Chapter 432 ( Hunter x Hunter )

The day had arrived and Cloud had prepared everything for what was possibly coming.

He didn't need a personal weapon because he had his [Sephiroth], his body was tough enough to withstand any attack, even that of an [Aragami], so there was no need to wear armor, more so when it was a waste of SP or time to get because they were practically useless.

Cloud had decided that the people who would accompany him were none other than Kyoko and Kyōka. ( one is hotd nd other one is from dragon )

He had promised Kyoko that he would let her accompany him during this journey while Kyōka wished to experience the power that other worlds could offer.

Cloud accepted her words because he knew she would explode if he didn't release some tension, more so when it was boring and repetitive to be training with the same people, more so when she was among the most powerful people in the group.

[Warning, portal is about to open, we recommend that everyone who will not be going to the next world, retreat to a safe distance to prevent trouble.

Sapphire and Shio quickly jumped onto Cloud's shoulders before disappearing into particles of light as this was the only way they could move between dimensions now that they were Cloud's 'summons (slaves)'.

The trio quickly stood in front of the portal as the others [Recruits] were wishing them safe travels.

Evelyn and Lucie were surprised because not many people could move between dimensions. In fact, they only knew of one person capable of this, and they were the strongest mage of their respective factions, not to mention that they needed a good amount of time to gather the necessary mana.

[Beginning journey to [Hunter x Hunter] world, please be careful and do not use any type of ability when inside the portal]

Cloud let out a sigh of relief that with this, his biggest problems were over, after all, he knew what would happen.

The trio quickly entered the portal, only to feel everything around them go dark.

Kyoko let out a small scream of terror as this was nothing like her journey out of her original world.

Kyōka was business as usual, though she had to admit it was exciting to think about the future fights she would have in the world that were about to come.

Cloud maintained his neutral attitude as he carefully hugged Kyoko.

He quickly instructed Kyōka to take her clothes to prevent something like last time from happening, after all, the last thing he needed was for them to be separated in a hostile place like the world of HxH, more so when there were dangerous places like the [Dark Continent].

"Good luck, guys," Ryōko muttered as she watched Cloud and her daughter disappear, not to return for a few days.

"I think we'd better go do our own thing" - said Tabane as she looked around - "Some of you have to test your new weapons and training equipment while I have to see if I can replicate the effects of the technology I've seen on other worlds or in the movies"

"Anything specific?" - Houki asked as she looked at her older sister, though now that she had aged, the two looked more like twin sisters.

"I have a special interest in all the Star Wars Saga weaponry" - answered Tabane with a smile that resembled that of a child entering a toy store - "I never thought to apply my robotic knowledge to this kind of technology, and now I only wish to create a spaceship to begin the process of colonization on another planet"

The girls gave the inventor a blank look as she shook her head, though they had to admit it didn't sound like a bad thing, more so with all the problems they would have in the future.

"Maybe that's not a bad idea" - Chifuyu said as she started to think - "Though for the time being I think we should start with an underwater base taking advantage of the fact that we are on an island"

"You have a point" - Tabane nodded as she began to plan how to create her own 'Atlantis'.

* * * * *

"How long do you think until we get there?" - asked a boy with spiky black hair - "What do you think, Leorio?"

"I don't know, Gon" - said a man with spiky black hair as he looked at the boy - "Maybe you should ask the lady."

"I think you better keep your voice down, because I see she's starting to get annoyed with you" - said a handsome blond boy who was wearing a suit that looked like traditional Chinese clothing.

"Uh" - Leorio looked in the direction where his friend was pointing, only to notice how the beautiful tour guide was scowling at them - "Sorry".

"Hmph! As I was saying, we are about to reach the most important site of interest of this tour, the Mountain where the Zoldyck family lives" - said Coco Loo as she looked with a smile at her customers, only to frown when she noticed how everyone was staring at her huge breasts - "...". . ."

"!" - Gon jumped when he heard this as he looked at the huge mountain displayed in the distance.

"Well, at least a bunch of them are concentrating on the trip and not on my boobs" - thought Coco as she shook her head. She could only blame herself for continuing in this line of work, though they couldn't blame her, not after knowing how much she earned from being the most popular tour guide in her company - "At least after this I can retire to live a good life, maybe meet a handsome man, or something like that."

"Miss Coco?" - Gon asked as he pointed outside - "Why are there so many people walking towards Zoldyck Mountain?"

"Oh, that's because many seek the glory of being able to take the head of a member of the Zoldyck family" - replied Coco as she shook her head - "Although the people who make it back alive can be counted on the fingers of one's hands."

"Hmm" - Leorio was looking outwards, but his expression when he saw how a blond man was walking in that direction along with two beautiful women - "Wow!"

The men reacted when they heard Leorio's shout, only to start whistling and shouting obscene things at the two beautiful women, but their expressions quickly changed when they felt the cold stare of the only man in the group - "!"

Leorio began to shiver as he noticed how the blond man's eyes changed for a few seconds and took on the appearance of what seemed to be a snake or other reptile.

"That man is dangerous" - said Kurapika as he looked at the blond man with a frown - "I could even compare him to a spider limb."

"He's terrifying" - replied Leorio while swallowing saliva - "Just one look made my body freeze, he's even worse than Hisoka".

Gon looked curiously at the man because he unlike the other men, he didn't feel any kind of pressure or fear, in fact, he felt a huge curiosity because he felt that this man was different, although his expression changed when he noticed the strange bird that was perched on the woman's shoulder because it was a species that he had never seen before.

"He is handsome" - said Coco as she looked closely at the blond-haired man. He not only had a well-trained body, but also his face was symmetrical. He radiated an aura of power and dominance as he walked alongside the two women, and from how animated they were, it was obvious that their relationship was not a superficial one - "Too bad they're going to their deaths."

* * *

"I think you scared them more than enough, Cloud" - Kyoko said as she looked at the blond, though she had to admit she was happy that he shut those rude men up.

"Tch, I was just about to jump on that buz to beat the crap out of them" - Kyōka snorted as she scowled at those men who looked more like dogs in heat than humans.

"Dad!" - Sapphire exclaimed as she returned to Shio's side.

Cloud shook his head as he heard what his subordinate was calling him, only to sigh in surrender, after all, it didn't matter what she called him as long as she was still doing her duty.

Shio quickly jumped on Cloud's shoulder and began to explain to him about the different species of animals they had encountered during their little trip.

"Maybe we should start running," Kyōka said as she folded her arms under her huge breasts, "We've been in this world for a month and we've only found weaklings, so I hope the Zoldyck Family are as strong as they say."

"I think we should have gone for the Hunter's exam," Kyoko said as she looked at her lover, "With that license we could move around more easily."

"You're right, but we can get that license at any time" - replied Cloud while shaking his head - "Not to mention that we can simply go to the head office and talk to Netero to get it without much trouble."

During his stay in this world, Cloud had travelled around a few places and met some interesting people, among them was Menchi, who was the first person they met in this world because they landed near where she was working. It was in that same place where they met Netero because he had gone to convince her to become one of the examiners for the examiner for the hunter's test.


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