Chapter 456 ( Zodiac - I )

A day had passed, and by now Cloud's group was returning to their hotel after spending the entire afternoon scouring the stalls for treasure.

Mimi had been a much more important addition than they would have thought, as thanks to her, they had managed to locate two rare items, and one unique item, though to Kyōka's annoyance, this item was one of the least useful to them at the moment.

* * * * * *

[Prosperity Seed (U).

Effect 1 [Luck]: +10% LUK when consuming the seed.

Effect 2 [Prosperity]: Planting this seed, causes the vitality of plants within a radius of 40 meters, to double.

Effect 3 [Lucky Fruit]: Planting this seed in a place with a huge vitality can produce a Prosperity tree that will yield a [Prosperity Fruit] every 30 days.

[Prosperity Fruit]: +10 VIT and LUK, +100 Energy (Only up to 10 of these fruits can be consumed per person).

[Info: Seed blessed by the harvest gods, not sure how it ended up in this dimension, but you should feel lucky to have found it].

* * * * * *

"This seed will show its true potential when we return home" - Cloud said as he looked at the seed and stored it in his [Inventory] - "Together with the [World Tree], our overall level strength will increase considerably."

"I just hope you don't have to use your semen as fertilizer for this tree" - said Kyōka as she gave him a blank look.

Kyoko blushed when she heard this, but didn't say anything to get further into the topic, after all, they all knew that Celestine was using the mixture of her climaxes to reduce the maturation time of the [World Tree]'s offspring.

Cloud just shrugged as he pushed the topic aside, after all, it wasn't like it was awkward despite being extremely rare.

"Changing the subject, we've had good luck today" - Kyoko said as she looked down at the bracelet in her hands.

The item wasn't as strong as the ones the [System] could give them, but it was useful for situations like these.

* * * * * *

[Emerald Bracelet (+3)]

Effect: Reduces the effects of [Poison] by 50 (+15)%.

Effect: +30 (+15) VIT

* * * * * *

"Meh, compared to nothing, this is good" - Kyōka said while looking at her new knuckle pads.

Kyōka's new equipment, were strange knuckle pads that seemed to be made of copper, which had steel tips. They didn't look much different from conventional knuckle pads, but at the same time they were releasing a strange red energy.

* * * * * *

[Fist of Fury (+5)]

Effect: +50(+25)% damage when you use martial arts to attack.

Effect: +10(+5)% of offensive power after receiving damage. This effect can happen a maximum of 3 times and once every 10 seconds [It lasts for 30 minutes as long as you stay in combat].

Effect: +10(+5)% in damage caused by [crushing] effects.

* * * * * *

"Now that I see them a little better, they're not too bad" - Kyōka said while stroking her chin - "It doesn't compare to your weapons, but it does its job."

Cloud slowly moved his gaze to Mimi, only to notice how she was sleeping with a few different colored stones around her.

These stones were similar to [Infernal Rock Fragment], in other words, they were stones that increased affinity to an element and allowed for low level magic to be used.

"Well, for now we just have to wait for Menchi-san's answer so we can leave this place" - Kyoko said while shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, I don't think we have to wait any longer" - Cloud replied calmly as he watched the aforementioned blue-haired woman, walking in his direction with a huge backpack.

"Were you waiting for me?" - Menchi asked with surprise.

"We just came back from buying some things" - Cloud answered as he shrugged his shoulders.

Menchi slowly looked in Mimi's direction and noticed how there were now more strange stones, as well as a strange bracelet on Kyoko's wrist and some rusty knuckledusters on Kyōka's hands.

"I see you had a productive day" - said Menchi while shaking her head - "Anyway, as you can see, I agree to travel with you."

"Perfect!" - Kyōka exclaimed excitedly - "Then shall we leave now?"

"I think that would be a good idea" - replied Menchi as she folded her arms - "Don't you have anything to pick up?"

"Not in the least, we don't travel with much luggage" - Kyōka replied calmly while snorting disdainfully.

