Chapter 524 ( Birth - II )

The two [Royal Guards], quickly arrived at their mother's royal room with different expressions.

Shaiapouf was desperate to know about his mother's current state while Neferpitou did not know how to react to this situation.

Yes, she was worried about the queen, it was a basic instinct they had, but at the same time, she was surprised to hear how things had changed so fast.

Slowly, the duo walked to the queen, only to see with terror how she was completely still, with no sign of life.

"Impossible" - Shaiapouf muttered as he gritted his teeth in fury - "My queen!"

Neferpitou frowned as she walked to her mother and tried to check her condition because this made no sense at all. She had been in perfect condition until a few hours ago, that meant that her death couldn't be natural, unless there was an external factor that caused this "illness"

The two [Royal Guards] were concentrating on the queen's condition, not noticing how something was moving under the corpse of the colony leader.

"How did this happen" - Shaiapouf muttered with hatred because he still could not believe what he had seen, his queen, his mother, was dead, and this happened while he was looking for help.

"It doesn't seem to be caused by poison, much less by an external factor" - replied Neferpitou with a frown as she checked her mother's body - "If I had to give a reason, I would say that she used too much vitality, and ended up losing her life, the problem is that this doesn't make sense. Why would the queen use her vitality?"

Shaiapouf was about to say something, when he was surprised to hear something snapping.

Quickly, a strange green hand covered in a viscous yellowish liquid, came out of the queen's abdomen, startling the two [Royal Guards], who quickly went on guard, but before they could attack, their bodies froze.

The silhouette, slowly rose and threw the queen's corpse aside, revealing a green body with black.

The creature was neutrally observing the two [Royal Guards] before opening its mouth - "This is not the reception I expected."

The two [Guards] quickly bowed and lowered their heads because they knew who was in front of them.

This explained a few things for the duo, but it didn't mean Shaiapouf was happy to know the truth.

"Neferpitou, and Shaiapouf, are happy to see his royal majesty!" exclaimed Neferpitou as he continued with his head bowed.

"Shaiapouf is elated to be in your presence, your royal majesty" - replied Shaiapouf while keeping his head bowed.

"If I am correct, there should be three of you" - said the greenish man who had a strange long tail ending in a sting.

"Youpi is guarding the entrance of the colony because there is a strange dangerous creature in the vicinity, my lord" - replied Neferpitou while explaining the situation to the new ruler of the colony.

The Chimera Ant King, quickly understood what was going on. As a member of this race, he acquired a lot of knowledge from his mother, so the information Neferpitou gave him, was clear enough for him to analyze it calmly.

"How dangerous is this creature?" - The King asked as he looked at his subordinates.

"Extremely dangerous, not even the three of us together could harm it" - answered Neferpitou as she gritted her teeth in fear because she could feel the growing hostility of her new sovereign.

The king was silent for a few seconds while he made a decision.

"Ok, I have understood the seriousness of the matter, so I have decided that it is time to move" - said the King as he looked at his hands with a frown because he could feel how his body was not as strong as he thought. It was as if something was missing, something that not even the sacrifice of his mother, could remedy.

"I will give the necessary orders to your subordinates, my lord!" - Neferpitou exclaimed as she silently withdrew, but not before sending a glance at her brother and telling him with her eyes not to do anything stupid.

Shaiapouf remained silent as he watched his younger sister.

"I can sense that you are not happy with my presence" - said the king neutrally as he looked at his subordinate.

"No, I am happy to have you with us, my king, it's just that having us before your glory, cost our queen her life" - Shaiapouf answered honestly.

"I understand, but it was a sacrifice that had to be taken, I'm sure you understand, since you are my guard" - said the king while closing his eyes.

Shaiapouf nodded weakly because this was true. As much as he hated to see his mother die, he knew that this was a necessary sacrifice, as well as that of Peggy and the other commanders who had managed to serve as the final touches to the birth of the colony's new king.

"It's good to see you understand, because it would be a shame to have to kill you" - the king said with hostility as he narrowed his eyes - "At least now I know you know your place, and what or what not to do."

Shaiapouf ducked his head as a deep cold sweat ran down his body.

"Leaving that aside, I want you to start ordering to keep everything that is necessary for us, as well as all the books available" - said the king while frowning - "I also need to find my identity."

"Your identity?" - Shaiapouf asked as he continued to stare at the ground.

"You have names, but my premature birth, caused me to not have this identity" - replied the nameless king as he frowned - "I cannot exist without an identity to mark me."

"The queen had decided what to call you, my lord, it's just that she didn't have the chance to be able to announce it" - Shaiapouf answered as he trembled as he felt the red eyes of his king.

The king gave him a neutral look before telling him to go ahead with his orders.

Shaiapouf quickly retreated silently, leaving the new sovereign alone with the corpse of his mother, which he quickly devoured, only to spit in disgust at the terrible taste.

"I don't understand how she managed to do this without feeling repulsed" - said the king while frowning at the disgusting taste of eating his mother's corpse, although at the same time, he could feel his strength growing drastically thanks to the huge amount of genetic codes and nutrients his mother had consumed - "This is a little better, although still not enough".

The presence of a creature being a threat to his [Royal Guards], was strong proof that he was not the perfect creature his mother had tried to create, which caused a huge amount of hatred in the king, though he quickly calmed down because he knew this would not be a good idea because he wasn't sure how much difference there was between the two.

"Maybe it would be a better idea to just take my guards and leave this place" - the King muttered as he nodded at these thoughts because this was the best plan of action.

With this he would not only get rid of the weak, but he would also be able to buy some time until he was better adjusted to his body, as well as be able to gather more information about the life forms that inhabited this world.

The king slowly walked silently through the colony, but his expression quickly changed to a cold one as he felt something inside him screaming at him to escape.

He frowned because this should not be possible because as King and the creature that should be perfect, he should not show weakness, but the instinct was getting stronger and stronger.

* * * * *

"This is bad" - Colt said in terror as he felt a cold sweat, running down his body. He could feel how death was getting closer and closer, as if a long row of huge teeth, slowly approaching his body, ready to tear him apart without mercy, although this was not a feeling only his because all the other commanders were showing similar expressions.

Neferpitou slowly looked outside the cave that connected the colony to the forest, and shivered when he saw how two individuals were entering after Youpi went to meet the new ruler of the colony.

This shouldn't be strange because it happened from time to time, but when the two soldiers were about to set foot in the cave, they fell to the ground with completely mangled bodies as a familiar and terrifying silhouette, appeared on the spot.

"I found you ~" - Cloud said with a huge grin as his eyes glittered with evil - "And now there will be no one to stop me from killing each of you."

Neferpitou's expression paled when she heard this because she could feel how Cloud had detected her because he was looking straight into her eyes.

"Hello, Neko-chan ~" - Cloud said coldly as he walked towards the entrance the place - "Do you want to come out and play?"

Neferpitou quickly shouted at the top of her lungs to announce to the colony that they were under attack, this she did because this way there would be a small chance that the king would manage to escape while the soldiers served as cannon fodder.



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