Chapter 502 ( Ryusuke - I )

Ryusuke could feel his muscles growing slightly, his aura coursing through every inch of his body as his Nen increased considerably.

Cloud raised an eyebrow curiously, only to squint when he saw a fist in front of his face.

He slowly moved his hand, and blocked the attack, only to notice how he began to feel a small pain in his palm.

"I admit, that hurt" - Cloud said as he watched a trickle of blood run down his hand - "Does this ability allow you to ignore my defenses?"

[Ding! Do you wish to activate the visibility mode? With it you can receive more information in real time to make the path to your destination a bit easier]


"?" - Cloud raised an eyebrow in surprise as he noticed a notification window pop up on his retina, only to accept, and be surprised at the next pop-up that had appeared.

[-500 HP, damage received from hit imbued with penetration-type Nen.]

". . ." - Cloud was silent for a few seconds as he looked at Ryusuke with a neutral expression.

[Activating visibility mode, new information will be checked now that this command has been activated, information about HP loss, can be given to the user. This information will be given to the user after 10 seconds after receiving damage, and this information will be constantly updated while the user is receiving damage so as not to overload the user's vision with constant information]

"I was expecting more damage than that" - muttered Ryusuke while noticing how the blond's hand was still with almost no damage, only to shake his head and retreat as fast as he could, but when he tried to do so, he noticed how his opponent's grip, was extremely hard - ". . ."

"I admit it, you're one of the few who has caused me harm in this place" - Cloud said while squinting his eyes, then throwing his opponent against a tree.

Ryusuke quickly did a half-turn in the air to use the tree as a springboard, and thus jump onto a nearby rock - ". . ."

"Now let's see if you can cause me more damage, I hope you give me a fun battle" - Cloud said as his pupils changed.

A feral grin appeared on his face as his body hunched slightly.

Gel, who was watching all this, felt his body trembling slightly. His animal blood was telling him to get away from the blond as fast as he could.

Kanzai and cluck were going through something similar, a primal instinct was telling them to stay away from the blond right now, or they would end up dead.

"That aura, that bloodlust" - muttered Ryusuke, who was using his Nen ability to strengthen his will, and reduce the impact of the gloomy aura Cloud was releasing - "You're worse than me, you've killed hundreds, no, thousands of creatures. Only someone who has bathed in the blood of hundreds, can display such a warlike aura like that."

Cloud didn't respond to these words, he just watched his prey as he felt his heart pounding.

He could feel how this man, using his ability, could compare to, or surpass Yonemitsu in his perfect state, which put him at a similar level to Netero in his base form, in other words, Ryusuke could hurt him if he used his full power, and even kill him if he gave him the chance.

Cloud smiled at this because this was one of the few ways it was possible to enjoy his adventure.

Fighting opponents weaker than him made his travels monotonous, and watching the others fight to their heart's content made him curse that his increase in power had been so drastic.

Scales began to grow up his arms as the grin on his face grew wilder and wilder.

Without a second thought, he leapt at his prey while extending his claws full of brown scales.

Ryusuke quickly recoiled when he saw this attack, only to notice how the blonde-haired monstrosity's movements seemed to have slowed down, a side effect of his transformation.

He wasn't that far off the mark, though this was because Cloud was still devouring the elemental energy he had consumed from the [Rocky Dragon].

Ryusuke crouched down and prepared to counterattack, but to his surprise, Cloud's movements seemed to be starting to become faster and faster.

Cloud was beginning to feel how the elemental energy that overtaxed his body was beginning to harmonize with his innate energy, returning his weight and speed in the process.

"This is perfect!" - Cloud roared as he disappeared and reappeared in front of Ryusuke, who could only block the attack, but in the process was at the mercy of the blond's grip.

"Bad choice" - Cloud said as he squeezed his opponent's wrist.

"Ugh" - Ryusuke groaned in pain from the force of the grip, but his attitude didn't change much, in fact, his power seemed to have increased slightly.

Cloud was surprised when he saw how Ryusuke managed to break free, only to notice how the level of the aura surrounding his body, was increasing.

"That's the second skill of my technique, [Compensation]." - Ryusuke said neutrally - "Since I can't use other techniques, I made it so that the more damage I take, the more offensive power I gain because I knew I could stand against opponents stronger than me."

Cloud raised an eyebrow because it had certain similarities to the new ability he had gained after devouring Feitan, though he quickly shook his head because none of that mattered.

With one last moment of rationality, he noticed a notification that was permanently in his angle of vision.

[Time remaining for the [Source] and the [Magic Net] to recover, 30 days...]

[Source], was the magical container possessed by the inhabitants of the [Fairy Tail] world, as well as anyone who possessed his magics, but thanks to the mutation produced by his [Bloodline: Tyrant], he also had a [Magic Network] much like the arteries of the [Circulatory System], expanding not only his ability to use mana, but also creating a better way to control and use magic.

The [Source] functioned as the heart, while the [Magic Network] functioned as the veins and artery, creating a perfect system that covered every part of his body, although this new circulatory system, was almost imperceptible, a wonder because then he wouldn't have to explain why he had more arteries than normal.

Cloud again lunged at Ryusuke, only this time, the scales on his hands had returned to platinum black, with strange golden markings that gave a charm between divine and demonic.

Ryusuke again blocked the attack, but the pain was still unbearable.

Cloud's claws were not only firm, but also sharp, and it didn't help that the blond only wished to tear at his prey's flesh.

"That guy is worse than we thought" - Kanzai said seriously as he watched as the blond seemed to be on the verge of losing control.

"Somehow, that bad boy on the verge of insanity attitude is mildly arousing" - muttered cluck as she noticed how her companions were looking at her with blank ones because they didn't expect this - "What? There's nothing more sensual than a strong and handsome man."

"Putting aside your crazy ideas, I think we'd better get away for a bit" - said Kanzai seriously as he saw how the floor of the place seemed to be cracking from the strong pressure of the two auras.

"Sounds like a plan" - Gel answered seriously because she could feel how the pressure of [Bloodline]'s restraint, was getting less the farther he was away from the blond.

Cloud for his part, didn't even pay attention to the retreating trio because he was busy watching his prey.

Ryusuke's skin was changing hue to a darker and darker one, all thanks to the huge aura surrounding his muscles.

Cloud was feeling how slowly, he was approaching his power level in his base state, so again he lunged, only this time it wasn't for his prey's arms, but rather for the body.

He threw a powerful right with aura surrounding his fist, only to see Ryusuke deflect the blow with a small punch.

Cloud's eyes widened in surprise when he saw this, but he quickly countered with a punch to the stomach.

Ryusuke again deflected the attack, but at the same time he could feel his body starting to become saturated with energy, so he decided to end this quickly.

He moved to the side and ran at his opponent, only to grab him by the wrist and throw him to the ground.

Cloud impacted carelessly against the ground, creating a number of cracks, but to the criminal's annoyance, it seemed that his attack had not caused any damage to his opponent so he picked him up again and threw him into the sky.

After seeing that there was no way his opponent could dodge his attacks, Ryusuke jumped behind him, and launched a powerful rain of attacks.

Cloud didn't hesitate, he quickly blocked the attacks while counterattacking every moment he saw.


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