"Ok, if you're ready, we can leave whenever you want" - Cloud replied calmly.

"Then let's go" - nodded Menchi calmly as the group walked towards the bus terminal, but not before paying for all the expenses they had accumulated during their stay at the hotel.

* * * * *

"Interesting, don't you think?" - Netero said as he looked around.

He was currently in what appeared to be a darkened room, a place where only 12 silhouettes of different figures were visible.

"I have to admit it's interesting, but I don't understand why you called us all" - said the silhouette of a spiky-haired man.

"I'm about to get to the point, [Boar]" - Netero replied as he rolled his eyes at the man - "This man not only has power equal to or greater than mine, but he's also a [Magical Creature] S-Rank."

"S-Rank!" - A woman with what appeared to be dog ears on her head exclaimed.

"That's right, [Dog]!" - Netero replied again - "A dragon to be more specific."

"Ok, you have my attention" - said [Boar] as he looked at the president of the [Hunters Association] - "Do you know what kind of dragon?"

"I'm not sure, but its power has to do with [devour]" - Netero replied as he stretched his beard.

"You let such a dangerous creature, roam the world unsupervised!" - [Dog] exclaimed in terror, after all, no matter how intelligent a [Magical Creature] was, they were still beasts.

"Not exactly, Menchi is with them" - replied Netero as he shrugged his shoulders.

"With all due respect, we know Menchi-san is talented, but it's too much for her to have to face against an S-ranked creature" - replied a man who seemed to have small bovine horns on his head.

"Easy, [Ox], I know what I'm doing" - Netero replied calmly.

"We trust you, President, but we can't allow that beast to be mobilizing all over the world, with no one watching him" - answered a female voice that had two long rabbit ears on its head.

"What do you have in mind, [Rabbit]?" - Netero asked as he looked at the woman who had spoken.

"We need more information about him, place of origin, abilities, danger level and intelligence, among other things" - [Rabbit] answered seriously.

"I say we go beat the truth out of her" - said a tousle-haired man.

"Violence is not always an option, [Tiger]" - [Rabbit] snorted with disdain at her colleague's glib thoughts.

"You want to fight, wood mouse!" - [Tiger] exclaimed fiercely.

"Will you two stop fighting and concentrate on what we're discussing!!!?" - [Tiger] exclaimed a woman who was wearing what appeared to be a suit with lots of feathers.

"Don't act civilized when you're just as violent as the cat-face!" said [Rabbit] disdainfully as she glared at her colleague.

"What did you say!" - exclaimed the feathered woman - "What did you say!"

"Oh, [Chicken] is upset" - said a long-faced man.

"Well, [Rabbit] is right, [Horse]!" - replied [Ox] while shaking his head - "She has a bad temper, to the point that I still wonder if those two are siblings, or at least relatives.

"These meetings are fun" - said a man who seemed to be the most normal in the room.

"You're still the same old bastard, [Rat]" - [Boar] said as he gave his colleague a blank look - "You have the same attitude as Netero."

"That just means I'm qualified to take command of the [Association]" - [Rat] replied as he gave his colleague a smile - "What do you say?"

"Don't even think about it" - said [Dog] while squinting his eyes - "As long as Netero-sama is still standing, we won't let you take over."

"Uh, am I that bad a leader?" - [Rat] asked in confusion as he scratched his cheek ruefully.

"No, but Netero is the soul of the [Hunter Association], and even though you're famous, you're still not on their level, so having you as a leader would weaken our position" - [Boar] replied calmly, only to notice how the others nodded, even [Tiger] and [Chicken] stopped fighting with [Rabbit] to nod at his words.

"Oh, I see, I guess I have to wait" - [Rat] muttered as he started to think, only to shoot a glare at his boss - "Netero-sama! When will he die!"

"Don't wish death on your boss, you idiot!" - His companions roared as they felt his fury growing.

"A're? Did I say something wrong?" - [Rat] asked as he looked around confused.


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