Chapter 434 ( Mike )

Cloud stroked his chin for a few seconds before walking over to the evidence and putting his hand on it.

"I recommend you use both hands" - said the doorman, only to widen his eyes in terror as he watched the blond man open the door almost completely - "!"

"Wow!" - Gon exclaimed in surprise as he curiously watched the situation.

"Meh, I don't think it's that hard" - Leorio replied as he walked to the door after it slammed shut, only to put some force into it, only to feel it not move an inch - "What the fuck!"

"I recommend you use all your strength if you even want to open the first door" - replied the doorman as he looked at the black-haired young man - "The first panel weighs two tons, and each new panel weighs twice as much as the previous one"

"I see, the first 'door', it weighs 4 tons because it has two panels" - replied cloud as he stroked his chin again - "Interesting"

"I think so too" - replied Kyōka excitedly as she walked towards the door and opened it to the fifth panel - "Ugh, I can't take it anymore"

"64 tons?!" - Leorio exclaimed in terror as he recoiled from the presence of the beautiful, but dangerous woman.

"I think you should worry more about the man who can move 256 tons without using all his power" - replied Kurapika as he looked seriously at the blond man, after all, someone as strong as him should be famous, but this was not the case.

"Do you want to give it a try, Kyoko?" - Kyōka asked as she looked at her companion.

"And shame me for not being on the same level as him?" - Kyoko asked as she gave her companion a blank look, only to sigh as she walked to the door and used all her strength, only to open it to the third panel - "Uh, it's a lot more than I thought it would be."

Leorio didn't know what to say after seeing how the weakest woman in the group, was much stronger than him.

"With that level of power, you could be considered as special guests of the Zoldyck family" - said the doorman while wiping his sweat. The man had a physical base strength similar to that of the current patriarch of the Zoldyck clan, Silva Zoldyck.

"More than invited, I would like to wreak havoc for the family of assassins to come against us to check their level of power" - replied Kyōka with a huge toothy smile - "But out of respect for my husband I will have to control myself".

"I appreciate it" - replied the doorman while shaking his head - "By the way, my name is Zebro, it's a pleasure to meet such strong people".

"What's in store for those who enter through the false door?" - Cloud asked as he walked towards the aforementioned entrance.

He knew what was behind this fragile entrance, but to disguise it, he decided to ask with a tone full of curiosity.

"It's the watchdog of the Zoldyck family" - Zebro answered because he knew that there was nothing to be gained by lying to the blond, after all, he could kill Mike with utmost ease and that would infuriate the family of assassins.

"What's his name?" - Kyoko asked curiously, after all, if he had been in charge of protecting the estate, then he had to be relatively strong.

"His name is Mike" - Zebro replied as his eyes widened in surprise when he noticed Cloud entering through the fake force alongside Kyōka.

"I want to see what he looks like" - Kyōka said as she looked around, only to be surprised to see a huge silhouette approaching their location at full speed - "Okay, it's big."

A huge purple dog with a stout coyote-like appearance and a shaggy tail.

The huge beast was glaring wildly at the intruders and was preparing to attack, but before he could do anything else, he felt his body freeze after seeing the blond intruder's reptilian eyes.

Mike could feel as if he was facing a predator, a beast that was way above him in the hierarchy of the food pyramid, a being that could kill him if it wanted to.

"Relax, I don't plan to do anything to you," Cloud replied as he walked over to the terrified and enormous animal, only to stroke its head.

Mike relaxed when he felt the blond's hand, more so when he noticed how his body seemed to have become slightly stronger thanks to the strange energy the intruder was emanating.

"Impossible," Zebro said as he watched in surprise at this, after all, Mike was known to attack anyone who wasn't walking the safe path of the estate, even servants.

The only ones who were safe from Mike's savagery were the members of the Zoldyck Family themselves.

Zebro was about to say something else when he noticed Mike perk up his ears and run into the mountain - "Someone in the family must have called Mike."

"He's a pretty smart dog," Cloud replied as he walked towards the outside of the estate.

"That thing was terrifying" - Leorio muttered as he observed all that had happened - "But more terrifying is the one responsible for subduing such a beast with just a look."

Cloud gave him a toothy grin, one that Leorio felt like he was facing a huge beast of over 10 metres.

"You have to teach me that!" - Gon exclaimed as he appeared in front of Cloud with eyes as bright as stars - "Please, master!"

"Master?" - Cloud said as he stared at the black-haired boy with green tips, only to let out a laugh - "I feel like you're being overly familiar with a potentially dangerous stranger!"

"We've been telling him that for weeks" - Leorio replied as he shook his head - "Though I have to admit, it was that very attitude that made us friends."

Kurapika was silent as he nodded because he was thinking the same thing as Leorio.

"I can sense when someone is bad or you have bad intentions" - Gon replied as he looked at the blond - "And I don't sense anything bad in you, Sir."

"There are people who can hide their intentions very well" - said Cloud as he put his hand over his face and showed a darkened look.

Those present froze as they felt the drastic change in the blond, who was now releasing an enormous amount of hostility.

Gon began to tremble as he felt as if he was suffocating, only to let out a sigh of relief as he felt the heavy pressure disappear as if it had never been there in the first place.

"Lucky for you, I'm not one of them," Cloud replied as he shrugged.

"You're more dangerous than I thought," Leorio muttered as he gestured for Gon to hide behind him.

"We're in a world where you can be stabbed in the back the first moment you're careless" - Cloud replied calmly - "That's why you have to always be alert, even when you're with your friends".

"I trust my friends" - replied Gon while frowning.

"I didn't tell you to be wary of your comrades, I'm telling you not to let your guard down even when you're with them because people can take advantage of your camaraderie" - Cloud replied calmly - "There are many types of abilities, and changing your appearance is one of them."

Kurapika understood what he was trying to say.

"Anyway, I'm sorry for scaring you guys" - Cloud said as he apologised to the group - "But this kind of skill is important for you guys, more so for the blond guy".

"Why do you say that?" - Kurapika asked as he frowned.

"Revenge is a good incentive, but if you let it get the better of you, you'll end up dead" - replied Cloud as he shook his head - "Learn to control your emotions, to channel them when you want to and you'll see how things change."

"Is that what you did, channelled your hostility and controlled it?" - Kurapika asked as he thought with a frown.

"Exactly" - nodded Cloud calmly as he looked at the young man - "I created hostility when there was none after controlling my mental state."

"How did you accomplish this?" - Kurapika asked because he knew that the man in front of him, was right. He knew that the moment he saw his target, he would launch himself at them without thinking of the consequences.

"Believe me when I tell you I've had so many attacks on my head that I'm practically immune," replied Cloud as he shook his head, "But if I had to say anything, it would be willpower and a home to wish to return to."

"A home?" - Kurapika muttered as he frowned, after all, he had lost his home after the near annihilation of his clan.

"A home doesn't have to be something physical place" - Cloud replied as he looked at the young man - "It can also be people, a girlfriend, a friend".

"I see" - nodded Kurapika as he looked at Leorio and Gon.

"That's all I'm going to tell you" - said Cloud as he now focused on the youngest of the group - "As for training you, I'll only be able to teach you basic things like training methods, but other than that, I don't think I'm the right person to become your teacher".


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