Chapter 504 ( Biscuit - I )

Kyoko was about to say something else, when she saw with surprise a group she didn't think to see - "What are you guys doing here?"

"Huh? It's you, Miss Kyoko, Miss Menchi, Miss Kyōka" - Gon said with surprise upon seeing the women, only to look around in search of the missing person - "Where is Mr. Cloud?"

"He didn't enter the game because he's busy settling certain matters" - Kyōka answered while shrugging her shoulders.

"Affairs?" - Kurapika asked with surprise.

"Yes, he's hunting some S-rank criminals, and if I'm honest, I would have preferred to go with him, at least then I would have had a bit more fun" - said Kyōka while frowning because the opponents they had encountered in this place, were not strong - "This place was designed to serve as a training area for beginner or intermediate-rank [Hunters], the only opponents that are strong, being the [Game Masters]."

"Are there GMs in this place?" - Kurapika asked in surprise.

"Why wouldn't there be when this area is part of the real world?" - Kyōka asked while raising an eyebrow.

"We're in the real world!" - Gon and the others exclaimed upon hearing this, only to sweat when they noticed how all the players who were in the vicinity, were scowling at them - "Sorry."

"What do you mean when you say we're still in the real world?" - Kurapika asked with a frown.

"That the games didn't send them to a digital world, it was literally a Nen spell to teleport us to an island somewhere in the world" - answered Kyōka while giving them a blank look - "The creators of this game, they are geniuses in the Nen realm, so it's no surprise that they managed to create a pseudo territory with different laws to the real world."

"But this island uses the same laws as the rest of the world" - muttered Gon confused.

"She means the laws that govern the world, not the laws created by humans to keep the peace between the different countries" - replied Leorio as he understood what the blue-haired woman, was trying to say.

"Oh, that makes a little more sense" - muttered Gon as he nodded.

"Guys!" - exclaimed a female voice - "Where the hell did they go!"

"We're here, Miss Biscuit!" - Gon exclaimed as the group watched as a pretty blonde girl who looked like she was just entering her teens ran in their direction. She was wearing a red dress, and her hair styled in a double ponytail.

"Oh, there they were, for the other one don't leave me behind" - said Biscuit as she frowned, only to freeze as she saw the three women in front of the group, especially Kyoko and Kyōka, who had a knockout figure - "Uh."

"Hi" - Kyōka said as she waved her hand.

"Hi..." - Biscuit replied automatically, only to scream with surprise because she never thought to see such beautiful girls like them. Without realizing it, she started to feel jealousy take over her excitement because those two had the body she always dreamed of.

The two women not only had perfect faces, but their breasts were huge, as were their butts. Their muscles were well trained, showing that they were not bulky like a bodybuilder, but rather delicate like that of a dancer despite having explosive power.

"What's wrong with her?" - Menchi asked as she frowned at the drastic changes in the girl's expression, though she quickly got to thinking because her appearance looked familiar, as if she had heard of this girl somewhere.

"Surely she's jealous of their seductive bodies" - Leorio said, only to fly off after receiving a blow from an angry Biscuit.

It was true, but there was no need to announce it to the four winds, although it wasn't as if they could blame her after seeing her original form.

"We'd better change the subject," said Biscuit as she looked at the women, "Who are they?"

"They are Cloud-san's companions" - Gon answered with a smile - "He's someone super strong."

"Strong?" - Biscuit repeated as she frowned because she couldn't remember anyone with that name.

"He was the one who destroyed the [Ghost Brigade] along with them" - Kurapika replied as he added his two cents to the conversation.

"Oh?" - Biscuit's eyes widened in surprise when she heard this.

She had been busy for the past few months, searching for clues about a strange gem that seemed to be a myth. Said information told her that this gem was inside this game, and after researching things a bit, she discovered that it was true.

"I remember! You're Biscuit Krueger, one of the world's most renowned [Treasure Hunters]!" - Menchi exclaimed in surprise.

"You know me?" - Biscuit asked in surprise.

"Yes, they say you are one of the oldest and most popular [Treasure Hunters] in the [Association]!" - Menchi replied honestly.

Biscuit's expression quickly changed to a neutral one as she felt her fury grow considerably because she never thought she would be called an old woman - "You!"

"Calm down, old woman" - Kyōka said neutrally as she saw the girl's expression change drastically.

"Don't call me old!" - Biscuit roared as she threw a punch, only to be surprised when she saw how Kyōka blocked the attack with utmost ease - "Huh?"

"Interesting, that hurt a bit" - said Kyōka as she saw her hand and noticed how it was shaking slightly. Thanks to this, a huge toothy grin appeared on her face as she released a bit of her Ki.

Biscuit tried to retreat, but to her surprise, her opponent's strength was too much for such a girl with so little muscle mass.

Without a second thought, she returned to her original form.

"Wow" - said Kyoko because she never thought that the little girl, would end up being such a muscular and tall woman. It was as if her original form was the complete opposite of her base form.

"That's because it is" - said Biscuit with a frown as she looked at her body - "I hate my original appearance, it's not feminine at all, that's why I used my ability to be able to alter my appearance."

"As a woman, I understand what you're trying to say, but it's not good for you to take an appearance that's not yours" - Kyoko said with concern.

"You have no right to say something like that to me when you have continent-sized boobs!" - Biscuit exclaimed with her face red from the fury she felt.

"You're not far behind" - Kyōka replied skeptically.

"She has a point, it's just that Biscuit sensei has a more corpulent body, that's why you feel the difference" - said Leorio as he started to think - "Maybe she eat the desert rose to reduce her muscle mass, without affecting her physical strength"

"Huh? The desert rose?" - Biscuit asked as she gave Leorio a look, looking for a better explanation because this was the first time she heard about that plant.

"It is a medicinal plant that has as its functionality, to control the uncontrolled increase of muscles produced by certain toxins, strange plants, or drugs" - answered Leorio while he started to think more carefully, not noticing how Biscuit was watching him with a predatory look.

Leorio kept thinking, until he noticed how his friends were slowly backing away.

"What's wrong with you guys?" - Leorio asked in confusion, only to feel a shiver run down his back as he noticed how Biscuit was silently watching him - "Hello?"

"Let's talk more carefully, Leorio-san" - Biscuit said as she grabbed the young man by her tie and dragged him out of the place, all before the stunned gaze of the other onlookers.

Kyōka frowned when she saw how her new opponent had disappeared, but did nothing to stop her retreat, in fact, she just let out a snort before stretching out on the towel again and soaking up some sun.

"That was weird, but somehow Leorio earned it" - Killua said as he shrugged - "By the way, what are you guys doing here?"

"Researching the game a bit, but we ended up getting bored after a month" - Kyoko replied calmly as Menchi nodded.

"I see, by the way, have you guys found clues about the numbered cards?" - Killua asked curiously, noticing how a large part of those present, stood watching them silently, as if waiting for the outcome of this conversation.

"We actually ended up getting a few during our adventures, but honestly after collecting them, we got bored" - answered Kyōka while snorting - "If you want we can give them to you as a gift".

"Really!" - Gon exclaimed excitedly. "We have no use for them, and we have no interest in finishing the game either" - Kyōka replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"Then, you won't mind if we kept those cards" - said a man who seemed to be a gang leader.

Kyōka raised an eyebrow when she noticed the guy's perverted look, only to grin wildly.

"I think we'd better get away for a bit" - said Killua as his friends nodded, only for after a few seconds, the men's cry of despair, echoed in the place.


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