is a second problem though".

"It is possible that the level of the world is not what is needed to support the load of the [World Tree]," added Olga seriously. - added Olga seriously - "Though this we are not sure of"

"I see" - muttered Cloud as he sighed regretfully - "What's the other problem?"

"You need an item from the shop" - replied Celestine seriously - "It's called [Nirvana Seed]"

"[Seed of Nirvana]?" - Cloud asked as he began to look for the object, only to see the price - "100,000,000 SP."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Nirvana Seed]

Description: Core obtained from a Phoenix that failed the Nirvana test.

Effect: Recreates the effect of [Nirvana] of the Phoenix race, causing the user to be reborn from the ashes. At the end of [Nirvana] all of the user's wounds will disappear and their Stats will double.

Warning: 50% chance of not withstanding [Phoenix Flames (Pure Damage)] and causing the user's death.

User Information: [User] will return to the egg state of being a dragon, potentially increasing their latent power, their physical power, as well as their maximum potential.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I see, if I return to my egg state, I'll be able to absorb the mana from the [World Tree] so I can become a dragon at 100% of its potential" - Cloud muttered as his eyes glittered slightly - "That's a good goal."

"But a goal that won't be fulfilled for quite some time" - replied Olga while shaking her head.

"Well, at least with this we have a way to go" - replied Celestine with a smile as she tried to look on the bright side.

"Anyway, let's go back for now" - said Cloud as he shook his head - "I'm sure the girls must be wondering where we are".

"How about we make them wait a little longer and have some fun the three of us ~?" - Olga asked as she licked her lips.

"Olga, calm down a bit" - said Celestine with her cheeks red with embarrassment, after all, she still remembered all the expressions she had made during the previous day, expressions that a woman like her shouldn't make.

"I know you want it too, Miss 'I'm too pure to think about sex, but I still want it with all my soul'" - Olga replied with disdain - "Anyway, if you don't want to, you can always walk out of the place while the two of us have fun."

Olga was a Dark Elf, the exact description of depravity, and she didn't think to hide it, after all, she had already been called multiple names, and being called a slut didn't bother her in the slightest.


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