[Cloud Strife]

Title: [Kokuryū] [Calamity]

Race: [Tyrant (Infant)]/ [Teen Tyrant (10%)] [6 VIT, +2 INT, +2 STR x Level. -50% Reduced Damage for Physical Attacks]

HP: 7,500,000

Level: 20/40



[STR: 4000(+2000)] [DEX: 2000] [INT: 1250] [VIT: 3000] [LUK: 1869] [Magic: 100,000] [Human: Transformed] [Human: Transformed] [Human: Transformed] [Human: Transformed] [Human: Transformed] [Human: Transformed] [Human: Transformed

[Human (Transformed)]

[STR: 2000 (+1000)] [DEX: 1000] [INT: 675] [VIT: 1500] [LUK: 1869] [Magic: 100.000]

* * * * *

Basic Skills:

[Dragon Slayer of the Apocalypse: Lvl 4] [Transformation: Human] [Available Slot: 3].

Innate Skills:

[Combat Style: Dragon] [Available slots: 4]

Bloodline Skill:

[Elemental Apocalypse] [Adaptability (EX)] [Evolution] [Mega Flare] [Maelstrom] [Flame of Purification (R)] [Flight (SR)]

* * * * * *

[Additional Information: HP is a measure applicable to all inhabitants of the different worlds starting from [Worlds level 2]].

[HP is a unit that signifies how close the user is to receiving a critical hit. When HP reaches zero, user will enter a vulnerable state, reducing defences and resistances to zero, being possible to be eliminated with a single attack]] [HP is a unit that signifies how close the user is to receiving a critical hit.

[HP regenerates passively outside of combat, or with some potions, magics or techniques. When HP reaches 0, techniques or items are useless and can only start to recover after 5 minutes, although the user will not be able to use techniques that use energy during this time].

[Past User Information: You can consider HP as a barrier that will protect you during your journey to Origin. HP is your best friend as well as your worst enemy, that's why you have to be careful from now on because an attack in the heart or somewhere lethal will reduce you 50% of your maximum HP] [Past User Info: You can consider HP as a barrier that will protect you during your journey to Origin.

* * * * *

[Resistances: Reduces Damage Received] * * * * * * * [Resistances: Reduces Damage Received

Physical: 50% [(25% Base) + (+100% (Bloodline + Skill Bonus))]]

Omni-Energies: 25%

Holy (Light): 50%

Darkness (Shadow): 50%

Toxic (Poison): 100%

Charm (Seduction): 100%

Ki: 25%

* * *

[Absorption: Nullifies and Absorbs part of the damage.]

Pyro (Fire): 200% * * * * [Absorption: Nullifies and absorbs some damage

Geo (Earth): 200% * * [Geo (Earth): 200

Electro (Lightning): 100%

Cryo (Ice): 100%

Hydro (Water): 25%

Aero (Wind): 75%

[Additional Info: Penetration, reduces Resistances] [Additional Info: Penetration, reduces Resistances]

[Additional Info: Omni-Energy Resistance means that the user is reduces the damage caused by all energies used in the multiverse, this reduction is applied at the end of damage calculation]

* * * * *

Skill Points: 5

Stats Points: 329

Gold Stats Points: 50

SP: 100

* * * * *

Familiars: Sapphire and Shio


[Dragon Slayer of the Apocalypse Magic (EX): Lvl 4]

Analogy was a man who killed hundreds of Dragons in order to reach the top. He was able to devour all types of magics to strengthen himself.

Effect [Magic Devourer]: Consumes magical Attacks or energies and in the process, allowing the User to be able to use that type of magic for a certain amount of time. If the User possesses the consumed magic, it regenerates the User's health and mana pool.

Effect 2 [Draconic Inheritance]: +5 Stat Point (+1 x Skill Lvl) and + 2500 (500 x Skill Point) Magic, for each [Dragon Slayer] Magic consumed.

Effect 4 [Dragon Force]: +100% to all Stats, this Skill can only be used in human form and consumes 500 Mana per second.

To level up to level 5, you need 100 Skill Points and have "Consumed" at least 15 [Dragon Slayer] Magic.


[Combat Style: Dragon (EX)

The traditional style of Draconic Blood and can only be used by pureblooded entities.

Effect 1 [Style: Dragon]: +100% damage to all attacks.

Effect 2 [Origin: Dragon]: 25% of damage dealt is considered Pure damage [Ignores Resistances or Defence].

Effect 3 [Strength: Dragon]: +50% STR (No Stackable), +10 STR and VIT per User level.

Effect 4 [Illusion: Dragon]: +100% General Speed (Movement, Attack, Reaction, Etc.).

Effect 5 [Mysticism: Dragon]: Reduces Energy Consumption by 50%.

Effect 6 [Vitality: Dragon]: Doubles the speed of Wound and Energy Regeneration, doubles the effectiveness of healing magics and potions on the user.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Bloodline [Tyrant(Infant)], has been acquired].


