Chapter 437 ( Excitement )

Cloud and the others again headed for the Zoldyck estate, only this time, they decided to use the bus as Gon and the others had done.

The trio sat in silence as they listened to the new tour guide because Coco had decided to stop working in this line of work.

The other customers were watching them closely, after all, it wasn't often they could see two women as beautiful as Kyōka or Kyoko, more so when one of them was wearing so little clothing that left nothing to the imagination.

Kyōka was seduction without needing to do anything because her wild aura gave her a charm that very few women could achieve. She seemed to be an untamed beast, one that unleashed the desires of men to try to tame her.

Kyoko on the other hand was wearing more demure clothing, though that couldn't stop men from imagining her without clothes because her breasts, like her partner's, were enormous.

Cloud was wearing a sleeveless purple tank top that was tight to his body along with black trousers and military boots. The blond was watching boredly out the window while Shio and Sapphire were on the roof of the bus.

The two little lolis decided to take this place even though the driver and tour guide were reluctant to the idea, though after seeing their level of power, they could do nothing but agree to their wishes.

Cloud was about to close his eyes when he heard the voice of a man trying his luck with his beautiful escorts, only to smile slightly.

After a few seconds, the furious man tried to take the two women by force, only to fly out of the bus thanks to the punch Kyōka had given him.

This resulted in no other men attempting to approach the trio, though that didn't mean they didn't keep devouring the two beautiful, seductive women with their eyes.

"This was quicker than I thought," Kyoko said as she frowned.

"It's because I didn't release any hostility like last time" - Cloud replied calmly while opening one of his eyes.

"True, though it's irritating to have to use your killer instinct as an insect repellent" - said Kyōka while snorting disdainfully.

"Why don't you try eliminating them?" - Kyoko asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Fighting those scum isn't fun, in fact, just thinking about it makes me want to go back to our hotel" - replied Kyōka with disgust - "They can't even afford me for a snack."

Cloud said nothing in response, after all, the difference in power was abysmal, more so when Kyōka was upset. It was at times like that when she showed her full power, a power that could compare to his if there were certain factors involved.

"Can't this thing go any faster?" - Kyōka asked with slight irritation because she just wanted to fight the Zoldyck family once and for all.

"You better relax because we still have about 20 minutes to go" - said Cloud as he felt Kyōka seemed to be starting to unconsciously release some of his Ki - "This is going to be a long journey."

* * * * *

20 minutes later, Cloud and the others were getting off the bus and walking towards the entrance of the Zoldyck estate.

The bus driver quickly departed at full speed because he honestly didn't want to be around Kyōka any longer after resisting the hostility he was releasing for 20 minutes.

Cloud gave a glance to his companion, who at least had the decency to look away to hide his embarrassment, but said nothing to upset her.

Kyoko was about to say something else, but kept silent as she watched the [Door of Proof], open up to the third section.

"Not bad," Cloud said as he walked towards the place, only to see Gon celebrating his victory with Killua.

After the youngest of the group made it, it was Kurapika's turn, who had the same result, though to the trio's misfortune, Leorio was only able to open up to the second section.

"Oh, come on!" - Leorio exclaimed as he sighed regretfully - "I really don't compare to you two?"

"Don't be discouraged, Leorio, I'm sure you'll soon make it" - replied Gon with a smile, not noticing how Leorio sighed regretfully.

It was obvious that he couldn't be mad at Gon for trying to comfort him, but that didn't mean he wasn't annoyed with himself as he noticed the difference in abilities.

"If it's any consolation, you only need to make a few changes to your stance and you'll be able to open the third door."

"Huh?" - Leorio's eyes widened in surprise as he recognised the familiar voice.

"Cloud-san!" - Gon exclaimed with a smile as he ran over to the blond - "It's good to see you again."

"Same here" - nodded Cloud calmly as he looked at the boy - "And I see you've improved quickly."

"It's all thanks to Mr. Zebro, he helped us train during our last few days" - replied Gon happily - "Killua has also helped us during this time"

Cloud nodded calmly as he walked over to Zebro.

"Oh, Cloud-san, it's good to see you" - Zebro said as he nodded - "My masters ordered me to inform you if you showed up again, it's a relief that you don't have to keep waiting"

"Tch" - Kyōka just clicked her tongue in response, after all, it was hypocritical of her to not want to wait when they didn't accept her request to fight.

"Sorry for Kyōka's bad attitude, she's just a little upset" - Cloud replied as he looked at his companion .

"Ok, I'll calm down" - Kyōka snorted as she folded her arms - "But I want my fight".

"Ok, you'll have it" - sighed Cloud as he shook his head.

"That should be our decision" - said Silva as he appeared with his wife and eldest son - "It's a pleasure to see you again."

Cloud gave the leader of the Zoldyck clan a glance before unleashing all his killer instinct.

Silva was surprised when he saw this as he released his own killer instinct to fight his opponent's, only to see how his was slightly less, which was surprising if one understood that Silva had killed hundreds of people.

"Impressive, the amount of kills you've done, is greater than mine" - Silva muttered as he nodded - "Ok, Illumi, could you do the honours?"

"As you wish, father" - replied Illumi as he looked neutrally at the blue-haired woman - "I am ready".

Killua, who had come to see his friends, was surprised to see that his older brother was about to fight that blue haired woman, only to widen his eyes as he felt the presence of his older brother's opponent, change to a much wilder one.

"Interesting, a total lack of emotions and expressions, which makes it hard to predict your next moves" - said Kyōka while squinting - "Although this has a small problem that could possibly be the cause of your defeat".

"And what would that be?" - Illumi asked neutrally, only to widen his eyes in surprise when he saw Kyōka's fist in front of his face, only to take the blow and go flying full speed into the wall - "Ugh."

"First, what makes it easier to sense your moves" - Kyōka said while wiping the blood from her knuckle - "That's because by trying not to show your next moves, you unconsciously make them easier to perceive, I know, it's ironic."

". . ." - Illumi slowly stood up, only to wipe the blood from his face as he looked closely at the blue haired woman - "What is my other weakness?"

"Lack of emotion when it comes to fighting, it's counterproductive, because most of our powers are enhanced by our emotions" - Kyōka replied as her Ki began to burn intensely - "Suppressing our emotions only makes our potential diminish while controlling them."

Kyōka's smile grew as her slitted pupils sharpened as she read Illumi's movements.

She wasn't being completely truthful with her words, because the real reason she could read her opponent's movements was because by not showing emotions, she completely ignored her opponent's facial movements and focused entirely on the body movements she couldn't control.

Ignoring some information caused her brain to focus on other details, ones that her opponent would normally ignore simply by doing them unconsciously.

Silva seemed to understand this, so he gave his son a worried look, though at the same time he would not say anything because this would be a good time for him to grow as a warrior.

Kikyo for her part could only bite her lower lip as she sighed regretfully. She had been responsible for Illumi's training, and now she could see that it wasn't as effective as she really thought.

"Alright, let's continue" - smiled Kyōka as her eyes shone with a strong and unwavering fighting spirit.


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