Chapter 637 ( Mother and Daughter Reunion )

"As you can see, this place is normal, well, if you don't count that we are a city in the middle of the sea" - Albus said as he shrugged his shoulders. He had decided to work as a guard and guide for this diverse group until meeting Myu's mother, after that he would go and talk to the elders about the arrival of a [Dragon Man] and a possible [Dragon].

"Quite a nice and clean place, I wish human cities were the same" - said Shizuku while shaking her head.

"But of course, we live in the middle of the sea, that's why we don't have to pollute our home" - Albus replied with disdain, though he quickly calmed down - "I'm sorry, I just find it offensive that you compare us to humans"

"No, I see your point, I was the one who didn't think before speaking" - replied Shizuku as she shook her head.

"For a human, you're not that bad" - said Albus with slight appreciation - "You're very different from the humans I've spoken to during my lifetime"

"Question, are there many injured during the fishings?" - Kaori asked with curiosity and concern.

"There are always going to be accidents, no matter how safe an activity is" - Albus replied as he shook his head - "And the injured we move them to the city hospital, though you don't have to worry, we don't get hurt as much as you think despite the countless dangers of the sea."

"If you want I can help them, I am an expert in the art of healing" - Kaori said honestly.

Albus gave the girl a glance before he thought about her proposal - "I can talk to the person in charge of the place, although I can't promise anything, let's just say that we're not too sure about accepting human help here, although if I'm honest, you're not too bad yourself."

"Thank you" - smiled Kaori as she watched Myu run off with a pretty aqua green flower - "Thank you."

"You're welcome" - smiled Myu as she went back to Cloud and started telling him about the places they passed by.

The inhabitants of Erisen were surprised at the appearance of a group of humans, though after seeing how Myu had returned and was happily talking to one of them, they relaxed a little.

"Though the biggest reason why I trust you slightly, is because of Myu-chan, she has always been someone who has good instincts to trust people, and seeing her so happy by your side is more than enough proof that you are not bad humans" - Albus replied while frowning - "Though that doesn't mean I'm going to let my guard down, you may be good humans, but that doesn't mean there aren't bad humans who can take advantage of you to get to us."

"Well, he has a point" - nodded Tio as she started to think - "Though you don't have to worry, we aren't related to any humans outside of about 4 people"

"Oh, that's good to hear" - nodded Albus as the group arrived at a well-maintained dwelling.

"By the way, I recommend that you please don't say anything out of place" - said Saluz, the young Dagon who was in Albus' squad - "Remia-san suffered a burn on her legs because of a human's magic while trying to save Myu-chan."

"That's cruel" - Kaori said with tears in her eyes - "Poor woman, she not only couldn't save her baby, but she had to suffer the pain of knowing that when she could have made it, those imbeciles stopped her."

So close, yet so far away" - said Shizuku while gritting her teeth.

"They don't have to worry, Cloud already took care of them and they won't cause any more damage" - Yue replied neutrally.

"That's good to hear" - sighed Albus as he watched Myu smiled as she took her "father's" hand - "By the way, why does Myu-chan call that blonde boy father?"

"We don't understand it either, it was something she said herself and continued throughout our short journey" - Shea replied as she tilted her head - "Though if I'm honest, I can more or less understand it. Cloud has been the person who has served as the biggest pillar for Myu-chan during these days, not to mention that despite his cold attitude, he is affectionate towards our little girl."

"True, Cloud has shown a good attitude as a father" - Kaori added as she cupped her blushing cheeks.

"Pervert" - Yue said as she gave a look full of disdain to the black-haired girl, after all, she had not yet shared a room with Cloud, although if she was honest, she was starting to sense a huge danger coming from Tio, who for the moment was staying out of the way, although she could feel how the dragon woman was starting to get more involved in the situation.

"Back to the topic of Myu-chan's mother, you don't have to worry, as I said, I'm an expert in the area of healing, and Cloud has a potion that can heal anything," Kaori replied with a small smile.

"Really?" - Albus said with surprise - "Then we won't have anything to worry about."

The group reached the door of the dwelling, when they heard the sound of a woman struggling to get out.

"It seems that the news of Myu-chan's return has already reached Remia-san's ears," said Albus as he said goodbye to those present because he still had some things to do.

Cloud took Myu and sat her on his shoulders before jumping back, only to see the door burst open, revealing a beautiful woman with aqua green hair. She had flippers instead of ears, beautiful sapphire blue eyes, and was wearing a cream-coloured one-piece dress with straps over her shoulders.

The woman was about to continue shouting, when she saw the little girl on the shoulder of the unknown pale blonde-haired man - "Myu?"

"Mom!" - Myu exclaimed as she asked Cloud to put her down.

The blond quickly followed the little girl's instructions, who quickly ran out to her mother to hug her - "Mommy!"

"Myu!" - exclaimed the woman quera an adult version of the little girl as she hugged her with all her might and began to apologise - "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't save you!"

"Mom!" - Myu cried out again as she began to cry from the happiness of being reunited with her mother.

Cloud smiled when he saw this, though his expression changed when he noticed the bandages on the poor woman's legs, as well as the expression of pain she was enduring.

"Cloud," Kaori muttered as she called out to the blond.

Cloud approached the black-haired girl and listened to what had happened, and in the process, understanding the woman's condition. A deep respect for the woman welled up inside him as he felt his mother's image superimposed on the silhouette of the beautiful green-haired woman.

He had again been amazed by the deep love the mother had for her daughter, to the point of going to great lengths to try to rescue her daughter.

"Good thing they're dead, or I'd go back to Fuhren just to kill them as slowly and painfully as possible," Cloud said neutrally as his reptilian eyes glowed with mischief.

The woman continued to release her emotions as she hugged her daughter for a few more minutes.

It took 30 minutes for her to calm down, and it was at that very moment that Myu noticed the bandages on her mother's legs.

"Mummy!" - Myu exclaimed with tears in her eyes - "Your legs..."

"I'm fine, baby" - murmured Remia as she hugged her daughter again - "My legs don't matter, the only thing that matters to me is that you're on your way home."

"No! You're hurt, mum!" - Myu exclaimed as she wiped the tears from her eyes and let go of her mother's embrace, then walked over to Cloud - "Daddy, please heal mommy!"

"D-Dad?" - Remia murmured in surprise as she looked at her daughter and then at the handsome, but cold blonde boy.

"Sure" - nodded Cloud as he gave a small, warm smile to his "daughter", then looked at Remia with a serene gaze.

Remia felt her heart skip a beat at the purity in the boy's gaze, as well as the enormous respect she seemed to have earned - "Etto, hello?"

"Hello, my name is Cloud Strife, and I've been the one taking care of your daughter" - Cloud said respectfully.

"Etto, thank you" - Remia murmured with embarrassment because she wasn't used to being treated with such respect - "Ahem, I mean, thank you for saving, protecting, and bringing my little girl home"

"It's the least we could do after finding her" - Cloud replied as he walked over to the woman and looked at her legs.

Remia blushed because it was honestly a little uncomfortable to have someone looking at her legs so closely, though she quickly calmed down because she could tell that the young blond's gaze remained calm, without a hint of lust.

"Burn wound, possibly from a level 3 or 4 fire magic" - Cloud said as he frowned before holding out his hand - "Nothing that a healing magic can't fix.... [Heal Plus]"



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