Variation of the [Bloodline(Dragon)] currently in its youngest stage (Lethal, but vulnerable), contains enormous adaptability and potential. [Tyrant] is a beast that constantly evolves by devouring other prey, but because of this, this species cannot be strengthened with [Stats Points] (Golden Stats Points can still be used).

Effect: +10 to all Stats per level (Currently +200 to all Stats) [+10 to all Stats per Bloodline evolution].

Effect 2: Impossible to raise Stats through normal Stats Points [These can be exchanged for SP (Ratio 1 to 1) or transferred to your recruits (Ratio 10 to 1)].

Effect 3: Reduces energy damage by 25% [+5% per Bloodline evolution].

Effect 4: Reduce physical damage by 25% [+5% by Bloodline evolution].


[Adaptability (R)

The basic quality of any living thing.

Effect 1 [Adaptable]: Increases Resistance to Elements or energies the more damage you take. When Resistance exceeds 100%, it becomes Damage Absorption.

Effect 2 [Predator]: Devouring Prey increases your Stats Point depending on the power level of the being consumed. There is a small chance to get an Innate Skill from the prey.

Additional effect: +10 All Stats per enemy killed that is important to the plot of the Different Worlds.

Effect 3 [Accelerated Metabolism]: Doubles the percentage of Stats and Skills acquisition when consuming prey by 100%.


[Elemental Apocalypse].

Elements can not only produce life, but also destruction.

Effect 1 [Apocalypse]: Increases damage to all elements by 50%.

Effect 2 [Elemental Concentration]: You can store any number of elements inside you without risk of elemental collision.

Effect 3 [Elemental Forge]: Enables Elemental Blending even when elements are not compatible. +50% elemental damage.

Acquired Elements [Magic: Dragon Slayer]: [Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Ice, Rock, Gems, Poison, Lightning, Charm].


[Mega Flare].

Bahamut: Copyright pending

Effect: Uses the User's Energy to cause a powerful non-elemental attack that penetrates resistance. This ability can be used both defensively and offensively.

Defence: Creates a shield of non-elemental energy that destroys all attacks directed at the user, at the end it creates a powerful shockwave depending on the amount of energy used and the number of attacks received. [Consumes 2000 Energy (Mana) per second, this consumption doubles with each attack received].

Attack: User launches a powerful non-elemental breath attack that penetrates the resistances of the target(s) (This is considered both physical and magical damage). Damage increases the more Energy you use. [Consumes 5000 (Minimum) energy per attack and 1000 for each additional second, consumption can be adjusted at the user's will].




Effect: Creates a zone around the user where countless lightning bolts begin to strike per second and creates the following effects.

1- Reduces Electro Resistance by 50% and if it is negative, it produces [Paralysis] effect.

2- Produces constant Electro Damage to all Enemy Units in the area, this damage is equal to the User's Electro Resistance x2.

3- Increases the User's Electro attacks by 25%.


[Transformation: Human)

Tutorial on How to transform into a human, volume 2.

Effect 1 [Transformation]: Modifies the User's external body structure and takes on the appearance of an ordinary human, but at the same time Reduces all of the User's Stats by 50%.

Effect 2 [Partial Transformation]: User can transform at will some parts of his body, when this happens, that part is unaffected by the Stats reduction.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Purification Flame (R)]

Flames that can burn even fire itself.

Effect [Purification Flame]: 25% of fire damage is considered pure damage. [Completely ignores fire resistance].

Effect [? (Needs SR Rarity)]: ???

Effect [? (Needs EX Rarity)]: ???

[Additional Info: Consuming flames with similar effects can increase the rarity level of this Skill].

* * * * * * * * * * *

[Flight (SR)]

If you wish you can fly ~

Effect [Raptor]: +500% flight accuracy, +50% damage when you make an aerial attack.

Effect [Transcendental Wings]: +100% flying speed.

Effect [Talent: Aerial]: -50% Energy consumption while flying [Applies also to attacks or techniques].

Effect [????]: Needs EX Rarity

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sakuya Tachibana

Member of the [Fenrir] medical team, and soldier of the [First Unit] of [Fenrir: Far East].

Race: Meta-Human [Human with ability to use different types of energy].

Lvl: 20/40


[STR: 200] [DEX: 500] [VIT: 500] [INT: 200] [LUK: 50] [Energy(?): 1000]


[Hawk-Eye] [Energy Bullet] [Mutation (Evolution)] [Sniper] [Headshot]

* * * * * * *

[Energy Bullet]

Warning, not related to Ki techniques.

Effect: Consumes Energy in order to deliver a powerful penetrating attack. Damage increases depending on where the bullet hit, the amount and type of energy consumed, and the passive bonuses of the Skills.

