Chapter 454 ( Fragment of Infernal Rock )

Cloud noticed this, but said nothing to embarrass the man, after all, he wasn't the only one watching the seductive bodies of his two companions.

"Kyu ~!" - Mimi slowly looked around curiously, not noticing how the older man was watching her in utter surprise.

"A [Dragon-Pixy]!" - The older man exclaimed in surprise, after all, it was the first time he had seen such a rare creature.

His shout drew everyone's gaze focused on the small creature in the blond's hands.

"That means there's a treasure among all my merchandise!" - Shouted the older man excitedly because he knew this would be a huge deal.

"Kid, how much for that [Dragon-Pixy]?" - asked a man with sunglasses who was watching the two women lustfully - "And for those two bitches?"

Kyoko frowned when she heard the man who was clearly a crook.

Kyōka raised an eyebrow as she looked at the man, only to snort with disdain because from afar she could tell he was a weakling - "Shall I knock him unconscious?"

"If that's what you wish" - Kyoko replied as she rolled her eyes at him.

Kyōka grinned wildly when she heard her companion's acceptance, only to throw a swift punch at the man who had evil intentions against them.

The miscreant quickly went flying into a building, only to be impregnated into the wall unconscious.

"Boss!" - Other crooks exclaimed, only to launch themselves at the bitch who had attacked their leader.

"Ok, if they want to fall to the hospital, I'm no one to stop them" - said Kyōka disdainfully as he began to dispatch each of his attackers.

Those present watched in surprise as the seductive girl, annihilated all her opponents with utmost ease, causing all the poor devils who wanted to seize Mimi, to retreat as fast as they could.

Cloud again shook his head and concentrated his gaze on the older man as he let Mimi approach the items he was selling.

The poor store owner, he was in a cold sweat seeing how the sultry girl was a beast in combat, something that caused a huge fear inside him because as a normal person, he wouldn't be able to do anything if the trio tried to steal his merchandise.

"Relax, I'll pay the equivalent price of your treasure" - Cloud said calmly, relaxing the store owner because there was no reason for the blond to lie to him.

Mimi began to tremble the closer she got to her target, only to start shrieking when she got close to a rock.

"A rock?" - The store owner said as he took the rock, only to frown because he didn't notice anything strange, even the 'treasure' was extremely small, so it wasn't possible that inside it had something valuable - "Are you sure this is the treasure?"

"Let's see, let me see it" - Cloud said as he took the rock curiously and let the [System] do its job.

[Ding! Object detected, delivering information]

[Infernal Rock Fragment: Object that slightly increases affinity to fire. +10% to Damage and Fire Resistance]

[Object obtained by mining near the cores of active volcanoes, can be embedded in jewelry to create accessories].

"Interesting, not such a good item, but it has a huge utility" - Cloud said while stroking his chin. This small stone not only reduced the damage received by the fire element, but also increased the power of his techniques that used fire as a medium.

"How much money can you give me for this stone?" - The older man asked as he remained skeptical.

"I can give you 20,000 Jenny for the stone, and I don't think anyone will give you more because no one knows the usefulness of this thing" - Cloud replied as he shook his head and put down 2 10,000 Jenny bills.

"That's a lot more than I thought I'd make for a single rock" - muttered the older man before nodding - "We have a deal."

Cloud nodded with a smile as he tucked the rock into his polo shirt pocket, only to watch as Mimi took the rock and hugged it protectively - "Right, you like treasures."

"Kyu!" - Mimi nodded happily as she continued to hug the stone, only to close her eyes again and rest.

Cloud watched this with a smile, only to notice how Kyoko looked at him with jealousy, after all, Mimi was her partner.

"Are you done?" - Cloud asked as he noticed how Kyōka was walking in his direction while wiping the dust off her clothes.

"Meh, they weren't even strong those worms" - replied Kyōka with disdain, then noticing how Mimi had the rock in her paws - "That's the treasure?"

"I'll explain its function later, for now let's go back to the hotel to wait for Menchi's call" - Cloud said calmly as the two women followed him.

"Stop!" - A male voice exclaimed, revealing a bald man in shinobi garb.

"?" - Cloud and the others looked at him curiously, mostly because they couldn't sense any kind of hostility from this man.

"Sorry to bother you, but I'd like to know something" - said the bald man while looking at the trio, or rather Kyōka.

"Speak" - said Kyōka as she folded her arms.

"I would like to know if I could ask you out" - said the bald man with a red face.

"Sorry, I'm married" - replied Kyōka while shaking her head, only to notice how the bald man froze with her words.

"Oh, I see, that's a pity" - said the bald man as he sighed regretfully - "I'm sorry for interrupting you."

"You have nothing to worry about" - Kyōka replied while denying with boredom, after all, she was expecting a battle.

Those who were watching all this, could only shake their heads because it was a pity that a companion fell so quickly.

"Well, at least he had the courage to be able to talk to you" - said Cloud while shrugging his shoulders - "We better go on".

"OK" - nodded the two women as they followed their partner.

"This information is worth millions" - muttered a man as he watched everything that had happened from the shadows - "The underworld will be quivering with excitement at the appearance of a [Dragon-Pixy]"

The man let out a small laugh as he looked around seriously, after all, he was sure that there was a rival among all these people, which meant only one thing - "The more people involved in this, the less money I'll get with this news. It's nothing personal."

The people who were watching everything that happened, didn't know it, but soon the area would be a place full of blood because a group of criminals was about to unleash a battle for the prize of being the only informants of this incident.

* * * * *

Two hours later, the group was walking to Menchi's apartment, or at least the one in this town.

Cloud and the others were sitting in Menchi's living room, looking at the ring Cloud had had the stone made.

"So, that thing could only be used as a material for making jewelry?" - Kyōka asked while frowning.

"Not exactly, it's just that if we accessorize it, its power will be a bit greater" - Cloud replied as he showed them the ring.

* * * * * * *

[Infernal Rock Ring (R)]

Effect 1: +12% Pyro Elemental Affinity [+12 damage caused by fire, reduces damage received by fire by 12%].

Effect 2: Allows the use of [Firebolt] magic, 3 times per day.

* * * * * * *

"Magic?" - Kyoko said in surprise when she saw the ring.

"Exactly" - answered Cloud as he started to think - "This world does not allow the direct use of mana, but ironically, much of its flora, fauna, and minerals, has a concentration of mana within it."

"So, is it possible to use magic through this ring?" - Kyōka asked curiously because she wanted to know what it felt like to use magic.

"Exactly" - nodded Cloud as he started to think - "Maybe it's because he's using an object coming from this very world as a medium."

"An interesting deduction" - Kyoko said as she stroked Kuro's black fur with a smile on her face.

"What are they talking about?" - Menchi asked as she entered the room with a tray in her hands, though her expression quickly changed to one of surprise at the sight of such a strange and beautiful ring - "Where did this ring come from?"

"Cloud had it made" - answered Kyoko calmly - "Mimi found a strange stone and we made it jewelry."

"A strange stone?" - Menchi repeated in surprise, only to look at the little creature still sleeping in Cloud's arms.

Sora, the Jackalope was still sleeping on the blond's head while Shio and Sapphire were sleeping on the couch. The two little girls were tired after being investigating the surroundings.

"Do you think I can tame Sora-chan?" - Kyoko asked as she looked at the little horned rabbit, only to notice how she looked up and watched her apprehensively - "I think that one's a no."

"Easy, take your time" - Cloud replied with a smile.


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