Chapter - 556 ( Moon Ritual - IV [ R-18 ] )

After finishing with Saya and Yuriko, Cloud walked to Saeko, Kyoko and Miko's room.

The three women were already ready when the blond entered, so he wasted no time.

Saeko was the first to give up, then it was Kyoko.

Miku held out a little longer thanks to her seductive physiology.

After finishing with them, Cloud walked to Charlotte, Cecilia and Tatenashi.

The three girls couldn't resist the pleasure and fell almost at the same time.

Next, he went to Maya and Chifuyu, who put up more resistance, though ending up the same way.

That left with the last group in that world.

"This is more exhausting than I thought" - muttered Cloud, who was thinking of taking a potion to regain stamina.

"We've been waiting for you" - said Houki as she folded her arms - "How cheeky of you to leave us for the end of the second group."

"Meh, the best is always for last" - Tabane replied as she lifted her breasts.

Cloud raised an eyebrow because the sisters were not naked, but rather they were wearing a rather erotic bunny outfit because they were similar to her clothes during the ceremony, only these were black and you had two long ears to match.

"What do you think, pyon ~?" - Tabane asked proudly.

"It was your idea, wasn't it?" - Cloud asked as he gave the older sister a blank look.

"Hai ~!" - Tabane exclaimed as she turned around and wiggled her butt, which had a furry little ball on it - "Not bad, right? I don't think I could have asked for a better way to lose my virginity, next to Houki-chan and wearing a bunny outfit!"

"I couldn't refuse, the first time is always important" - Houki replied as she shook her head - "That's why I want you to do it with me first, so she can watch and learn, although if I'm honest, I don't know if this will be relevant."

"If I'm honest, I don't know how to react to the idea of watching you destroy my Houki-chan" - Tabane added as she scratched her cheek - "But I guess it's better that I do it now than later explode"

"I think I know what to do" - Cloud said calmly as he walked over to Tabane.

"Huh? What are you doing?" - Tabane asked fearfully as she felt her breathing stop for a few seconds when she saw how the blond stood in front of her and gave her a firm kiss - "!"

Cloud quickly grabbed the woman by the waist and pressed her against his body as he continued to kiss her relentlessly.

Tabane felt a little confused, but slowly let her body take control, and began to savor the kiss.

Houki was watching this, surprised because she didn't expect this drastic change.

"Come, Houki" - Cloud ordered as he noticed how the girl was following his instructions - "I'm going to start with your sister and I want you to help me, after all, this is her wish."

"Ok" - nodded Houki as she removed Tabane's black bikini top and started squeezing her breasts while Cloud kept kissing her.

"Hmph ~!" - the moans were being drowned out by the blond's kiss as Tabane felt her pussy start to get wet, after all, not only was she being kissed by her husband, but the sister she loved so much, was giving her pleasure - "Hmph ~!"

"I think she cummed" - Houki said as she watched her sister start to spasm a little.

"I guess it's a good time to take the next step" - nodded Cloud as he pulled down the woman's panties and positioned his penis at the entrance of Tabane's intimacy.


The woman reacted to this, only to let out a sharp moan of pleasure as she felt her now husband's penis, invade her insides.

There was no sensation of pain because she had ruptured her hymen during her nano machines' experiment to modify her body.



"Ah!" - Tabane let out a high-pitched moan as she cummed again.

"I guess Onee-chan is weak to pleasure," Houki muttered as she started sucking on her older sister's nipples.

"Houki-chan ~! My breasts ~!" - Tabane exclaimed as she was breathing heavily from the enormous pleasure she was feeling.

She was not only feeling her vagina being filled by her husband's penis, but she was fulfilling the dream of being able to have sex together with her younger sister.



Cloud gave her a firm cleavage that made the russet-haired woman stick out her tongue.

"Oh? Onee-chan is doing an [Ahegao]?" - Houki said in surprise because she honestly didn't expect this.

Tabane reacted to these words, but to her misfortune, Cloud wouldn't let her rest - "Ah ~!"



"No ~!" - Tabane exclaimed in a mixture of fear and elation because she was feeling her mind go blank.






Cloud gave her one last thrust as he released his semen inside her.

Tabane let out a high pitched moan as she arched her back.

"Wow, that was some cum," Houki said as she began to masturbate after watching her sister climax the loudest she had ever heard in her life, "Anyway, is it my turn?"

Cloud gave her a blank look before nodding because it was obvious Houki had been waiting for quite a while, and watching him destroy her sister turned her on even more.

* * * * *

After finishing with the two sisters, Cloud continued on his "journey".

Cloud quickly went through Asuna, Ayane, Okina and Kyōka, leaving for last, the girls he had yet to meet more intimately.

"You took longer than I thought" - Ren said as she crossed her legs. She was sitting on a rock in the same outfit she had worn to get married.

"Let's just say I've been a little busy" - Cloud replied sarcastically.

"I know" - Ren replied as she jumped up and stood in front of the blond.

Cloud looked carefully at the silver-haired girl, confused that she wasn't acting normal.

"Strange that I agreed to all of this?" - Ren asked as she folded her arms - "Well, it's a similar situation to Erin's."

"Erin?" - Cloud repeated, though his expression changed when he saw how the white-haired girl was looking at him from behind a nearby tree, which surprised him because he shouldn't have ignored her with how sharp his senses were.

"Back on topic, we agreed because one, one we wanted to be ignored, two, you're strong enough to be our partner, and three, you're possibly the only guy we'll be able to relate to during our journey" - Ren replied while shaking her head - "And even if that wasn't the case, I feel like things would be a lot stranger if we fell in love with someone within the other worlds because we wouldn't be able to see them for long."

"Hmm, I hadn't thought of that" - Cloud muttered as he frowned, though his expression quickly relaxed when he remembered a small detail - "But you can use the summoning method."

"Oh, you're right" - nodded Ren as she tilted her head - "Anyway, never mind that."

"You're quite strange, Ren-san" - muttered Cloud as he grabbed the bridge of his nose.

"That doesn't matter anymore" - Ren repeated as she gave the young blond a blank look at him - "After all, we are already married, and as a wife, my duty is to support you."

Erin nodded from a distance.

"Ok, I understand, although I still think you made too hasty a decision" - Cloud said as he shook his head.

"That may have been the case, but I'm not one of those people who regret their decision, moreover, I like to get the best I can even from my bad decisions" - replied Ren with a small smile on her pale face.

Her cold blue eyes seemed to be gaining emotions with every passing second, a similar situation to Erin, who was also an expressionless girl.

"What am I going to do with you two?" - Cloud asked as he shook his head.

These two were so alike, except in the boob department.

Erin shot him an annoyed look because she sensed he was thinking something rude.

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about random things" - Cloud said as he shook his head - "Anyway, I guess not your decision is firm."

"Exactly" - nodded Ren as she took off the few clothes covering her body.

"Aren't you ashamed for doing this with a man?" - Cloud asked curiously because he couldn't sense any change in Ren.

"Well, I'm not going to deny that I'm curious because my friends in college kept talking about how exciting it was to have sex with their partners" - Ren answered honestly - "Not to mention that part of me couldn't wait after hearing everything the others were enjoying."

"I understand, as you would expect from Ren-san" - nodded Cloud because this was exactly how he thought she would act.

Ren wasn't a very expressive person when it came to feelings, because if she was, Rino's problem wouldn't have escalated so much.


Guys this world is about to end...

Cloud and his companions are going on a new journey to a different new World.

So join him nd is in this journey...


so join me nd read ahead More than 50 chapters on pat platform link is given below....

Current Chapter - 616

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