Chapter 527 ( Massacre - III )

A deep silence invaded the place while Colt and the others looked at each other terrified because they didn't expect things to change again.

Cloud stood there, silently, thinking about the proposal the Meleoron, only to give him a huge smile - "You've got a deal."

"Thank you!" - Meleoron exclaimed excitedly as he knelt down in front of the blond - "Thank you so much!"

"Well, now that I have the information from him, why would I have to accept his proposal?" - Cloud asked as he narrowed his eyes.

Colt didn't say anything, he just looked at his former partner with hostility, though it wasn't as if he could blame him.

"Whatever, I accept, the more points of view the better" - Cloud said as he closed his eyes - "Besides, I have a thing for you two."

"Us?" - Colt said as he frowned noticing how he was not only targeting him, but also Shidore, his former younger sister.

"Yes, your mother tasked me to find them, she said they were alive somewhere" - Cloud replied calmly as he noticed how Colt's eyes widened in surprise, only to let out a heavy sigh - "What's wrong?"

"I don't think she wants to see us, not in our current state" - Colt replied as he recalled his appearance - "My memories aren't very clear, but I'm sure that before I became this, I was a child."

"That you can ask her yourself, but let me tell you this, if her feelings are strong enough to know that despite everything, you were still alive, then she won't discard you just because of your current appearance" - Cloud replied as he shook his head, only to give them a sharp look at Welfin and Hina.

"They are also part of the deal" - said Colt seriously.

"Well, consider them saved" - Cloud said neutrally as he indicated them to wait for him at the entrance because he had some business to finish.

"Do you think it was a good idea?" - Hina asked as she watched Cloud walk silently into the colony - "Shouldn't we try to stop him?"

"No, this is for the best, and if you want to risk your life, you're free to do so, just don't try to kill us now that we're safe" - said Welfin with hostility as he noticed how the girl's face paled.

"I'm sorry, it's just that my instincts tell me that we should stop it" - replied Hina with embarrassment.

"Like I said, if you want to sacrifice yourself for those idiots, you can do it by yourself, I'm going to follow his instructions because something tells me that if I escape, he will easily find me and kill me" - Welfin muttered fearfully.

Colt said nothing in response, he was still trying to remember the face of that human woman who had raised them during his existence as an infant.

Meleoron looked at this group in silence as he disappeared from the place, although like them, he would not walk away because this was the only chance to avenge his father.

He did not resent the Chimera Ant Queen for devouring his father and turning him into Peggy, one, because it was in his DNA his loyalty to her, and two, because his father was in his last moments of life, so this transformation had given him a new opportunity to continue living together, but this one ended thanks to one of the [Royal Guards].

Just remembering those images, made his fury grow, but there wasn't much more he could do at the moment, other than planning how to make those bastards' lives miserable for what they did.

* * * * *

Thirty minutes later, Cloud had returned in his massacre, grinning with excitement as he watched his shadow devour a new victim.

He had annihilated the entire colony, with the exception of the small group waiting for him at the entrance.

"This seems to be the queen's chamber" - Cloud said as he looked around after reaching an area with a huge rock door.

He quickly opened it and noticed a spacious room filled with what appeared to be yellowish, almost transparent placentas - "But she's nowhere to be found, in fact, I haven't even found the [Royal Guards]"

Cloud slowly took a quick walk around the area, only to come across a small hole in the middle of the place where another placenta lay open and dripping with a viscous liquid.

"This is fresh" - Cloud muttered as he squinted his eyes in confusion and thought that maybe it would be a good idea to save this so that Tabane or some interested party, could find out some things when he returned to his home world - "You could even say it's only a few minutes old since it opened"

Cloud quickly took the strange placenta and put it away in a box before putting it in his inventory, only to continue checking the surroundings until he found a strange stone that stood out from the rest because it was in a mostly flat area.

Slowly, he walked towards this place and investigated it, only to open a secret door when he touched it casually.

His expression quickly changed because he could smell the fresh scent of the outdoors coming from this place, so without a second thought he ran at full speed after his prey, but when he finally reached the end of the tunnel and saw that he was back in the forest, he discovered that there was no trace of his prey.

A growing rage appeared within him, though he quickly made it disappear because now that he had wiped out almost an entire species, he was much calmer.

He quickly clicked his tongue before turning back towards the entrance of the colony because he knew there was nothing he could do, at least for now, or until the Queen, or whatever it was that came out of that placenta, made its first move.

* * * * *

"I think we're safe," Neferpitou said as she looked at her new King and his companions, "We're too far from the colony for him to find us."

"I'm not going to call you a coward anymore" - said Youpi as he wiped the sweat from his forehead - "That thing was fucking terrifying, and I only felt it from a distance."

The Chimera Ant King didn't say anything either, he was looking in the direction where they had escaped with a complicated expression.

Deep inside him, he was happy to have survived, but at the same time he was furious that he felt so inferior. He, the supposed strongest creature in the world, was nothing more than an easily disposable insect by the thing that had invaded his mother's home.

"What do we do now, my lord?" - Shaiapouf asked as he looked at his younger brother, and leader of the group.

"We will go to a human city and blend in among them" - said the Chimera Ant King - "And when the time is right, we will take control of the place."

"That's dangerous, my king" - said Neferpitou while looking at the Chimera Ant King - "Humans possess organizations called hunters that can keep in contact with each other, not to mention that in a human city, we won't be able to move freely."

"She's right, moving among humans is something impossible with our appearances, that's why it's better to go a distant citadel and take full control, by the way we can use humans as if they were cattle animals for you" - Shaiapouf said while ducking his head.

"I don't need to consume such inferior creatures as humans, they have already fulfilled their function of bringing us into the world" - said the Chimera Ant King with disdain - "Now I need to eat much stronger creatures so I can correct the mistakes in my genetic code, as well as fight against strong opponents and control my powers better."

"I understand, sorry for talking too much" - Shaiapouf said as he looked down.

Neferpitou just shook her head before frowning as she felt something approaching in her direction.

"And I think we found our first meal" - said the Chimera Ant King as he watched a huge, wild tiger, leaping at them, perhaps thinking that they were mere humans.

The Chimera Ant King quickly grabbed the beast with his tail and whipped it to the ground, to inject its sting and start draining its blood.

The [Royal Guards] watched this calmly because this level of power was something laughable to them, much more so for someone as strong as their king.

The Chimera Ant King slowly looked down at his hands and noticed how his strength had grown a bit, though this was almost a joke, something that made him grumpy because this was not enough.

"My lord, I think we'd better keep walking because the closer we get to the Colony, the more likely that monster will manage to find us" - Neferpitou said while moving her cat ears to see if she could detect more prey - "Not to mention that while we move forward, we can get the food you".

"Ok, sounds like a plan" - replied the Chimera Ant King as he snorted in disdain and continued on his journey along with his loyal subordinates.

"Neferpitou, when we reach a safe place, I want you to teach everything you know to our king about the Nen" - Shaiapouf said seriously.

"You don't have to say it, I had already thought of that" - said Neferpitou with a frown.



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