Chapter 466 ( Yorkshin City - II )

The group continued to move through the city for the last few hours, time for Cloud to take out a few maggots who had tried to capture Sora, Mimi, and the girls.

Cloud was surprised that the first man who had tried to buy Sora, escaped, but his surprise turned to irritation as more idiots tried something against them, until one moment he lost his patience and began to assassinate anyone who showed hostility when they walked in his direction.

The actions of the group, caused a huge stir, but at the same time gave them a respite after all the hassle they had gone through during their journey.

The only problem was that during their search for treasure, Cloud and the others only found a strange ring whose only function was to reduce the risk of pregnancy, and a few ingredients that minimally increased the Stats of whoever ate them.

Taking into account Menchi's ability to bring out the full potential of the food, Cloud had deduced that at most, they would gain 10 of the respective Stats depending on what ingredients they used. It wasn't much, but it was a small improvement for Kyoko.

After finishing shopping, Cloud walked over to the [Yorkshin] [Hunter's Association] office to see if any of the idiots he had killed, had any rewards, only to be surprised as not only did some of them have rewards, but they were quite juicy.

* * * * *

"This is ridiculous" - Cloud said while shaking his head - "How is it possible that these criminals so weak, have more value than some B-rank criminals?"

"I already explained it to you, Cloud" - said Menchi while rolling her eyes at him.

"It was a rhetorical question, but thanks for reminding me, Menchi-san" - Cloud replied while giving a blank look to the light blue-haired woman - "Anyway, let's better go back to the hotel because I don't feel like looking for treasures among all this crap anymore."

Cloud had lost count of how many times the scammers had tried to sell them fake materials during their trip, there were even some who tried to get clever when they saw the beauty of their escorts, only to end up being a bunch of heads in the blond's hands.

Many of the criminals branded Cloud as someone who was best not to bother, more so when they heard how he was a bounty hunter.

"You should have left some survivors, maybe that way, more criminals would come against us" - Kyōka said with boredom seeing how she hadn't even been able to move a muscle before Cloud finished with the job.

"No, that would be annoying" - Cloud replied while frowning - "Just the thought of a bunch of idiots coming against us every day, as if they were mosquitoes, makes me want to eliminate them even more firmly"

"Well, you're right about that" - Kyōka muttered while shaking her head, only to sigh with boredom - "I guess I'm going to have to settle for fighting against you."

"And that's bad?" - Cloud asked in confusion.

"No, it's just that it's boring and repetitive to fight against you" - answered Kyōka while tilting his head - "My strength increases with our trainings, but at the same time I feel it's monotonous, and you know I like to have fun while we fight."

"Is it because I don't fight with my full power?" - Cloud asked while noticing how Kyōka averted her gaze - "I see."

Cloud nodded weakly when he saw the change in Kyōka's expression.

It seemed like he had been hurting her pride by holding back while they were fighting, though this was something he was doing unconsciously because he didn't want to hurt her.

The difference in power between the two of them, even while in their human form, was too great, and both Kyōka, and Cloud, were aware of this.

Kyoko watched this from a safe distance, though she was going through a somewhat similar situation.

Of all the members of their group, Cloud was the one who grew the most with each world he overcame, while they had to grow slowly, the difference between their powers increasing with each passing second.

The [system] helped to close this gap, but it was obvious that Cloud as the 'protagonist', had a greater potential than them, the 'filler characters'.

Just the thought of that, made them give their all during training, but at the same time made them see the huge gulf between the two parties.

Cloud was not aware of these thoughts because they hid it and only talked about it among themselves when Cloud was busy with other things. The only ones who were not affected by this situation were Celestine and Olga, for obvious reasons.

The girls were starting to lose patience, so they started looking for ways to change their race, after all, that was one of the few ways they could increase their power quickly, and at the same time increase their potential, the problem was that there weren't many ways to accomplish this without spending a good amount of SP.

"Something wrong?" - Cloud asked as he noticed Kyoko's expression cloud over.

"No, I was just going around thinking nonsense" - Kyoko replied with a smile, though Cloud could tell she was hiding something from him.

"Ok, remember that you can talk to me if something is bothering you" - Cloud replied as he decided not to say anything else, not because he didn't care about what was happening to Kyoko, but because it was obvious that she didn't want to talk about it, although he would try to ask again later.

"Anyway, [Headhunter]." - Menchi said while giving the blond a teasing smile - "How does it feel to be so popular?"

"I would have preferred another nickname" - Cloud replied as he rolled his eyes at her.

"I say that nickname fits you like a glove" - Menchi replied with an even bigger grin - "I mean, you've only delivered criminal heads."

"Do you want me to deliver the whole corpse?" - Cloud asked while raising an eyebrow - "I have no problem."

"You better ignore what I said" - replied Menchi as she shook her head - "Whole corpses would only cause problems for the association, with all the criminals you hunt"

Cloud just shrugged as the group slowly walked towards the hotel, not noticing how two silhouettes were watching them from the shadows.

"Is that the [Headhunter]?" - Said a male voice - "He's not like I expected."

"Exactly, he looks more like a model, rather than a bloodthirsty demon as the underworld rumors describe him, although there are times when appearances can be deceiving" - replied another male voice and from the familiar tone, it was obvious that the two had known each other for a long time - "What do you think, Nobunaga?"

"It's good that we identified him, but for now we won't do anything, Franklin" - Nobunaga answered while showing his appearance. A man in his 30's with black hair, who was wearing purple kimono - "He is not a threat to our plans, though it is best that we create countermeasures in case this new variant, gets out of control."

"I understand, though I say we'd better eliminate all possible drawbacks before the plan begins" - replied Franklin, a tall, herculean man who was wearing navy blue overalls under a gray jacket.

"You have a point, but something tells me it won't be as easy as we thought" - replied Nobunaga while shaking his head - "But I stand by my stance, for now we won't do anything, after all, it will be a short while before our danger level drops to A rank, with that we can move with a bit more discretion"

"Right, I had forgotten that detail, I guess that explains why our leader ordered us not to fight useless battles" - Franklin said as he started to think.

"Exactly, with this, our job will be easier, although at the same time we have to be careful" - said Nobunaga with a cold look - "Remember that the Zoldyck Family is after us".

"Don't even remind me, those bastards are a pain in the ass" - Franklin replied while frowning - "Thanks to them, our plans have been delayed"

"On the bright side, the most dangerous Zoldyck haven't shown themselves yet, although according to our leader, that will happen when we start the mission" - Nobunaga muttered, only to shake his head - "Anyway, we better get back to base before Chrollo thinks something happened to us"

"True, lately our leader has been a bit tense because of those Zoldyck" - said Franklin neutrally - "Uvogin had an encounter with a group of informants of those bastards and had to destroy the entire facility they were in to prevent them from escaping"

"Is that what the commotion was about?" - Franklin asked with surprise - "That explains why our leader ordered him to stay in the central base, it must be hell for that man."

"I know, I also find it hilarious to see how he can't do anything to burn energy other than train" - replied Nobunaga with a sarcastic smile, only to return to his stoic expression - "Anyway, we'd better hurry back"

"Ok" - nodded Franklin as the two of them disappeared into the shadows of [Yorkshin City].


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