Chapter 459 ( Zodiac - IV )

"There are a few spores in the environment" - said Cheadle as she looked at Clook and noticed how she was widening her eyes in surprise.

"If it wasn't for you mentioning it, I wouldn't have noticed" - Clook said as she got to thinking and sniffed the place - "These spores are not toxic, neither do they affect the senses of whoever breathes them in."

"Are they harmless?" - Piyon asked as she cocked her head to one side.

"Not in the least, in fact, they are extremely dangerous" - replied Clook seriously - "These spores can cause a loss of control in our Nen, making it difficult to use our aura."

The girls looked at each other with a frown, only to notice how Cheadle and Gel seemed to be not so affected.

"It's times like these that I'm jealous of your [Magical Beast] blood!" - Piyon said as her ears twitched unconsciously, though this was not because they were actual rabbit ears, but because these could sense their owner's mood swings.

"We'd better leave that for another time" - said Cheadle awkwardly, after all, the reason for her peculiar appearance, was something she didn't like to talk about because it brought back bad memories from her childhood.

Gel for her part just kept silent as she decided to ignore it all.

She unlike her companion, hadn't had as much trouble because her ability was much easier to handle, though that didn't mean she hadn't had problems when her emotions got out of control.

"Well done, carrot-head" - Clook said with a frown as she saw how her two companions seemed to be much quieter than before.

"Sorry" - apologized Piyon, only to notice how her two companions seemed to accept his apology - "Ok, let's continue with this strange journey, but with greater care, after all, we don't know when a worse thing than that poisonous creature "

"Sounds like a plan" - said Clook, who for the first time in the whole trip, did not argue with Piyon.

* * * * *

"That was delicious" - said Kyōka while cleaning her teeth.

"By the way, how could you resist the poison from that thing?" - Menchi asked while raising an eyebrow.

"One of my abilities" - Cloud answered calmly.

He may not have regained his use over magic yet, but that didn't mean his body lost the passive ability of his [Dragon Slayer] magic.

"Interesting, how did you get that quality?" - Menchi asked while squinting because if it was by consuming something, then you could help humanity if you tell us.

"It's an innate talent of my species" - answered Cloud calmly.

"Oh, that's a pity" - muttered Menchi as she continued to prepare the second round of food because she could see that the first round was not enough.

"By the way, someone seems to be investigating this place besides us" - said Kyoko while pointing back.

The group at the moment were in a garden near the top of the mountain, and they could see almost the whole place from there, that's why it was easy to spot a strange light in the middle of the foggy mid-mountain.

"Scouts in this place? Strange" - muttered Menchi while shaking her head, after all, she knew that this place was not very popular.

"I know, after what you told us, I'm surprised that there are other 'idiots' like us coming to this place" - said Kyōka while shrugging her shoulders - "This is more delicious than the previous one, my compliments to the chef."

"Thank you" - smiled Menchi as she prepared to clean her kitchen implements - "So what do we do, do we wait , or do we see who they are while we go downstairs?"

"Let's wait" - replied Cloud as he sat in lotus position so he could practice his aura - "This place is perfect to take a break."

"You say that, but the first thing you did was to get training" - Kyoko said as she rolled her eyes at him, only to see how Kyōka was training as well - "You two."

"Is training fun at all?" - Menchi asked while frowning.

"Yes" - Kyōka answered calmly as she felt her aura growing little by little.

Cloud didn't answer, he continued to concentrate his aura and moved it carefully over every part of his body, not noticing how Mimi was smiling as she felt the blond's natural aura.

"By the way, where's Sora?" - Menchi asked as she looked around, only to notice how the small rabbit with deer horns, was resting among a group of flowers - "Forget it, I already found him."

"Let's better give up, I don't think we can do anything when those two already started training" - said Kyoko while sighing regretfully - "Although as Cloud said, this isn't a bad place to rest while those two train"

"I guess I'll go get ingredients for our trip" - Menchi said as she shrugged, only to start thinking that maybe she should put a little more into her training.

* * * * *

Three hours later, Cloud was opening his eyes after a satisfying workout.

"Are you finished?" - Menchi asked curiously noticing how the blond had woken up.

"No, it's just that we have visitors" - said Cloud calmly as he watched a group of 4 women walk in his direction.

"Huh? What are they doing here?" - Menchi asked in surprise as she recognized the women who had appeared.

"Do you know them?" - Kyōka, who had also awakened from her meditation after hearing all the commotion, asked.

"You could say yes" - nodded Menchi while frowning - "They are members of the Zodiac, a council constituted by our president, as well as 12 special members."

"Oh?" - this attracted Kyōka's attention - "They are strong?"

"Not all hunters are fighters, Kyōka-san" - said Menchi while giving her a blank look - "Among the higher level hunters, there are hunters who do not seek animals or prey, but rather seek lifeless things such as poisons, bacteria, plants, insects, among other things"

"I see" - Kyōka's attention disappeared when she heard this, though it flared up again when she heard the continuation of her companion's words.

"Although I've heard that at least half of the Zodiac are Hunters with enormous power, even [Dragon] is said to be the closest to Netero-sama's power level" - continued Menchi as she looked at the women - "None of them are [Dragon], though"

"That's a pity" - said Kyōka with boredom when she heard that her target was not among that group - "Are any of them strong?"

"I have no idea, I don't have enough level to be able to relate to the [Zodiac]" - Menchi answered honestly.

"Oh" - Kyōka slowly closed her eyes when she heard this as she concentrated on her training again.

"We finally got out of that hell!" - Piyon exclaimed with tears in her eyes - "I never come to this shitty mountain again!"

"I know, I don't plan to come back to this place either" - replied Cheadle as she sighed regretfully. Her clothes were tattered with all the confrontations they went through, but despite everything, these were still in a good condition.

"I just hope we can finally meet up with them, or I swear I'm going to organize a complete destruction of this mountain" - Clook said as she growled in irritation.

Gel just kept silent, though anyone who knew her could tell she was annoyed.

"Huh? Is someone there!" - Piyon exclaimed as she saw a group of silhouettes up ahead, only to widen her eyes in surprise when she saw that they were her targets - "Finally!"

Cloud frowned as he saw how excited the women seemed to be to find them.

He quickly snapped to attention, after all, it was obvious that there was something fishy about all this if a group of top Hunters were after them.

Kyoko wasn't too happy about this either, but unlike Cloud, she had a bit more sense - "Hello, who are you?"

"Huh? Don't you know us?" - Piyon asked in surprise.

"No" - Kyoko replied in denial, only to notice how the women frowned - "Sorry, it's just that we're not from this continent."

"Strange" - muttered Clook as she frowned, only to shrug - "Anyway, we're part of the [Hunter's Association] Zodiac."

"The [Zodiac]?" - Kyoko asked again - "What's that?"

"Think of it as a hunters' council" - replied Gel as she looked carefully at Kyoko - "Each member of the Zodiac is a Hunter who is at the top of her category, for example Clook, she is the strongest [Botanical Hunter]"

"Thank you" - smiled Clook as she puffed out her chest with pride.

"I see" - nodded Kyoko with a smile.

"And why did they come after us?" - Cloud asked as he narrowed his eyes.

Gehl gave him a glance, only to feel her heart stop for a few seconds.

"Snake" - Cloud said calmly, only to frown - "A hybrid of [Wyrm], no, of [Flood Dragon]?"

"!" - Gel opened her eyes in surprise, only to take a few steps back.

"Interesting, I'm impressed" - Cloud said as he looked closely at the black-haired woman - "Not just any creature can evolve even after having all that time."


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