* * * * *

[Mutation (Evolution)]


Effect (Mutation): Using different types of external energy, makes the body slowly adapt to these, but abusing this skill too much, causes irreversible damage to the user, such as a sudden change of race.

Additional Info: This [Skill] is a variation of the [Oracle Cells] corruption from the [God Eater] world.

* * * * *


Right between the eyebrows.

Effect 1 [Coma]: Attack to the head, creates a small 1% chance of reducing the target's HP by 99.9%.

Effect 2 [Bleed]: Attack to the head, causes the target to enter a [Haemorrhage] state, causing 1% damage to their maximum HP per second, also reduces their total speed by 25%(50% if their HP is below 50%).

Effect 3 [Ace]: Shots over 500 meters, ignores shields, protections, or reducing effects.


Alisa Ilinichina Amiella

Member of the [Fenrir: Far East] assault team, the [First Unit]. A prodigy soldier, beautiful and lethal.

Race: Meta-Human

Level: 20/40


[STR: 500] [DEX: 500] [VIT: 300] [INT: 300] [LUK: 200] [Energy: 5000].


[Mandoble Sword Mastery(SR)] [Mutation (Evolution)] [Strength]

* * * * * * * *



Effect 1: Increases the user's physical power, allows the use of two-handed weapons with one hand, without damage penalty.

Effect 2: Allows the use of heavy armour without speed penalty.


Character Upgrade.


Shinonono Houki

Race: Human

Lvl: 20/40


[STR: 600] [DEX: 500] [INT: 300] [VIT: 500] [LUK: 300]


[Samurai] [Swords Mastery (EX)] [Nitoryu] [Perseverance] [Counter]

* * * * *


I take: your attack///You take: double damage plus possible death.

Counter] Effect: Creates an aura around the user with energy, increasing stamina by 500%, then performs a counter attack. The power of the counterattack is equal to the damage received plus the user's offensive power. [Can be used every 60 seconds] [Can be used every 60 seconds] [Can be used every 60 seconds] [Can be used every 60 seconds

Immovable] effect: Increases stability and reduces the hitting power of all incoming attacks by 99.9% only while under the effects of Counter.

Effect [Specialty]: User can perform Counter with two weapons.


Tatenashi Sarashiki

Race: Human

Lvl 20/40


[STR: 400] [DEX: 800] [VIT: 500] [INT: 300] [LUK: 300]


[Spear Mastery (EX)] [Lady of the Mist] [Leader] [Analytical Mind] [Cloudy Step]

* * * * * *

[Analytical Mind] [Analytical Mind] [Analytical Mind] [Analytical Mind] [Analytical Mind] [Analytical Mind

Effect: Increases mental abilities while on the battlefield, increases reaction time.

* * * * * *

[Cloudy Step]

Now you see me, now you don't see me.

Effect [Fog Illusion]: While inside a foggy area, receive 80% chance to take damage as long as enemies do not see you. Creates illusionary silhouettes to confuse the enemy as you advance.

Misty Passage] effect: Increases movement and attack speed by 50% while inside a fog zone.

Effect [Icy Breeze]: Reduces the movement speed of enemies in fog by 25%.




[Highschool of the Dead]

Saeko Busujima (Couple)

Rei Miyamoto (Couple)

Shizuka Marikawa (Pair)

Miku Yuki (Pair)

Saya Takagi (Couple)

Yuriko Takagi (Couple)

Kyoko Hayashi (Couple)

Rika Minami (Recruit)

* * *

Recruit (Summon):

Takashi Komuro (Rei)


[IS: Infinite Stratos]

Houki Shinonono (Pair)

Tabane Shinonono (Pair)

Maya Yamada (Couple)

Chifuyu Orimura (Pair)

Tatenashi Sarashiki (Couple)

Cecilia Alcott (Couple)

Charlotte Dunois (Couple)

* * *

Recruit (Summoning):

Ichika Orimura (Chifuyu)

Huang Lingyin (Cecilia)

Laura Bodewig (Charlotte)

Velvet Hell (Houki)

Kanzashi Sarashiki (Tatenashi)


[Dragons Rioting]

Ayane (Couple)

Asuna (Pair)

Kyōka Kagamiin (Couple)

Ryōko Kagamiin (Partner?)

Ren (Recruit)

Erin (Recruit)

Ema Brohorse (Partner?)

Makoto (Partner?)

Okina (Partner?)

* * *

Recruit (Summoning):

Rintarō Tachibana (Ayane)

Meru (Erin)

Rino (Ren)


[God Eater]

Sakuya Tachibana (Couple)

Alisa Ilinichina Amiella (Couple)

Tsubaki Amamiya (Pair) [Anomaly: Whereabouts Unknown]


Recruit (Summoning): They can only be summoned for one hour and only once every 3 days, their power level is constantly updated depending on the training they do during the visit to the [Home World]. This does not apply to Mission Worlds.