Chapter 630 [ Great Gruen Volcano - V ]

The group quickly watched as the lava pillars began to take the shape of snake heads as Cloud frowned as he felt that feeling of being watched, still remained despite the appearance of the labyrinth guardian.

"Cloud" - Tio said as she frowned.

"I know, this guardian is not as simple as we thought" - Cloud said as he frowned.

"Roar!" - the roar of the magma beast echoed through the cavern as heads darted at the group of invaders.

Cloud quickly pulled out his assault rifle and with a shot of ice destroyed one of the heads, only to frown as he watched it regenerate after a few seconds.

"This creature has a similar composition to the [Slimes]." - Tio said as she noticed how the snake head seemed to absorb mana from the area to regenerate unlike other creatures such as Hydras that used energy from their bodies in order to regenerate.

"You say it possesses a core?" - Yue asked as she looked at the lava creature.

"It's quite likely, because I didn't feel any kind of energy when Cloud destroyed the head" - Tio answered as she spread her wings and prepared to give air support.

"If so, it's a bit more complicated, because the core may be hidden in the magma" - Cloud muttered as he watched the snakeheads launch themselves at them again.

Without thinking, he fired his assault rifle again and destroyed the 9 heads, only to see them reform again "Tch, I hate this kind of enemies".

"I'm sorry I can't be of any use in this situation" - Shizuku said regretfully.

"Don't worry, your compatibility with this thing is much worse than ours, though when we get out of here I'm going to have to give you intensive training" - said Cloud seriously.

"Ok" - nodded Shizuku as she sighed regretfully because she didn't like to act like a princess in distress when until recently she was one of the strongest heroes.

Cloud again focused his attention on this creature as he shook his head and extended his hand - "Use the distraction to eliminate all the heads at once, Yue.... [Avalanche]"

"Ok" - nodded Yue as she started reciting an incantation.

Although she could do it without the need to recite the spell, if she did, it was much more powerful than normal - "[Pale Flame]!"

As the words left the girl's mouth, a sea of albino flames surrounded the magma.

The lava creatures let out a sharp cry of pain as their heads seemed to explode in a matter of seconds.

Tio observed everything from the air as she surveyed the surroundings, only to notice something strange on the platform with the lava dome - "Cloud, something seems to have appeared near the dome."

Cloud looked in the direction where the woman with the hair was pointing, and noticed how a mark had appeared on the huge platform - "What is that?"

"I don't know, but if I had to bet, I'd say it's the way to pass this test" - Tio answered as she started to think, but her expression quickly changed when she saw how more lava creatures appeared - "It looks like this fight isn't over yet"

Cloud didn't respond, he just watched the strange creatures as he pulled out some sort of tracker from his inventory.

"What's that?" - Shizuku asked in surprise.

"It's a magic trace detector, it's still in the experimental stage, but I think this is a good time to be able to use it" - Cloud answered while activating his device - "Normally it wouldn't be necessary because my senses are more than enough, though now I'm grateful."

Shea watched the situation carefully as she prepared for a possible creature attack, after all, if one had appeared after Yue annihilated the previous guardian, it should be no surprise that a third, or even a fourth creature could appear.

Cloud took a close look at the new creatures before frowning and noticing how they all seemed to be identical - "Does it not work?"

"Maybe you can't use it because of your natural ability to detect mana" - Yue said as she looked at her husband - "Your vision already possesses a natural ability to observe mana directly, that's why your detector maybe creates an interference between the two abilities."

Cloud frowned when he heard this, but he had to admit that it made sense, so he quickly handed the detector to Shizuku, who was only surprised - "Shizuku, I want you to carefully observe those things and direct us during the battle."

"I-I?" - Shizuku asked in surprise because she couldn't believe her ears.

"Yes" - Cloud nodded, then looked at the rabbit girl - "Shea, these enemies aren't compatible with your fighting style, though I'll sort that out when we get out of here, for now I want you to serve as a bodyguard for Shizuku."

"Hai!" - Shea exclaimed firmly as she smiled in the direction of her new companion.

"Ok, let's get started" - Cloud said as he watched as from the lava, more lava creatures began to appear. His expression quickly changed to one full of seriousness as Yue frowned.

Tio quickly released a powerful elemental breath that incinerated the heads of the snakes, only to notice how on the central platform, more marks were appearing, and these seemed to increase as they killed the guardians - "Cloud, I think I know what we need to do."

Cloud raised an eyebrow as he fired at a head that was approaching his position, only for it to regenerate after a few seconds - "Please speak"

"What we have to do is simple, we have to kill enough guards to disable the protection of the central platform" - Tio replied as she pointed towards the marks that had appeared.

Cloud frowned when he heard this because according to some quick calculations, and taking into account the size of the markings and the platforms, they would have to eliminate at least 100 of those strange creatures - "How many times can you use your draconic breath?"

"It mostly depends on the power and range of destruction I wish to use, but if I had to repeat the previous one, I would say 6 more times before I have enough mana to be able to stay conscious" - Tio answered with a frown because that attack was one of the most powerful attacks of her race, and even if in this place she couldn't show its full power, it was obvious how useful it could become just by seeing how she had managed to eliminate 9 of those lava creatures.

"Change of tactic, reduce power and wait for Shizuku to tell you which head to attack" - said Cloud as he started to concentrate mana in his legs - "Those things will possibly focus their attention on me, take advantage of that opportunity so you can attack and destroy them."

"Ok" - nodded Tio as she prepared for the right moment.

"Yue, you know what to do" - said Cloud as he took a mighty leap towards one of the pillars and used mana to be able to create a platform to land on.

"Ok" - nodded Yue as she started reciting an incantation.

"We're counting on you, Shizuku-san" - said Shea as she looked at the black-haired girl with red eyes.

"No pressure" - muttered Shizuku as she took a long breath and started to build up some mana over her eyes and notice how her vision changed slightly. She could see a strange sort of red stream floating above the lava, as well as a strange blue concentration appeared around Yue - "I'm seeing the mana flow? Impressive!"

"Shizuku, not to bother you, but we need you to concentrate, look at those things and see if you find anything different about any of them" - Shea said as she caught the girl's attention.

Shizuku let out a small cry of embarrassment as she followed the rabbit girl's instructions and took a look at the snake heads that had started attacking Cloud.

"Well?" - Shea asked with concern that this plan could fail.

"I see something, some kind of sphere of a deep red color" - said Shizuku seriously.

"Perfect!" - Shea exclaimed while smiling happily, such it seemed that luck was on her side, although now he wondered why the strange detector was able to discover the guardian's core, but Cloud's natural vision was not.

As for this unknown, it was simple enough to answer. Cloud had used a fragment of the sacred stone in order to create the detector's lens, which was one of the materials most susceptible to mana, as it constantly absorbed it. By using it as the main material, Cloud had created a detector (in testing) of energy that could be considered the wet dream of many mages.

"Tio, the head near the center right, the third one!" - Shea exclaimed as Tio nodded and released a new draconic breath.

The lava creature quickly exploded and the other heads dissolved into the lava as a new mark appeared on the platform.

Shea let out a celebratory cry, but this was short lived because from the lava, many more snake heads began to appear - "Oh, shit!"



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