Chapter 439 ( Kuro )

Whatever the case, Kyōka was pleased at how quickly she had been able to adapt her aura to this dimension's form of control.

Cloud was watching all this silently as he pondered, after all, the aura was the basic one that all living beings possessed.

"Ok, I think that's enough," Silva said as he looked at his son, only to notice how he was showing a clear emotion, irritation.

"No, I'm not done yet" - Illumi said as he squinted his eyes and refused to follow his father's instructions.

"Illumi!" - Kikyo exclaimed in surprise as this was the first time her eldest son had revealed himself.

Illumi decided to ignore his parents, to once again focus on his opponent, only this time his expression was extremely dark, as if he only wished for the death of the blue haired woman.

"Did I hurt your fragile pride?" - Kyōka asked as her toothy grin steadily grew - "He~!"

"Oh, I've never seen my brother so annoyed," said Killua as he shook his head.

"Annoyed? I see him the same way" - replied Leorio as he frowned.

"He may not show it, but he is furious" - nodded Gon as Kurapika kept her silence and thought about Silva's words.

"Tradition?" - Kurapika wondered as he thought deeper - "Maybe it has to do with working as a [Hunter]?"

Kurapika again fell silent, but her expression changed as she siezed as Gon was tugging at her clothes - "Yes?"

"What were you thinking, Kurapika?" - Gon asked curiously.

"Nothing important, at least for the moment" - Kurapika replied as she shook her head - "It's just that I think I found the clue I was missing to solve my questions"

"???" - Gon was now even more confused, but said nothing to interrupt his friend's thoughts again, so he gave his full attention to the battle, only to see how the attacks of that strange woman, were getting stronger and stronger, but refined.

Gon was amazed by this style of combat because it looked like something a wild beast would do, and he did not say that because he was trying to disrespect the blue-haired woman, but because it was a brutal style, firm and elegant, like the movements of a majestic animal.

For Gon, combat, like hunting, was an art, and Kyōka was demonstrating this with his firm, elegant strikes.

"Come on, keep fighting, and maybe, just maybe, you'll manage to amuse me a little!" - Kyōka exclaimed as she ran at Illumi, only to duck to dodge the boy's attack, and throw a firm punch to his chin.

Illumi shot skyward as this happened, but quickly shook his head to shake off the dizzy feeling, then steadied his posture.

He quickly turned around in mid-air and grabbed some needles as a furious expression appeared on his face, then imbued them into his Nen and threw them at his opponent.

Kyōka quickly made an evasive maneuver while dodging the needles, only to narrow her eyes as her opponent seemed to have used her Nen to punch the air with her legs and propel herself to the ground.

Kyōka prepared to pounce when her opponent hit the ground, but to her growing irritation, she couldn't get close because Illumi was throwing needles in her direction, and her instincts were telling her that it wasn't a good idea for those things to collide with her body.

"Do needles have any strange properties?" - Cloud asked as he frowned at Kyōka's reaction.

"Poison" - replied Silva calmly - "And the Nen of Illumi potentiates poison."

"I see" - muttered Cloud as his expression returned to normal, after all, he had the potion that would help Kyōka if she was poisoned.

"Kuro" - muttered Kyoko as a small black cat appeared on her shoulder.

"Nya? - Kuro looked at her teacher for a few seconds before she began to purr at her petting.

"A cat?" - Silva asked, only to feel deep terror when he noticed the black cat's golden eyes - ". . ."

"I recommend that you do not disturb Kuro," Cloud said as he narrowed his eyes, "she has a very dangerous unique ability that it is advisable that you do not release."

"Nya!" - Kuro nodded disdainfully as she looked at everyone present who wasn't part of his family.

She may have appeared on the outside to be a common cat, but she was a far nobler variation than the known races in the multiverse.

She came from a primordial race that devoured the fate of its victims, in other words, she consumed the fate of her prey.

"It's the first time I've seen such a proud cat," said Killua as he appeared beside Kyoko with a cat-like expression.

"Nya nya nya nya!" - Kuro exclaimed as she pointed her paws at Killua - "Nya!"

"I don't understand what you're trying to say, but I know someone who might know," Killua replied as he took Gon by the hand and dragged him to Kuro's side.

"Nya nya?" - Kuro was confused as there were more and more strange humans.

"That wasn't very nice, Kuro-chan" - Gon replied as he shook his head - "You can't call people that way."

"Nya!" - Kuro was surprised when she saw how this human managed to understand her - "Nya nya nya nya!"

"What was it you said?" - Killua asked curiously because it was obvious that the black cat was extremely intelligent.

"She said that maybe there was hope for me" - replied Gon while shaking his head - "I don't understand why she is so proud".

"Nya nya nya nya!" - Kuro snorted as she glared at the black-haired boy.

"She said she's the heir to the oldest breed of feline that ever existed" - Gon replied with stars in his eyes because he understood that the cat wasn't lying, in fact, no animal got anything out of lying to her - "And now I wonder what kind of powers she has"

"Nya!" - Kuro exclaimed as she puffed out her chest with pride.

"Her ability is to consume the luck of her victims," Cloud replied as he folded his arms, "Though it's not as simple as you think."

"Luck? Just that?" - Leorio asked with disdain.

"Let me put it this way, if she consumes your luck, she also consumes your fate" - Cloud replied neutrally as Kuro smiled wickedly in Leorio's direction - "She's going to consume all your positive possibilities, leaving only your bad ones."

Leorio began to tremble because that meant only one thing, that his life would be hell if Kuro consumed his fate.

"It's a terrifying power, I guess it makes sense that she's royalty" - Silva said as he looked at Kuro curiously.

Kuro just snorted in disdain before curling up on her teacher's shoulder.

She had lost interest in those present.

"Where did you find this little one?"- Kikyo asked curiously, after all, she was wishing she could find a creature like that cat.

"She just appeared out of nowhere" - answered Kyoko honestly, though this answer didn't really endear her to the Zoldyck matriarch, who honestly thought she was pulling her leg, though there wasn't much she could do if Kyoko didn't want to reveal the truth.

"Okay, let's change the subject," Silva said as he shook his head, "The battle is over."

Cloud and the others, quickly saw how Kyōka was stepping on Illumi's face, who had all his hair in disarray.

"Ok, game over" - Kyōka replied as she moved her foot from her opponent's face, to quickly return to her beloved.

"I see you had fun in the end" - said Cloud as he gave the girl a look.

"Actually it wasn't that bad" - replied Kyōka as she shook her head - "Though it wasn't as satisfying as the fight with Netero".

"Well, that's obvious" - Silva said as he walked to his son and helped him up, only to notice the look of fury on his face - "Control yourself, Illumi."

"I know, you don't have to tell me, father" - Illumi replied as he controlled his emotions, though he had to admit it was annoying and humiliating to see the blue haired woman look down on him, though his training as an assassin made it a little more manageable.

"As I was saying, that's obvious when Netero is one of the strongest men in the world" - continued Silva as he shook his head - "Anyway, now that the battle is over, I'd like to talk to you a bit while my eldest son goes to rest, and Killua and his friends go and play somewhere else."

"OK" - Cloud nodded calmly because he knew Silva didn't want to reveal any information regarding the Nen to the youngsters.

Kurapika watched this in silence as she felt her assumptions were becoming more and more accurate, an expression that did not go unnoticed by Cloud and Silva who just nodded calmly, and without saying a word.

"Let's go," Silva said as he led the trio off.

Kikyo watched this silently as she claimed to ignore him, after all, she had some other things to do, such as checking on her eldest son.


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