Chapter 571 [Orcus- V]

A sharp pain invaded every inch of his body, but this was nothing compared to the pain of being turned into a dragon.

Cloud could feel veins begin to bulge in his skin as a strange red electric current surrounded his body.

"Ugh, this is nothing!" - Cloud roared, and though his will was strong, his body was weak.

No matter how much he resisted, his human body was not strong enough to resist the chaotic energy inside him.

"Ugh" - Cloud let out a sharp groan of pain as he felt his entire body begin to crumble internally.

Blood began to drip from his eyes, mouth and ears, his heart began to pound as he began to vomit blood.

"This is worse than I thought" - Cloud muttered as he continued to vomit blood - "Now I don't have the [System] to be able to fix or help me adapt my DNA."

Cloud moved his hand weakly and picked up the strange rock before pressing his lips against it.

Without a second thought, he began to suck out all the liquid he had in an attempt to improve his body, but the clash of the two energies doubled the pain.

Cloud let out a much sharper cry of pain when this happened, because even though the strange elixir was helping him, the contrast of energy was too much for his mortal body.

The minutes passed slowly, as Cloud's screams of pain became more and more frequent.

Cloud could only grit his teeth to try to resist, however, the pain was something inhuman and he could barely endure his screams.

He didn't know how many hours had passed since it all started, when he noticed how the pain disappeared.

Cloud slowly got up with difficulty because his whole body still ached, when he noticed how his clothes seemed to be much tighter.

He frowned as he slowly walked over to a bucket of water and looked at his reflection.

"Interesting," Cloud muttered with a small smile. He had grown a few inches, his blond hair was slightly paler, his blue eyes, were now bright red and his skin appeared to be slightly torn, as if they were scarred.

Cloud frowned as he took off his clothes because they were getting tight.

Without a second thought, he walked to where the rabbit fur was, and used his ability to transmute it into something he could wear, some pants and a jacket, though he still felt uncomfortable because his boxers were tight, but there was nothing he could wear as a replacement, unless he got a more comfortable and delicate material.

Cloud quickly shook his head as he decided to look at his Stats.

* * * * * *

[Cloud Strife]

Race: Human/Monster (Hybrid).

Lvl: 8

[Str: 800] [Vit: 1000] [Def: 500] [Agi: 400] [Magic: 1000] [M. Def: 500]

Skills: [Synergist (Transmutation)] [Steel Stomach] [Accelerate] [Devour] [Accelerated Regeneration 2] [Mana Manipulation]

* * * * * *

Cloud's eyes widened in surprise because he had once again gained one of his innate abilities, though this one felt a little different.

[Devour: Innate Ability of monsters that they use in order to get stronger. Devouring other monsters, or other creatures, causes your Stats to increase depending on the creature consumed].

[Accelerate: Ability gained by eating monster meat, uses mana to double the user's speed. With sufficient mastery, aerial movement is possible]].

[Accelerated Regeneration 2: Increases the user's regeneration speed by 200%. It is possible to regenerate body parts if you use enough mana].

[Mana Manipulation: Innate ability of monsters, allows better mana flow in the body, reduces the amount of energy used in magic attacks, and allows using magic without the need for enchantments or magic circles].

Cloud was surprised to read his new abilities, however he was struck dumb when he saw that his race had changed.

"Monster" - Cloud muttered with amusement because it was the first time in a long time that he would be considered as such - "Anyway, I guess now there was no problem with eating monster meat."

He quickly peeked out and saw how a new prey had appeared, and to his surprise, his stomach started growling - "Well, I guess you came at a good time."

* * * * *

The situation for the group of heroes was getting worse and worse.

With the disappearance of Cloud and Aiko, who was still saddened by the death of her student, the heroes had returned to training all together, regardless of their Skills.

This upset those who were preparing for a safe life as traders, but there wasn't much they could do, but that didn't mean they weren't doing something about it.

During these few days, they had started to isolate Daisuke because it was obvious that he was to blame for their situation.

Daisuke was furious, however, there was nothing he could do.

After he had treacherously attacked Cloud, there was no one who wanted to team up with him, even his subordinates were slowly backing away from him because they didn't want to be left out.

Kouki for his part, was still trying to talk to Kaori, and although she had gone back to how she was before, he could sense how she was much more distant and wouldn't talk to him unless it was necessary.

Shizuku hadn't changed much, she was still in Kouki's group, though after training and missions were over, she was leaving with Kaori.

Kouki didn't know what to do, and even tried to ask Meld for advice, but he was in a similar situation, so he wasn't much help.

"Did I do something wrong?" - Kouki muttered as he looked at his friend.

"I have no idea" - answered Ryutaro while shrugging his shoulders - "Although I have to admit that your words weren't the best, not to mention that you know very well that Kaori isn't or wasn't interested in you."

"Why?" - Kouki asked with a frown - "We're perfect together."

"Because that's not how relationships work, and I think you're being too narcissistic, Kouki" - replied Ryutaro while shaking his head - "Anyway, we'd better go train."

Kouki was silent for a few seconds before nodding.

* * * * *

"How have you guys been?" - Rika asked as she watched as Kaori and Shizuku stood in the graveyard, at what appeared to be a gravestone they had erected for Cloud.

Rika had told them time and time again that he was still alive, however, since there was no way to check, this was the best way she could remember him.

"Good, though things are getting difficult" - Shizuku replied while shaking her head - "No matter how hard we try, everything seems to be getting heavier and heavier."

"Yes, the expectations on us, are very high, more so with Kouki-san being the hero" - Kaori replied with a frown - "I've even heard about the possible marriage between him and Liliana-sama."

"Oh? Interesting" - said Rika while shrugging her shoulders - "Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that the girls and I are going to go shopping for some personal stuff."

"You're inviting us?" - Kaori asked with surprise because she knew the girls were annoyed by all the attention they were getting.

"Sure, it's not their fault that they're in the spotlight, it's the fault of the god [Ehit] who gave them those powers, not to mention that you guys haven't done anything to bother them" - replied Rika as she shrugged - "Come on, I'm sure things will work out if we talk things out."

"Ok" - nodded Shizuku as she took her friend by the hand - "Come on, Kaori, now is a good time for us to be able to relax a little bit, not to mention that it's not good to be alone for so long"

"Ok, you're right" - nodded Kaori as she lifted a small smile - "Thank you."

Rika smiled when she saw this as she shook her head because despite how much she said everything was fine, she was still worried about the blond, after all, they had known each other for years, and even though they didn't have as strong of a relationship as the others, that didn't mean she didn't care about the blond.

* * * * *

"I'm surprised to see how far I've come in such a short time," Cloud said as he watched as in front of him, there was a strange bear impaled.

The furious animal was still alive and glaring hatefully at the blond.

"Relax, it'll be over quickly" - muttered Cloud calmly as he took his gun and put it to his head.

The bear tried to tear off the blond's hand, but before it could do anything else, Cloud pulled the trigger and made its head explode.

Blood and chunks of brain, flew everywhere as Cloud glared coldly at the bear.

"I guess that ends my stay in this place" - Cloud muttered as he began to skin the body of his prey.

The skin he kept in his new storage ring he had created with the minerals he had found along with a small fragment of the rock that had "saved" him.

He also put the meat away and prepared to continue his journey, after all, he still had many floors to go down because that would be much faster than going up, not to mention that he was curious to know what was at the bottom of [Orcus].



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