Chapter 472 ( Danger? )

"I didn't think I'd see you so soon, young Kurapika" - said Cloud as he walked in the boy's direction and motioned for him to follow.

"I wasn't planning to intrude on your moment of peace either, Cloud-san, but I'm sure you understand why I'm here" - Kurapika said as he sighed regretfully.

"Yes, I could feel the increase in that girl's heartbeat, possibly infatuation" - cloud replied as he told him to sit wherever he wanted when they reached the living room - "Possibly because of her innocence."

"Neon-sama has lived most of her time locked up in the mansion, so her contact with the opposite sex is almost nil" - replied Kurapika as he informed him about the young Nostrade girl's life.

"I see, it's a pity that a girl has to live locked up for so many years, just because of the father's greed" - Cloud said while pouring him some tea - "I understand, I'm going to give you some of my information, although I don't think she will achieve what she wants, I have no interest in that girl."

"I know, people like you, don't look for money, but other more important things, like for example, power or potential" - Kurapika answered seriously.

"I'm not as noble, or mystic as you think" - answered Cloud while he shook his head and poured him some tea - "If I feel attraction for a woman, I will try to court her, but with young Nostrade, I don't feel any kind of interest, not because of her looks, since she is beautiful and still has years to go to reach her peak, but because I don't feel that spark that women who can make it far in life have"

"I don't understand" - said Kurapika while frowning - "What spark do you mean?"

"You could say the will to keep going, even when you have already reached your goal" - said Cloud as he tried to explain himself - "Take for example young Gon, he has a goal, but I can feel that that is not his end, but his new beginning."

Kurapika was silent as he remembered his friend's goal to find his father, and all the adventures they had gone through during the exam to get the hunter's license.

"I understand what you're trying to say" - Kurapika nodded as he remembered his current teacher, only to shake his head at how he seemed to be extremely happy with his life, to the point of not wanting to do anything else.

"Now do you understand me?" - Cloud asked as the young blond nodded in response - "As you can see, talent only makes our ultimate potential much greater than the others, but that doesn't mean the others can't catch up if we remain static. Young Nostrade has the potential to be an extremely important woman, but her way of being makes all her potential, wasted."

"I see" - muttered Kurapika as he started to think - "But this is something I can't tell her, or she'll cause a disaster."

"Then let it be a secret just from us" - smiled Cloud as he started to think - "Anyway, I feel like you didn't just come to talk about my personal life."

"Actually, I've been meaning to ask you a few things" - said Kurapika as his expression quickly changed to a serious one - "Have you heard about the [Phantom Troupe]?"

"Of course I've heard about them, a group of A-ranked criminals, who are possibly the most dangerous assassins after the Zoldyck family" - Cloud replied calmly as he looked at the boy - "I guess your revenge goes towards them if you're asking me this?"

Kurapika's eyes widened in surprise, only to nod weakly after a few seconds - "They killed my entire clan."

"Your clan?" - Cloud asked curiously, but his expression changed to one of surprise when he saw Kurapika's eyes change to red eyes - "I see, you're a member of the Kurta clan, that explains your clear thirst for revenge against the spider"

Cloud had heard the story about how the [Phantom Troupe] had completely annihilated the Kurta clan because they desired their valuable red eyes.

"Exactly, I desire revenge" - Kurapika said as his eyes flashed with fury.

"I understand, what do you wish to know?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow - "Although I don't have much knowledge of them."

"I want to know everything you know" - replied Kurapika seriously.

"Alright, let's see" - muttered Cloud as he started to think and tell her everything they knew, although as he had said, it wasn't much, though for Kurapika, it was more information than he had.

After half an hour, Kurapika was leaving Cloud's room with a serious expression on his face.

He really wished he could continue talking to Cloud and find out more about the [Ghost Brigade], or at least ask him if he could gather more information after learning about how fast he was increasing his "authority".

"Well, how did it go?" - Neon asked, who was waiting for Kurapika at the entrance of the servant's room.

"It went well, miss" - replied Kurapika as he took out a small notebook and handed it to Neon, who quickly took it and ran to her room.

Kurapika watched this with amusement before shaking his head - "I better not get in the way anymore."

"That's a wise decision" - Melody said as she looked at her young colleague - "In fact, it's better you don't get too much in with that man, I'm telling you because power makes chaos follow them like sharks to blood"

"I know, I don't plan to be around people who can kill at the snap of their fingers for long" - Kurapika said while shaking his head.

"It's good that you know that" - Melody said as she nodded calmly as she watched her partner walk towards his room - "But it's strange, his aura doesn't look human"

Melody quickly shook her head and returned to her post, after all, she had no business meddling in matters that didn't concern her, less so when the person himself, was none other than a monster.

She was about to go back into her room when she saw a woman wearing a secretary's outfit walking in her direction.

Slowly, her heart began to pound because she could feel the hidden hostility in the stoic face of the strange woman, so she quickly entered the room without showing a change in her expression.

Pakunoda raised an eyebrow at the sight of that strange man(?), only to shake her head and walk in the direction of Cloud's room, an action she hadn't done in a few days.

"Informant-san?" - Menchi asked in surprise at the sight of Pakunoda, only to frown - "What's wrong? We thought you wouldn't come after we informed you that we wouldn't be doing work until the underworld auction was over."

"I know, but let's just say I came to offer you a job I couldn't refuse" - Pakunoda replied while shaking her head.

"Let her in, Menchi-san" - Cloud said from inside the room.

Pakunoda entered the room, only to see how he was drinking some tea - "Sorry to interrupt."

"No problem" - Cloud replied as he set his cup down on the table and looked carefully at the woman - "To what do we owe this strange visit?"

"A new job, one that is both productive, and dangerous" - Pakunoda replied as she folded her arms.

"I made it quite clear that I wasn't planning on doing any more work" - Cloud said as he narrowed his eyes - "Why did you bring it to me anyway?"

"As I said before, it's a job I had no choice but to come and show it to you" - Pakunoda replied while pretending to sigh regretfully - "If I didn't, my life would possibly be in danger."

"That doesn't change anything, it's my decision whether I accept or not" - Cloud replied as he looked at the woman with his reptilian eyes - "Now tell me, why should I accept the mission you brought?"

"Because my life is at risk" - Pakunoda answered while frowning.

"Please, don't take me for an idiot" - Cloud said while narrowing his eyes - "First, because no person in danger would be so calm."

Pakunoda's expression changed slightly when she heard this.

"Second, because you are strong, maybe not at Kyōka's level, but strong enough to be able to survive in the slums without fear" - Cloud continued while squinting his eyes - "Third, your boss is not a nobody, I can deduce that very easily from all the information you've given me"

Menchi slowly walked to Cloud and looked at the woman seriously, after all, it was obvious that she was up to something.

Pakunoda began to sweat slightly as she felt a huge weight fall on her shoulders as she watched the blonde in front of her squint his eyes more and more.

"Do you want me to continue?" - Cloud asked in a cold voice - "I'm asking because I have at least two or three arguments that might interest you."


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