Chapter 470 ( Neon Nostrade - I )

"We're finally here" - said a pretty girl with blue hair and green eyes. She was wearing a pink blouse next to a long white skirt - "I can't wait to get those scarlet eyes."

"Neon-sama, I think you'd better not move alone" - said a tall man with tan teas.

"Hmph! Be quiet, Squala" - snorted the girl named Neon as she gave him a cold stare.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you" - replied Squala as he sighed regretfully, only to smile when he saw his teacher's companion - "Eliza, I hope you're doing a good job."

"Of course" - replied Eliza as she nodded weakly - "My duty is to meet all of Neon-sama's needs."

Squala smiled again as he stroked the woman's purple hair, to quickly give his teacher an embarrassed look - "I'm sorry, Neon-sama"

"Don't worry about it" - Neon replied calmly.

She might be a spoiled girl, but that didn't mean she was a bad person. She was just acting selfishly, because her father had over pampered her thanks to her ability to see the future.

"What are they waiting for!" - Squala exclaimed as he looked towards the inside of the plane - "Get out there and do your job!"

Slowly, a group of people walked out of the plane, the first one being, a person Cloud would have recognized immediately, after all, he was none other than Kurapika, Gon and Killua's friend.

Next to Kurapika, was a short, white-haired, almost bald woman(?) with two huge mouse-like teeth.

She was Melody, a musical hunter who was cursed with her current appearance after hearing a part of the [Dark Sonata].

Behind them, walked a muscular man with a brown topknot and mustache.

Next to him was a man wearing traditional Chinese costume.

Next to them was a woman with dark brown hair tied in a bun who was wearing formal clothes, along with a man with short light brown hair, and another man with a normal appearance and a slightly overweight body.

At the end of the whole group, there was a man with short black hair, with tattoos under his eyes that reached up to his cheeks.

"We arrived, but I can feel the sounds of despair and distress" - Melody said as she looked at Kurapika - "This place looks like a battlefield, one that is constantly changing."

Kurapika just kept silent as he shook his head, after all, none of that mattered to him.

He was displaying a cold and calculating attitude as he looked carefully at the city of [Yorkshin].

"I can feel how your heart seems to be equal parts excited, and terrified" - Melody murmured as she looked at her new, young friend - "What is it that you seek in this city full of blood, pain and sadness?"

"What I seek, is revenge" - replied Kurapika as he frowned - "Revenge against those who have the blood of my people on their hands."

"Revenge will end up making you lose everything you have, young Kurapika" - said Melody while shaking her head - "You have to see things from another perspective, and leave all those bad emotions in the past in order to embrace the present"

"I'm sorry, but I don't plan to stop, not until I kill that group" - replied Kurapika while shaking his head.

"Better leave him alone" - said Dalzollene, the security leader of Neon Nostrade's group of bodyguards, as well as the last man to leave the plane - "If he wants to use his whole life in fulfilling a vendetta, it's his problem"

"As adults, it is our duty to guide the young, leader" - Melody answered seriously.

"And it's also our duty to stay out of other people's decisions" - Dalzollene stood his ground, if Kurapika wished to risk his life, it was better for them to stay out of the way - "Anyway, we have to continue our journey to the hotel, there we'll meet a contact"

"Contact? This is the first time we've heard of this" - Squala said with a frown.

"It's because while we were traveling on the plane, Light-sama called me informing me that there is a Hunter in this city who can facilitate our work" - answered Dalzollene while folding his arms.

"What kind of Hunter?" - Baise, the only female in the group of bodyguards besides Melody, asked.

"He's known as the [Head Hunter], he's one of the most famous Bounty Hunters in the [Yorkshin]." - Dalzollene answered earnestly - "He has a perfect counter, and according to his record, the number of heads he has delivered, exceeds 100."

"The [Headhunter]? Why haven't we heard about him?" - Kurapika asked in surprise as he started to think, after all, if he was that good, then he should be famous, but that wasn't the case.

"It is because until recently, he was someone unknown" - Dalzollene answered seriously - "It was only a few months ago, that he started to be active, and to date, he has not failed in his hunts."

"Is he handsome?" - Baise asked as she licked her lips.

"I haven't the slightest idea, but according to the rumors, he is" - answered Dalzollene while shaking his head - "But I don't think you have a chance because he is said to be accompanied by 3 beautiful women."

Kurapika raised an eyebrow as the image of Cloud and his two companions came to his mind, only to shake his head as he heard how instead of two, there were three women accompanying the [Headhunter].

"Anyway, we'd better leave that conversation for another time, now we have to go to the hotel, so I want you to be alert" - Dalzollene said while looking at his subordinates - "Bansho, Linssen, you will go ahead, I want you to be on the lookout for anyone who tries to approach us."

"Hai!" - exclaimed the man who had a topknot hairstyle as the man in traditional Chinese costume nodded weakly.

"Kurapika, Melody, you will be on our right" - continued Dalzollene seriously as the two mentioned nodded normally - "Baise and Squala will be on the left, while you two will be in the back, I will stay close to Neon-sama to protect her in case something happens, is that clear?"

"Hai!" - The bodyguards exclaimed as they walked in the direction of the hotel, not noticing how a pair of eyes was watching them seriously.

"Target has arrived at [Yorkshin]." - Feitan said as he narrowed his eyes - "She's being guarded by a group of hunters, and as for her power level, I'm not sure."

"No matter who's guarding her, we have plenty of opportunities to contact her, so there's nothing to worry about" - Chrollo replied from the cell phone - "For now I just want to know which hotel they'll be using to stay at."

"From the direction they're going, I'm sure it will be the same hotel where the [Headhunter] is staying" - Feitan replied earnestly.

"This is a slight complication to our plan, after all, the senses of that group are extremely acute from what you have told me" - said Chrollo with a slight tone of concern - "Tell me, Feitan, what do you think of them?"

"Dangerous" - Feitan answered honestly as he frowned - "No matter how many times I try to get close to their location, every time I get within a slightly close distance, my instincts tell me to get out as fast as possible."

"I understand, I guess I'll have to take care of this myself" - Chrollo said as he hung up the call.

"I don't think this is a good idea" - Feitan said as he frowned upon hearing his leader's words - "I better get back to base to communicate this to the others, after all, we can't let our leader go through something so dangerous."

* * * * *

"Welcome to the [Strarry Night] hotel, what can I do for you?" - Asked the receptionist to the group that had just arrived.

"We are the ones who booked Suite #2" - said Dalzollene as he looked at the beautiful girl - "Name: Nostrade."

"Oh, you are the members of the Nostrade family" - smiled the receptionist calmly - "Please follow the chaperone to your room, but please do not disturb the people who are hosting the other Suite, it is for your own good"

"Who are in the other Suite?" - Neon asked with annoyance, after all, she wished she had the whole floor to herself, but to her annoyance, she couldn't get this because the other person was just as, if not more important than her.

"They are the [Headhunter], and his team" - the receptionist replied seriously - "That's why I tell you'll to be careful what you do, they are nice, but if you'll bother them, let's just say it won't be good news for you"

"The [Headhunter]?" - Neon asked curiously as she quickly ran to the elevator.

"Neon-sama!" - Dalzollene exclaimed as he ran after them.

"I guess she will be the owner of the upper Suite, as for you, you will have to make do with the nearby rooms" - replied the receptionist as she saw Neon running alongside the leader of the bodyguards -."I wish you a good stay in our hotel".


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